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Everything posted by SnakeSlippers

  1. What's all this material swap stuff about for FO4? Is there a way to switch an item to just have Mesh/texture so I can easily replace the texture? I want to add a bottle from Nuka Cola Classic to every Nuka cola mix flavor from the DLC. Then retexture them to be Coca Cola brand drinks later on.
  2. I too had problems with Def_ui back in the day. But I just reinstalled it lately and had no problems. I'm using the Hud and Inv. I made my own custom preset and everything works. I used to use other Hud mods but they stopped working. Using Def_Ui you can indeed change the size, position or downright hide the XP notifications. I did it with the preset I made.
  3. I'm alright with FO4Edit, I can merge and add and do this and that. But I have 2 mods that both edit the Locksmith perks and I'm lost looking it. If anyone can teach me real quick how to merge the 2 it would be helpful. Lockpicking Maniacs Locky Bastard I know what each mod does, but under FO4Edit I have no idea what anything is under that perk section.
  4. What's the best way to compare 2 of the same textures from different packs? Or how do you compare them? Or is opening both textures in GIMP the only way? Sometimes I open the mesh in Nifskope and apply the textures to it but that takes forever and looks different while in game.
  5. How can I give myself some of those perks automatically when I start the game? Anyone know how to do so using GECK or FO4Edit? Preferably GECK. (EX) I want to start out already having the cannibalism perk. Anyone can eat anyone at anytime, making it a perk doesn't really make sense I guess.
  6. Does anyone know the best way to mash both of these mods together and get the LOD's working right? I have: Fallout 4 Seasons - Winter Commonwealth Conifers - Seasons (Winter version) I extracted the files from both mods. Removed stuff I dont want snow on from FO4 Seasons. Repacked it. Removed everything but trees from CCS. Repacked it. Everything works right except the blocky blurry buildings LOD in the background. Do I keep the LOD files from both mods? Just one mod? I never touched LODs before so any help would be nice.
  7. Well dam. I just came here to post a link to your mod then realized your the mod author lol Thanks for the mod tho.
  8. I really hate people like the one up there...."No". Did you even try? Take one of those mods that add Winter to the game and adds to the DLC's. Extract the files, remove everything but the DLC folders. Repack files. Bam.......Christmas in Far Harbor. I removed the DLC's from my winter mod but I think FO4 Seasons Winter adds it to the DLC's.
  9. Google CVC's Dead Wasteland you'll find a link for it. It's not from nexus tho. I also have USO To be fair, making this post did trigger my curiosity and I am pleased to say last night that I managed to find & install CVC's Dead wasteland from a Reddit post. I can forward the topic link in here if anybody is interested? :thumbsup: -Edge Yea its a easy find, I don't know if your allowed to post it here? I don't care but then again it's not my rules. I kinda wish they added graves that weren't broken to that mod, so I could remove another mod I have that adds them.
  10. I'm going for what the title says. Anyone have any more mod ideas I can jam into my game that I might of missed? So far this is what I'm working with. After testing everything a bunch of times. *HUD* IHud Def_UI *Lighting/Weather* N.A.C *Landscape* FO4 Seasons - Winter (Extracted textures and put into data folder) Tree mod (Can't remember name at the moment. Removed all files except the trees) Realistic Roads - Black Ashpalt Frozen Lakes and Rivers *Combat Related* Better Locational Damage - Explosives - Power armor Modern Firearms Agony *NPC's/Creatures* D.E.C.A.Y Unique NPC's Creatures Raider Overhaul Super Mutant Overhaul SKK Combat Stalkers Sleepless Nights Fallout Gas masks Nuclear Winter - Just using the FXs with Frozen ghouls Every little QOL mod I can think of merged into one (Jump higher, faster terminal, longer power lines, etc.) Rextured all food items to real life ones Will be replacing everything in game with real life versions Pip Pad Flashlight mod Replaced some sounds with horror sounds Replaced weapon sounds with realistic ones Mainly added every sound mod that sounded good Power Armor FX Sleep on sofas No food/drink healing No sleep healing Give back bottles Ghoul sounds mixed together I'm looking for those hard to find/not popular/gem of a mod type mods
  11. I have Sim Settlements but that's not the type of mod I'm looking for at the moment. Just stuff that adds new items to build.
  12. Google CVC's Dead Wasteland you'll find a link for it. It's not from nexus tho. I also have USO
  13. I'm putting together a list of mods that add new items to build for my settlement with the least amount of plugins. I started out with HomeMaker and Settlement Supplies Expanded. After testing I found pretty much every item in SSE was in Homemaker and had its own category instead of being thrown all through vanilla categories. After more testing I found pretty much every item in Homemaker was in some other mods. (Homemaker also crashes the game in the fences section). Now I'm using: Settlement Objects Expansion Pack (No problems for me so far) Woody's Wasteland Stuff (Goes great for the type of game I'm going for at the moment) Snappy Housekit (Has some good pieces for buildings in there that I use. Some peices look like crap when it rains though) G2M Workshop Thematic and Practical Kuro Tab (Awesome building pieces for my game) CVC's Dead Wasteland A crap ton more I cant think of right now. Has anyone used Workshop Rearranged? Looks like it adds pretty much every item from the vanilla game. That would make a awesome base to add other mods on top of. Incase anyone wondering. I'm going for a Book of Eli "Cannibal" House/Texas Chainsaw Massacre - House in the middle of nowhere with broken cars and junk in the yard. Inside looks like a normal house but the basement has all my victims. Torture chamber/Jail Cells/Skeletons etc.
