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Posts posted by Zahnrad

  1. I'm not the biggest fan of areas in Skyrim that just sort of exist as caved in ruins with no grander purpose despite implying there is a larger area hidden away and coming across the Moldering Ruins has reminded me of that again. As it's a very tiny Nordic ruin guarded by a few vampires.


    I tried looking for any but couldn't find any mods for the Moldering Ruins by name.

  2. Just something I was wondering recently.


    If you've ever played Fable 3 you may be familiar with what I'm describing. Letting you pick two different spells and combining them together for a different and/or stronger effect.


    e.g. combining Cyclone and Fire Breath could produce a fire tornado

    Cyclone and Fus Ro Dah making the cycle stronger/wider

    Fus Ro Dah and Fire Breath launching them backwards and setting them on fire

  3. Hi, currently looking for a patch between these two mods. Unfortunately when used together and following the mods own advice of loading Guards Armor Replacer late into the load order, I consistantly can an issue where the Skyrim guards will use the Improved Closefaced Helmets model instead of the Guards Armor Replacer version.


    Please note: Guards Armor Replacer has a Light and Heavy version of the guard armor sets, one of these is a newly added item and works fine, the other is the same vanilla item but changed by the mods, and this is the one that ends up using the incorrect model, when I'd want to use the Guards Armor Replacer helmets instead.

  4. The only CC item I think its worth its value is Arcane Accessories, though I'm biased because I love spell mods.


    Anyway, I was wondering if I could get a minor patch for it? Specifically, so that the Pride of Hirstaang's health regen duration is tied to its summon duration?

    If you're unfamiliar, it summons a spectral Bear to fight for you, and while it's active, the players health regen is increased. However, when using mods, like Ordinator that increase the duration of summons, it will only effect the summoned creatures duration, not the health regen which will only last as long as it's default value (60 seconds I believe)

  5. Since there are so many mods with Conjuration summons, it can be a bit tricky if you're wanting a longer lasting or thrall variant.

    So, out of curiosity. Is it possible to make a spell (presumably Target based) to extend the duration/lifespan of a currently active summon?

    It doesn't have to be Target based, I just figured it'd be the easiest method for it to work. But I've no expertise in this to really say with confidence.

  6. One of my favourite game series has easily been the Fable franchise, unfortunately there's not many Fable mods on PC, most of them are only on the Xbox version of the game, most notably the Fable Soundtrack


    Here's a video that shows many Fable mods that are on Xbox but not PC

    With the acquisition of Bethesda under Microsoft, will this allow PC/Nexus more ease to have the Fable music (or other mods) ported onto PC?

  7. According to lore, the Draugr are caretakers of the ruins they guard, explaining things such as lit torches underground.

    Yet for caretakers most of the ruins seem to be completely derelict, as if the Draugr have been slacking off.


    I'd be interested in seeing as a proof of concept if some Nordic Tombs can be recreated to look like there's actually been an attempt at preserving them.

  8. Not sure how you'd handle it in Legacy as it might be seen as a grind for the sake of grind but in the mod Sjel Blad castle it had a room where it'd detect what specific creatures you've killed in a playthrough, and would represent it by adding more dragon priest masks as you reach kill milestones. It also allowed you to get summons for the unique named dragons of Skyrim. but that's besides the point.

    Had all sorts, such as the 9 playable races, to livestock to many of the different enemies in Skyrim.

  9. I'm not affiliated with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Team and I do not have any kind of connection to them.


    I made this thread because I am passionate about the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod/project and want to have somewhere to discuss or brainstorm patches I'd love to see implement more display features and collectables for the Museum and to my knowledge thread or space, that doesn't exist yet.

    In creating this thread I am hoping to develop either a small community or have a space for others like myself to bring up mods they'd like to see integrated into Legacy's patches as third party content for it.

    I aim this thread to be used to gauge how much people want certain mods to be given said patches.

    My overall goal is to hopefully catch the attention of someone who might like the sound of making patches for mods mentioned here.


    I personally have no experience in creating mods and as such asking for me personally to make X patch won't get anywhere.

    I again feel the need to stress that I am not representative of anyone on the Legacy team. This is just made as I love the mod this much.


    Starting off vague, mods that add more to Leveled Lists as opposed to one-of-a-kind items are my favourites. The kind that add more variety to weapon/armor material types such as more iron, steel and etc weapons.


