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Everything posted by thePhilanthropy

  1. Just do it for vanilla Oblivion. Save the esp, and put it to the bottom of your load-order (after all the FCOM stuff). Only the stuff you changed will be overwritten, not the entire FCOM installation. Theoretically.
  2. You need to have some patience and actually read what articles people suggest to you. But, to answer your question. DDS is the format for the texture. The model has to be NIF. You need special plugins for importing/exporting nifs. They are called NifTools, Just google it. I alos suggest NIfSkope. You'll need that anyway, because it's quite easy to copy parts of other meshes to yours. Collision data can't be created easily within any 3d program. It easier just to copy it from a mesh that looks similar or close to yours.
  3. Basically you always start with primitive shapes, like boxes or cylinders. Then you extrude faces, cut edges, etc. That stuff needs a little bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it eventually. There are countless tutorials on the net. Once you have your model, you need to UV-map it. That is, you tell the model how to handle the texture. Only after that can you actually start making your own texture. Google it. For everything Oblivion related, check this out: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...Portal:Modeling Good luck!
  4. Well, what you do is this: you take a look at the creature in the CS, lets say one of the Clannfears. What you want to look at now is the SpellList-tab. In there is something called "abClannfear". Every Clannfear has one of these. So, what you have to change is the spell/ability "abClannfear". Open that ability and lower the magnitude of reflect damage. The same goes for atronachs. Look at one of their spellLists, inspect the abilities (always of the syntax "ab...."), change the ability. Hope that helps.
  5. Translation: "I don't like mods that enrich the bland experience that is vanilla Oblivion by introducing new effects and animations. Because I never even bothered to actually download and play any of these mods, I am ideally suited to denounce them as unfit for my needs." Translation: "And while I'm at it, I'm a homophobe and magic is for sissies. I'm right. You're wrong. ...I think. But I like Bruce Lee." Translation: "... meh. Modders really are a lazy bunch. They never do what I want them to. Just because they're lazy." Translation: "Since I'm such an expert on modding (and omniscient, for that matter), I am perfectly entitled to speak for every single user of TesNexus. My claim, that every house- or magic-mod is substandard, is therefore unassailable. And I do like magic after all. Even more than I like Oblivion!" ==================================== [/sarcasm] Sorry mate, but it had to be done. I didn't mean to insult you, neither do I now. All I intended was to to show you how your post might sound for others. I understand that you are quite enthusiastic about finding more mods to your liking. But the way you presented yourself and talked about some mods and modders is just inappropriate. Show some respect. You could, for example, have written something like this: Yes, there are. Deadly Reflex, for example. Or Supreme Magicka. And lots and lots of others. You don't have to like them. Not all of them are good. But seeing that you have released... 0 mods, you could at least show some appreciation for the effort that went into them. Even if you don't really mean it. PS: I hope you're not mad at me now.
  6. I think the idea and the execution of it are very original and, frankly, excellent. The new features COUPLED with the old ones just add more fairness to the whole system, especially for us modders. The tops list is the best thing i've seen on any modding forum. Gamefixes no longer have to compete against boobs xD. Thank you, Dark0ne, AND the moderators. You're a fine lot!
  7. maybe these .ini settings work. Use at own risk. iShadowMapResolution=1024 Determines how sharp/filtered the shadows are. 1024 is default I think, and I don't know whether it goes higher. Try setting it to 2048 or 4096 and see whether your game crashes. iActorShadowIntMax=10 iActorShadowExtMax=10 Determines the number of shadows for actors in interiors/exteriors. 10 is the vanilla in-game maximum. Set it higher, like 20 or 30. iCanopyShadowScale=512 Determins quality of tree shadows. Set it to 1024 or 2048. set Shadows on Grass to ON in-game. that's about it for shadows, I guess. and check out this page: http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html maybe you find more there.
  8. Maybe you can just temporarily increase the capacity? I mean, just give the varla stone the grand-soulgem capacity. And in the enchantment menu, check whether the Varla stone is in the soulgem slot. If it is, raise the cap to 7600 and if it isn't reset it. Maybe you can manage to script that. I don't know whether it's possible right now, but it's an idea. Good luck with this! :thumbsup:
  9. I think the absolute limit for a nif is 65536 (2^16). But it's unlikely any model you make will have more than that. I can only guess. Weapons should have a relatively small polycount. They are mostly static, so a polycount of 500 would be a desirable maximum. You can of course go higher, but it's almost always unnecessary. Most weapons in vanilla probably have something around 200-300, maybe even less. Armor can be anything. Really depends on what kind of armor. Full body armor maybe around 3000-5000 at maximum. Skin-tight body-suits should have around as many as the used body. If it's just a pair of boots, 300+ is ok. Bodies are different, becaues they ought to transform as smoothly as possible (noone wants to see sharp edges). So, a high polycount is desirable. Shouldn't be less than 10k, better even 20k, and if it doesn't involve any problems, Oblivion can even handle 25-30k. Most stuff can be simulated with normalmaps, though. Minor details don't have to be modelled. Apart from that, it's always a good idea to minimize polycount if it doesn't have a visual impact. Check out this page: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...Portal:Modeling And happy modding! :D
  10. Best mod evar!

    Btw, that's one fine, and if I dare say, magnificent, beard you've got there!