  14. I figured I would be ok to do so, I have renamed all food/drink/aid item names and added my own sorting labels to them and seen no problems come up. Ex: Cram - (F) Cram. But I never changed the whole name to something else. Figured I was lucky since I didn't change the word much just added my own tags. Sorting mods have no use to me to since I made my own sorting but thanks for the heads up. Glad to know I'm safe to change all food items to their real life counter parts to match the textures.
  15. Will changing item names, ex: Cram to Spam. Would it cause problems? Problems with other mods that need "cram" in a recipe or something?
  16. I haven't really looked through your list deep enough but you could use NAC and that would replace, Vivid Weathers, True Storms, Darker Nights, and Interiors Enhanced. Idk if those 2 weather mods work together with out conflict. A couple of those mods can be merged together, I have done it for my game. I can't remember if those are the mods I'm thinking of, I'm at work, but NIS - Hunted could be replaced with Stalkers mod. And the bounty one causes CTD's and was way overpowered for a realistic game.
  17. I been modding my game, and would like some input from others. I'm too dam picky sometimes and I'm my own worst enemy. I can't settle for something. Need help with how I should make the game look. I ran Winter Overhaul and every single thing being white bugged me. So I went with Fallout Seasons Winter. Looks better to me. Now everything that is covered white is starting to bother me. Fences, tables, rubble, trash, etc. I use a road texture mod that make the roads look good but have no snow on it. I'll be using car textures but they will have no snow on it. I have some textures for some other things I really want to use like, plants, fences, etc. When does too many textures removing the snow textures become too much? Like I want the game to look like a harsh winter, but I still like all those other textures I have. At this point it won't even look like a snow filled world anymore. Whats a good balance? I might post some screen at a later time, I'm currently at work. Edit: While cruising around looking for more mods, I started watching a western movie and it hit me to make Fallout 4 into a desert. Found Badlands textures and now I'm torn between a winter mod or a desert mod. Really I'm looking for some kind of landscape so I can remove all grass. Drop a body in grass and forget about looting the dam thing.
  18. I just need a couple items blended/mended/glued/stapled or whatever together. If someone knows how in any of those programs or even a SCOL. Just some simple in game items. EX: A bone and a fork together. Also matching spoon and knife. And a couple other little items
  19. Thanks for the reply. I know that much atleast, is there anything else special that has to be done? I want them in a certain category that won't mess up my vanilla categories. Do I have to redo nav meshes or will the original still be intact?
  20. I'm going for a super realistic game right now. And I want to redo some perks. Biggest thing, is there a way to remove perks? Only way to get a perk is to read a book? Like if there was a hunting perk in game, I don't want to just level up and pick the perk, but if I found or bought a book, I could "read it" like in real life and technically learn from it that way? I been trying to redo the cannibal perks but it's pointless, I should be able to eat bodies from the start, no perks needed.
  21. Let me try to explain what I'm trying to do. I downloaded a LOT of different settlement mods that add certain objects I want for a play through I'm going to do. Some of those mods only have 1 or 2 items that I need, everything else in the mod can be removed. So I want to rip those items out of those mods and mash them into my own personal mod. So for example..... Mod A - 1 Item Mod B - 4 Items Mod C - 2 Items Those items put into the game in my own settlement category. How would I do so? And I don't want to mess up my icons or have missing sections or whatever. I have Settlement Menu Manager and Settlement Keywords Expanded if that helps. I have done this exact same process for weapons and armor, but settlement stuff is a little different for me.
  22. I know nothing of scripting. I have 2 mods that do the same but slightly different ways, but I want to mix the scripts. I opened both scripts in PexInspector but don't know where the line I need, starts, ends, or where to put it. I feel like this is very easy to do but I'm just not there yet. Any help?
  23. It might be a lack of sleep on my part, but could you do a clarification on your statement, " *cough* i made that ". I did a search for mod authors and found 12 under your screen name, all beginning with, Alex's. It leaves me scratching my head as to what you were referencing. Idk if your still looking as this is pretty old but the mods Lootable Workbenches does this. There's also one for PA frames and DLC benchs.
  24. So is this still up for debate? Its a huge pain in the....rear. Searching for ESL files. The only ESL files I have I found thankfully for mods I already have, or by luck. Would be great and a time saver to tag mods or search for ESL.
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