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About Vulgar1

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  1. In response to post #16966494. #16967594, #16992269, #16997774, #17067284, #17074519, #17076184, #17081344, #17085469, #17086239, #17142079, #17226674 are all replies on the same post. No matter how great something is someone will complain about it. Even though they'd said they don't and won't use it while they are actually using it just to troll the community. Then act like they have the moral high ground of their freedom of speech being threatened when that same community comes down on them. This comment was not merely an opinion it was meant to be inflammatory and was completely useless. The Nexus are innovative and ambitious and the service they provide for free is almost hard to believe. Their quick and ever growing expansion marks them as game modding pioneers. It is a challenge they undertake and provide the spoils of that should be admired and not condemned. Not to mention they are not owned by some major corporation and are still technically in their beta stages of development. What they have been able to accomplish is actually kind of remarkable, hence the reason Nexus is the most popular PC game modding community around to my knowledge.
  2. In response to post #15832705. #15836190, #15865595 are all replies on the same post. No servers available at this time.
  3. Well that is terrible news. Question (please answer), is there a way you guys can post a list of potentially infected or dangerous files that may have been uploaded since December, at least the ones that have been reported? I realize this may reflect poorly on some modders who are innocent, however I believe security is a much greater concern. Second, perhaps mod up-loaders can be encouraged or mandated to post some type of warning or message on the top of the description pages of said files and mods. Maybe Nexus staff could mandate or enforce such a policy. Though I suppose if the threat is serious or credible enough that Nexus staff has to add the warning themselves, said mod would simply have to be removed at that point. At any rate a list would be helpful.
  4. Are these fixes still valid or have they all been addressed and incorporated into the latest Unofficial patches? In other words is this still useful if using the Unofficial patches. I use Mod Organizer and when I place this above the USKP it shows as redundant. If I place it after USKP would it hurt, improve , or be pointless to use? Please someone answer this.
  5. ZERBO YOUR NIGHTS ARE TOO DIM because you are using Climates of Tamriel level 5 nights! Uninstall and when re installing CoT pick something other then level 5, I use default and it's plenty dark, especially with the other lighting mod I use. EDIT: Nevermind I see someone already pointed that out. I am getting random CTDs after just a short time of playing and it's killing me! it usually happens when running in open terrain. I use full STEP set up minus a few outdated or fixed mods with a few extra mods and tweaks. I've been trying to build a perfect Skyrim for about a year and a half with constant failure. I am using an ASUS G74SX-TH71 with a NVIDIA 560GTXm, and 16 gigs of RAM, and Windows 8 64x Pro. Here is my BOSS load order
  6. EXACTLY! To many quests are broken! I think I've spent more time trying to fix quests then playing in the last 2 days. I was 140+ hours in hadn't even gone through the main quests and said screw it and started over because of the following: 1. Roggvir's stupid Amulet of Talos glitch. 2. Did Thieves Guild quest before Uttering Hills bounty. 3. The whole Blood on the Ice debacle. 4. Used Unofficial Patch and got Look Up Failed! all over! Restarted, (fixed the first 3 although I can't buy the house in Windhelm) I'm back to lvl 55 still waiting to do Diplomatic Immunity and pick a side, but now: 1. I can't do the Forgmaster's Fingers quest because I'm already blood kin after helping the 2 orcs in Markarth, I didn't know that would happen and it sucks because I wanted to do that quest. 2. And I can't do the The Wolf Queen Awakens Quest because I'm already Thane of Riften. If someone could help me fix those last 2 I would greatly appreciate it! Pretty pleeease! But, it's like these quests should come with a warning, or there should be a webpage or forum or something called WAIT BEFORE YOU START PLAYING SKYRIM READ THIS!
  7. What is the item ID for this Ring of Invisibility? Post the code I'll player.additem it and tinker with it to see what happens.
  8. hmm, i occasionally have the same issue, though it's rare and usually in a cave, maybe try turning that mod off then, because it does tweak the lighting, also if you read the info on that mod it suggests some changes to make in the skyrimprefs.ini you could always stick your save games somewhere safe, completely uninstall and delete everything skyrim, reinstall everything and mess around with the mod load order.
  9. Try this mod it should help: More Dynamic Shadows with Striping Fixed You can find at various modding sites like this one.
  10. Hi I just registered on this site because of this thread for I have the same exact problem. I don't even know if adwares is still checking this thread, but I am almost 100% positive that the quest won't start if you've already become thane of Solitude and it has nothing to do with the updates. I tried setstage 50 and nothing changes accept the dialogue with Falk Firebeard about decorating the house becomes highlighted again, I leveled up a number of times after completing "The Man Who Cried Wolf" and no courier I'm at level 55 now. I added the letter through console and it was indeed blank and did not initiate quest. I'm going to try to add letter and add the catacombs key that styrr gives you if i can find the code for it, and setting the stage to 100. But I don't think it will work because there may not be any dialogue or anyone to report back to after the quest. So, if anyone has any more ideas about this please post 'em. EDIT: I checked sqs ms06 and all quest stages from 0 to 250 are at 0. I pick pocketed Falk and he did have the letter on him. I took it, read it and the quest still didn't initiate, and no new dialogue options, I even dropped on the floor, nada. I tried using Voice of the Emperor because that seems to fix a lot of things, nada. However I did find this mod on the nexus site. I haven't tried it yet, but I think what caused the problem is mentioned in the description, it says the couriers delivery of the note could be superseded by another delivery, in my case probably a letter from Calcelmo. It's not a perfect fix but it's worth a shot.
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