    Truly a masterpiece...

  11. hmmmm........... Yeah, I've given this some thought. Conclusion: Too much work. Reasons: OK, there are many reasons. Theoretically it would be possible to change the dialogue-system in a manner such as described. I guess it could be done by simulating an alternative dialogue system. For that, though, one would have to use something like Pluggy to render the dialogue on screen (in form of a HUD maybe). But then, you'd still have to have a method of finding the correct dialogue for every NPC you talk to. You'd have to be able to read, scan (for special syntax and dialogue branches), interpret all of it AND built your own GUI. It IS certainly possible, but too much work. I even checked all those xml files. While they do spit out some info for me, all they really seem to do is define the appearance of GUI elements. But they don't tell the engine how to handle dialogue at all, e.g. how long to wait till the next line of text appears. So, all this seems pretty fruitless. I just hope TES V/FO IV will have a better interface. Because this one su*ks big time!
  12. Lately i've replayed basically all of the Infintiy Engine games. Ok, alright, they are really old and out-dated by now. But, when it comes to RPGs, Planescape:Torment is still the "top-notch", the "second to none", the "ne plus ultra". Why? Because of the superior dialogue. The superior dialogue-*SYSTEM*. Not only did NCPs have actually useful/interesting/curious stuff to say. No, so did YOU. Dialogue was everything in those games. Without it, they would never have worked. What I want to see in Oblivion is a new dialogue system. No more timed, voice acted dialogue. I want to see a system where voice-acting is secondary (a nice but *nonessential* addition). Alright, this is my vision: Fonts are smaller. Every line of text will stay on screen UNTIL you click. Voice acting/sound is *optional*. Your character can enter a REAL conversation. More like Morrowind. Ever played Baldur's Gate (1 &/or 2)? Ever played Planescape:Torment? Those games had depths Oblivion could only dream of. Even without voice-acting for every generic line of text. So, if there is such a mod out there, please tell me. Otherwise, how could it be accomplished? PS: I think for modders this would be a bliss! No longer would you have to bother with fixed dialogue (*this line of text needs to last at least 10 seconds*. wtf?). New quest-mods would be far easier to make. And so on and so forth...
  13. Alright, I uploaded it now: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25325 If anyone wants to help with the textures, feel free...
  14. ... hmm... what can I say? Luchaire doen't answer any more.... Alright, I got it all covered. The mesh is finished. Panties are done. All that's missing are the bra and the textures. Since Luchaire, who agreed to do the textures, isn't answering my mail anymore*, let me put it this way: I need textures. Anyone who is willing to do them (ANY of them) is more than welcome. I really wanna release this, but without proper textures the trolls are just bound to rape my work. I don't like releasing stuff that isn't finished, believe me. But if noone offers their help and Luchaire doesnt come around and saves the day, I will. I will give this whole project ONE more week. I will have the bra finished then (I guess) and all that will be missing will be the textures. But people can add them later then... I don't know whether or not I will enable ratings/comments, but I WILL release in one week from now, unless someone helps with the textures (including Luchaire). You'll be hearing from me in seven days, anyway... Read the thread. The textures that I did are bad. I know that. But I was counting on someone else's help. I don't know whether that's still the case. * = more than just a few weeks... summed up. Contact has always been bad, but I want to get this thing GOING! PS: Luchaire, if you read this... I'm not mad at you if you abandoned the project. But if you did, please tell me so!
  15. Thought this topic was dead. Glad it isn't. Well, as far as textures go.... I have no idea how long Luchaire will need. But you know how it is. There's something called RL and everyone has to deal with it. We'll see.... Thanks again for testing it, Harvey. And for the kind words. Here's another screenie: http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/9gnvczz/0001.gif (Thanks for the tip, Buddha)
  16. OK, so I made that Xenomorph (Alien) race and Divine Avenger (plus Co-Authors) the Yautja (Predators) race. The idea of a AVP mod is not very hard to imagine, thus. I'm really unsure whether this is a good or a bad idea to attempt to realize. I haven't even contacted Divine Avenger about this yet... Whatever.... I think the AVP movies got it all wrong. They are good action movies, but fail to deliver the feeling of the originals. Aliens aren't "spooky" anymore and predators were never meant to be body-builders.... And yet... AVP is an old franchise, but not as old as either ALIEN or Predator, naturally, but older than the movies anyway. Most people have only seen the AVP movies, but the franchise existed way before, in the form of comics by DC and other stuff (There are all kinds of "Alien/Predator VS. ???" things out there. I have even seen "Judge Dredd VS. Predator" and "The Green Lantern VS. ALIEN" comic-covers once.). The idea is classic. In the movie "Predator 2" there even was an Alien skull on the 'tapestry' of the predator spaceship. So, before you dismiss this idea as being cheap, consider the above. I'm not that eager to see AVP in Oblivion. Both creatures can do without the other and still kick major a$$. What I'm really unsure about though, are the technical possibilities of the GameBryo (Oblivion) engine. Some things I just can't accomplish, e.g. wall-walking, real acid-blood, brain eating, etc... But, I'm curious how you feel about all this. Is the idea even worth the trouble? PS: I hope I got the whole poll thing right. Never done it before...
