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  1. Yeah I already replied to a similar thread, its warzones. There's a wz placed right next to dustman's cairn which causes the ctd. Disable warzones mod entirely ie don't load it; save, load, strip naked, coc dustmanscairn01. Should work. Just remember when you come out again there will be mobs on the exit. Hehe.
  2. Just had this issue today. After pruning out all the mods I knew were iffy and still not getting anywhere I fixed it by removing WARZONES (there is a WZ around dustmanscairn which is insanely active and seems the likely cause of the issue),loading up my save, making a new save, loading the new save then unequipping everything so I was naked then coc dustmanscairn01. Worked. No CTD. I should add that I am using skyre so I had to re-run the reproccer then sort the load order manually to ensure the reproccer and its child esps were last in the list. HTH anyone else who has the issue. If not feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help.
  3. Hi there. I am familiar with AI packages and markers for patrol behaviours etc. I was just wondering how I can make an NPC be in a specific place and no other when the cell loads? I have a room with a table CommonChair01R which I want the only NPC in the cell to be sat in one entry. I do want him to move. I do not want him to spawn in the cell and move to the table and sit. I want him to be sat when the player hits the Xmarker. Could some kind soul please give me some suggestions as to how to accomplish this? Cheers! :smile:
  4. If you are looking for something to make the game more, err, of a game I can recommend a mod I recently tried and found very challenging: Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul by Xarrian. It does what those other two mods do, in that it rebalances and removes a lot of the levelled lists in game but it goes way beyond that. :thumbsup: You'll need to avoid most stuff up to level 5 or so and stay faaaaar away from draugr unless you're packing some fire magic. I use it with various graphic overhauls (immersive armors, skyrim monster mod, skyUI etc).
  5. Hey, I'm desperately trying to get my head round modding. I'm all about self educating, but this is painfully slow. At the moment my only real outlet to learn is bouncing random questions off the forums here, which is very slow and often produces no reply at all. Not complaining but if someone who understands the creation kit and papyrus has a chat channel, google chat, aim, skype account etc they'd be willing to let me communicate with them on for 'quick' questions that'd be ace. There's loads of different kinds of learners, I know, and some people can just soak up information by reading or watching videos, which is fine. But. I find a lot of it too slow/basic, or too abstracted from what I already understand to get going. What have I done? I've worked through all the tutorials on the creation kit website. So I understand all the stuff they cover. What do I need? Well here's what I don't need: hand holding. I'm not looking for someone to do my stuff for me. Just need access to a person(s) who can say yay or nay to my questions or stipulations. I have limited time to try and learn this stuff and I can't spend 2 hrs googling some minor thing I don't understand and hope to get anywhere. :confused: What I tend to do is go read something, play with it a bit, hit a wall, then I need to state 'this does this, so this means that etc' and have someone say 'no, thats this, you're confusing this with that' kind of stuff. Repeat: not looking for hand holding or someone to debug my 6000 word scripts/questions. Mm kay! Quick, easy tips/advice is all I want. I'm Uk GMT+0 and I prefer IRC, google talk, AIM or Skype IM. :thumbsup: Hit me up here with a PM re: IM or link your public modding community/chat in this thread for others. :biggrin:
  6. Ok so I want to place a dead NPC, only I want him to be headless. I've googled this and all I found was this reference on the creation kit wiki: http://www.creationkit.com/Biped_Object But I don't understand how to make a headless corpse from that info? Do I have to create a armour set and give it #50 for a head area? Or is it simpler than this to make headless bodies?
  7. I'm happily creating my first NPC using the Skyrim Creation Kit and following the various tutorials. So far, so good. I have an NPC, I have his quest topic branches, all associated dialogue and I have added a custom voice type with all the idle and incidental dialogue recorded too. Works fine. But .. what about environmental settings? Like if there's an echo inside a temple or something. Is that added automatically by the game or do I need to record those as conditional audio? edit: Also it seems that the Beth audio files have been extensively filtered and cleaned/normalised, are there any recommended settings to get 'close as possible' to them in third party apps like Audacity?
  8. congratulations indeed. a fantastic achievement given the sheer volume of traffic you manage!
  9. The Good: Amazing art Good sound A few new things The Bad: Shallow and infantile characters, plot lines and quests Poor writing (compounded by using the same 5 voice actors for everything). Seriously if you are not 15 years old the content is really childish and frankly boring. Awful animations Very shallow and un-challenging generally. Lack of consequence or change in the environment as the story unfolds. Personified by the clueless NPC's. Bethesda created a world and populated it, but never provided the glue to make it believable or interesting. Shame! 'Little' things that ruin immersion completely: follower AI, lack of faction checking, lack of divergence in quests, rampant play style homogenisation and imbalances for the ADHD crowd. The main things I can overlook, as I did with FO:NV as long as the story is fun, believable and immersive and has actual divergence based on player actions/choices. The way NV used factions was far superior to the 'any old iron go fetch 5 mammoth tusks' crap in Skyrim. When designing and writing any kind of game story/quest I got three rules: 1. Allow for violent/non violent quest solving (playstyles matter!) 2. Stealth, brute force, environmental interaction solutions (thinking required) 3. Divergent storyline. Decisions effect outcomes. Outcomes matter to the world. Skyrim doesn't bother with any of that. Instead they kind of presume you are just here to hack n slash for an hour or so before you get bored and go do your homework. Its a game aimed squarely at short attention span males aged 13-20 with an xbox360. Which is sad. But hey .. FO: NV is still a masterpiece and easily the best Bethesda-published gamebyro game.
  10. if you like, I prefer to use the Nexus Mod Manager and get my stuff that way. It just makes it easier to manage mods and keep stuff up to date. :thumbsup:
  11. I can't get this to work, but was just wondering is it because you can only use draugr for this script/animation? using other actor types presumably does not indeed work? edit: yeah it works fine with LvlDraugrAmbush* actors but not with others. shame. :confused:
  12. That doesn't make sense to me ginnyfizz, if I want to play Skyrim with my friend, I should go play WOW? I don't see how mmo's have anything to do with co-op play in Skyrim. Honestly its a very different proposition! :wub:
  13. Well to be clear here, co-op in Skyrim is nothing like an mmo and especially nothing like TES Online which is just another WOW clone. I have no interest in mmos .. I don't play WOW etc. But having a buddy co-op with me in Skyrim would be awesome and honestly, I can't see how it would effect modding? What do you forsee there? My ideal scenario is just being able to connect to a buddies game and co-op with him. Just the two of us. I would not expect more than that, or really want it. :thumbsup:
  14. Often mooted, but really never understood why this can't be done. Surprised this wasn't a feature of Skyrim as it makes perfect sense from a xbox live perspective and steam etc. It would be amazing to 'share' your journey with a friend or friend/s. Would you like to see this as an option in future TES games?
  15. Just bought Dawnguard and had a play through and yeah its derivative, infantile and shallow. The content is more of the same tedious go here find this, go here kill that stuff. There's no real logic or depth to any of the characters etc etc etc. So basically its Bethesda material. I really wasn't expecting much more than that. I think I'm probably one of the many who bought the DLC purely for the new scripts and content to mod with. Because honestly, when it comes to creating compelling non-linear content with believable characters, the last place I expect to find that is Bethesda. :thumbsup:
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