    One area of Legacy of the Dragonborn I feel the mod is lacking is non-magic ranged weaponry. This is mostly Skyrim's fault for only including one type of non-magic ranged weapon, and that is the bow and its different material types. With only types of crossbows that might not see much usage depending on the players.

    To fix that, one display patch mod I'd love to see would be Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.



    As the name suggests, this mod is all about Crossbows, adding many different types of Crossbows, unique crossbows such as a one-of-a-kind for the Dark Brotherhood, to faction specific like Companions and Thieves Guild, to various material types such as Iron, Steel and so on for the Leveled Lists.


    Another similar mod is One Handed Crossbows however that has never been ported to the SSE version of Skyrim.


    While trivial, one slight dissapointment I've had with Legacy is the inability to display Arrows. I'm unsure how the whole display system works, but my suggestion would be making a replica or something similar at a station.

    It requires the amount of arrows (or bolts) you see in a quiver (or satchel), plus one extra that will be displayed outside the quiver. and is displayed as a singular entity.

  10. Hello, I am sorry. Do you comprehend the English language?





    Let's break it down.....idea for a killer modification that hasn't been made yet? Note the "killer modification" and "hasn't been made yet". I would assume the killer modification portion would mean to the gaming community as a whole. That kind of being solidified with the hasn't been made part, depending on perception of course.

    I have to disagree as what you're asking is beyond the scope of any simple mod someone would have time for. To restrict all mods to "The Next Vigilant or your mod idea is invalid" is an incredibly high standard that nobody will ever do.

    "I would assume".........Yeah I am not seeing the first hint of what you are talking about with........ "what you're asking is beyond the scope of any simple mod someone would have time for"........"I" am not asking for anything!!!!




    I have read from people loosing pets to loved ones request for mod authors to make them mods and obviously with some great supporting grounds for asking, for such a personal request, and always offering compensation. Hell my heart went out to these people requesting to have a follower mod that looked like their husband or a companion mod for a cat they lost. Who was given to them by their best friend who past before the cat. If I had the time and know how to do personal request mods those would be the ones I do them for and wouldn't care about the compensation.


    Please don't disrespect the dead like this. It's very distasteful and unfair to bring them up in this manner.



    Sorry but this one really pushed my button as I have already buried most my immediate family and loved ones! I ABSOLUTELY do not see where sympathizing with the living of lost loved ones is in anyway, shape, or form of "disrespecting the dead"!!!! You should try reading a post multiple times to make sure you do have a clear perception of what the person is trying to relate before responding back from another planet of relation :smile:.


    Allow me to clarify. I was trying to state that it's disrespectful to use people in vain. Similarly how it's considered disrespectful to use the lords name in vain if you're religious. If you're using dead people as an excuse then I find that highly insensitive. Please don't make the comparison of saying what to me felt like "Well this place does make mods because dead people had mods made for them."

    I understand that wasn't your intent which is why I've tried to be kind to you instead of scolding you for it. I'm also not going to debate whether or not you have had to bury loved ones. If that truly is the case then I'm incredibly sorry to hear that but I do take issue with the way your post made the implication that no one else on this forum has suffered loss like you have. Death of loved ones is not a competition. No one deserves to be a statistic.


    Unrelated to the above point, but this thread keeps escalating. As much as I want to debate other posts on here I don't feel this enviroment is not harboring the amount of good will needed. I'm going to leave it here so "shitposts" like Ethreon has called them won't get the satisfaction of my continued ramblings.



    Trying to spin the narrative around to sound like the victim when you were the one in the wrong. Good stuff innit

    Great contribution to this thread.


    It's the truth. OP posted something really crappy, now they're crying victim. This thread has probably run its course and maybe a mod can close it.



    Meanwhile you refuse to maintain proper converse and are now trying to Cancel this thread because you don't like it. Most of what you've said has been highly subjective. Your first post to this thread was an attack at OP's character and post instead of reading what he said.

    Please inform me of how "Is this shitposting?" was not meant to be provocative.

  12. Trying to spin the narrative around to sound like the victim when you were the one in the wrong. Good stuff innit

    Great contribution to this thread.





    Let's break it down.....idea for a killer modification that hasn't been made yet? Note the "killer modification" and "hasn't been made yet". I would assume the killer modification portion would mean to the gaming community as a whole. That kind of being solidified with the hasn't been made part, depending on perception of course.

    I have to disagree as what you're asking is beyond the scope of any simple mod someone would have time for. To restrict all mods to "The Next Vigilant or your mod idea is invalid" is an incredibly high standard that nobody will ever do.