  17. Yeah, maybe I'll put some more effort into the legs, but that's a big IF. As for the head: I know, but I can't do anything about it, as that would basically mean changing the head. I just not up for the task. The shoulders really cannot be changed. This is kind of a limitation that comes from the skeleton. ........ Thanks for the feedback!
  18. OK, ImageShack seems to have deleted all the nude pics. Too bad. Different hosting-service this time. Hope this lasts longer. I didn't even have the original pictures anymore, so I made new ones: Image_01 Image_02 Image_03 Image_04 Image_05 Image_06 Image_07 Image_08 Image_09 Image_10 Image_11 Image_12 Image_13 Image_14 That's fine, you don't have to like it. But it's not really anorexic, just pretty slim. It's just supposed to be another alternative to other replacers. If you don't like the body-type, well, there are plenty of others out there, and they are all pretty damn good. But I do appreciate that you speak your mind. Everyone likes to be praised a lot, but without opposition, what's it worth?
  19. Yeah, sorry. Seems I need to put up new screenies. ImageShack seems to have deleted my old pictures. Didn't know that. New Screens will be up soon.
  20. ....bump. I hate doing this, but nothing new happened so far.
  21. I tried my luck with fitting the leather armor to my body replacer. This is what I came up with: Animated gifs: http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/6743/thief01.gif http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2572/thief02.gif http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4614/thief03.gif It's not yet perfect, but considering that I needed about 4 days for this alone (spread over about a week or so), doing this for all pieces of armor and clothing is a huge task. Vanilla Oblivion has about 20 different armor-meshes, and even more clothing sets. That leaves me with about 100-150 days of work. That's a very rough guess, but I don't know how much time I will have in the future. And then Shivering Isles stuff would still be left. I don't have much time. I can't spend 3 hours on this every day. So, again, I beg you to contact me if you want to help with this. This is nothing really urgent. I will release the body as a stand-alone anyway. But this would come in really handy and help immersion with playing this body. Feedback and beta-testing offers, as well as name suggestions are always welcome. :biggrin:
  22. Just writing in order to keep you up to date. The meshes are as good as finalized. And as long as that is the case (unless you have major complaints), the rigging is finished as well. I'm still waiting for Luchaire to finish the textures (could take years^^, but oh well, I'm just GLaD someone helps me at all...). But I don't wanna bore you with my ramblings; here's some fun stuff: caramelldansen1 caramelldansen2 (>1mb gif files! It can take a few seconds to load!) And my offer still stands. I desperately NEED textures! (See the above post) Definitely Dremoras and Argonians. PLUS, fitting vanilla stock clothing/armors for my body replacer. I can and will send you the necessary files if you are interested. Help is more than appreciated. ps: regarding the head-to-body ratio... the hair my character wears makes it all the worse. It's not so bad with other hair-styles, but I just love that hair-style (thx Soya)!
  23. Ok, folks, here's the list of standard textures that need to be done for this mod to be complete: Imperials (that is: imperials, bretons, nords, high elves, wood elves, redguards) Dark Elves Orcs Khajiit Argonians Dremoras Golden Saints Dark Seducers I already have the support of Luchaire, who says that he will do the following :thanks: : Imperials Khajiit Golden Saints Dark Seducers So, what's left are these: Dark Elves Orcs Argonians Dremoras Dark Elves and Orcs are basically just recolorings of the imperial texture, which I can do myself. So, I'd like to wait for Luchaire to finish his work. What's really left are these: Argonians Dremoras If anyone out there is willing to do these textures, PLEASE, by all means, contact me! I suck at texturing, so I definitely need your help!
  24. Thanks, Petrovich! Your Dream Girl WIP looks great as well! What tools do you use? @everyone: Is anyone willing to tinker with the vanilla armors/clothes to fit this mesh?
  25. I would like to rebalance a bit the Cosmic Scales: I agree they look young, but not "TOO" (neither "too", actually). The new shape is fine (even if I prefer the old...), but, please, do not distort your original concept I never planned to distort the original concept. Other replacers can provide other types of bodies, which is why made this^^. Thanks for the feedback! But I'll wait for more opinions before deciding anything. (btw, screenshots only tell half the story. Seeing/playing it in-game is vastly different from seeing a few screenies. ) I'm off to sleep now...
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