    I have read from people loosing pets to loved ones request for mod authors to make them mods and obviously with some great supporting grounds for asking, for such a personal request, and always offering compensation. Hell my heart went out to these people requesting to have a follower mod that looked like their husband or a companion mod for a cat they lost. Who was given to them by their best friend who past before the cat. If I had the time and know how to do personal request mods those would be the ones I do them for and wouldn't care about the compensation.


    Please don't disrespect the dead like this. It's very distasteful and unfair to bring them up in this manner.

  13. Why is everyone on this forum sub-section so toxic?


    The place is called mod requests yet the answer is always the same "Learn how to mod or ur lazy!"

    If people wanted to learn how to mod they would instead of asking for mods.

    If the answer to mod requests is "do it yourself" then this forum becomes completely redundant and would be removed if it was anywhere else. I'm not saying that should be the case, but in most other circumstances when a forum becomes unfunctioning due to a community having no interest in it, they are typically removed. It seems to only exist like it was mandatory to have it.


    And that's such a shame. I want this place to succeed and thrive, but many others don't seem to understand that mod requests, means requesting mods, not telling people to mod for themselves.

    Is it, not in itself lazy to tell someone to stop being lazy because you don't want to do a mod for them? I'm not saying you should perform the task of completing all mod requests made but if you're only coming here to complain about others, are you really using this place appropriately?

  14. I've often thought of what characters from outside The Elder Scrolls could be recreated in TES and one of my favourite characters is one called Niko from a little game called OneShot.

    While never fully elaborated on beyond "Not a cat." he shares many cat-like features. In a perfect world I'd ask for a ported model, but as I doubt that's feasible and maybe not even possible I wonder if he can be recreated as a Khajiit. Of course I don't think Skyrim's character creation, even with mods would be able to do it justice but I'm still interested to see how far it could push it.

  15. I play with multiple followers, normally a minimum of 3 (Lucien, Inigo and Auri) and as such we're more of a small party or group together. However I've never liked having to manually use follows as my spare storage space.

    Instead I was wondering if it was possible to, either as a flat number (say +50 per follower) or adding the leftover carrying capacity Followers aren't using to bolster the players own carry weight. Think of it as we're all carrying the burden, but that burden is placed in one inventory, rather than multiple.

  16. I don't play Fallout much I haven't played Fallout since Fallout 3 over a decade ago, but one thing I've seen that I have interest in is something called the "Mysterious Stranger" perk, a perk that on rare occasion spawns an ally that would appear very briefly to deal damage to an enemy then disappear.

    Unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have Fallout's V.A.T.S system, but I wondered if it'd be possible to have a random NPC spawn in, take control of the players camera for a cinematic shot (similar to a player firing any ranged attack that plays a cinematic camera view of that projectile) to hit an enemy, and immedietly have the camera given back to the player after the shot lands, and despawn the NPC.


    I'll take anything, but if I had to ask for specifications, I wouldn't mind being able to choose what type of projectile this stranger would fire, e.g. magic, crossbow, or regular bow.

  17. One thing that has always bothered me in Skyrim is the Beggars and others in extreme poverty seen across the cities. I've always wished I could help them more besides a single septim. On occasion I've kept spamming them gold coins.


    I want to help invest in them, and turn them from being homeless beggars into at least lower or middle class civilians with some proper clothes and shelter.

    Given Skyrim has limited housing and building them houses would probably conflict with something, my idea is to help invest in them so that they can use the local taverns or inns as refuge at night, and to purchase them proper clothes for the everyday.

    Help them become self-sustaining, and instead of begging everyday they could be seen walking amongst the town and chatting. (if the dialogue for it exists)

    If there is going to be changes to the towns and cities themselves, sleeping rugs could instead have a market stand placed on top of them to show them having a simple job in trading. Beggars always have connections with the Thieves Guild, likely still in contact and for helping renew their life, I'm sure they'd be happy to barter stolen goods too.


    To make this feel more immersive, it's probably a good idea to remove the dialogue option to give them septims.

    This could conflict with players being unable to get the Gift of Charity effect, so to combat this.

    If all eligable NPCs have been "restored" the Gift of Charity becomes a permanent perk instead of a temporary bonus.


    Can't help but notice the only way for a post in these forums to get noticed is if they are controversial. I really wish that wasn't the case and people would use these forums more seriously.


    The oldrim forums for requests had this sticky which is still very valid




    Thank you, this is genuinely the best responce I've been given in regards to why these forums appear so dead.

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