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Everything posted by harvengure

  1. Just on the surface it seems Racemenu is the much more widely supported of the two, and I am always down for better compatibility.
  2. Yeah. I'm running on an i5 with 12GB of ram and a GTX 860M and I can run it at ultra. Still working out the sudden frame-rate drops and trying to figure out if I can run it at 60FPS (which might be reaching for me) but given what else I am able to run at 60 and on high settings... Honestly, OP just kind of seems like a troll post....
  3. I've talked another french translator into helping out if need be. Split up the work load of translating.
  4. So I'm trying to build rooms for my settlers and I discover that the doorframes can't be used inside unless you use that one metal prefab. I was shocked that Bethesda had missed something so obvious.
  5. Perhaps a strange question but as a inexperienced modder, I'm hoping you can share some insight. Any idea how one might tag an interior cell to make it work under a workshop. So for example what I am trying to achieve is make the Sanctuary root cellar (SanctuaryBasementJahani "Root Cellar" [CELL:000A36EA]) work under the functions of the Sanctuary workshop.
  6. I seem unable to disable a good number of the objects. I'm curious if its possible that someone can make a mod that just goes in and clears everything out. Or perhaps direct an new modder to resources to learn how to do it himself?
  7. I'm sure it can't be done pre-geck and am sure it will be done post-geck. Just got to wait. I'm with you, I can't wait for it to be done.
  8. So to make sure I understand this, one can expand a settlement's boundaries out instead of just up, yes?
  9. Hey all, Not sure if this is a TS issue or a general issue but here it is either way. I'm finding I am having an issue decorating Home Plate as things seem to want to snap to other things in weird ways. Stuff that should snap to the floor wants to snap half way up the wall. Things that would normally snap to the top surface of something else try to snap to the floor instead. No idea what is causing it or how I might fix it. Thoughts? Insights? Solutions? TYIA
  10. My laptop isn't exactly a server level machine and yet I can play this on Ultra. In fact it handles better than Skyrim did, so I am sure it is as much about how you set it up as it does what you set it up on.
  11. I've long been a fan of the Feng Shui mod and mods like it for the other games (Jaxonz Positioner). I'm curious if anyone has any insight as to others like it though or if there is a fix off the nexus that I can't find or something. Basically there is a means of copying items that is a feature in the FO3 version of FS but it seems to not be in the NV version. Thoughts?
  12. This would be a pretty clear cut violation of copyright, unfortunately. Though for the sake of clarity I'd have to point out that its Activision and the handful of individuals who worked with them but hold copyright for work included in the game that have those particular rights, not CCP as is slated in a reply to your original post. So as qwertyzeldar put it, the answer is sadly no. copy right says no Copyright; and let's not pretend it is a simple issue. While no is basically the only answer for the methods in which the OP described having this mod come about, use of parody under fair use does still allow for quite a lot though not what was originally proposed. I'm with DaemonGrin on this one. For all that does happen and can happen in the Fallout setting, this isn't nearly as much of a stretch as some might think. Especially with The Family to provide further support to the idea as vampirism happens without mutation or genetic causes so why not with? Yeah, CCP's rights on the matter are both surprisingly slim and have very little to do with the actual game which centered at the whole CCP/PV issue. One can track down their registered rights at the USPTO to find that. In this particular case most if not all of the copyright issues with this idea would deal with Activision and contracted individuals who worked on the game. Not. CCP. That said and as I said before, as it is put in the original post there basically isn't a way around copyright issues when it comes to how the OP wants to make the mod. However; with the current state of the rights held, one could very well get away with using names and such in a mod for a unrelated game (this one). The textures and audio and such would have to not come from VtM but other than that...
  13. It's something I've been working on that I'm finding is taking more time than I'd like given the intention of the modder's resource I home to release with just an array of general clutter and construction pieces so my hope is another modder might fill the request and release it however they see fit. The request? Dragon skulls. Specifically for the variant dragons we see. Revered, Frost, etc. The ones with rather notably different heads than the ones that share the single model of the others. Or if anyone is willing to texture at least should I succeed in modelling?
  14. Yeah. I'm struggling with some modeling for it actually as I am, at the moment, trying to make skulls that reflect the different species of dragon. The revered dragon is proving a challenge. Things I'll be looking to include though are Imperial themed architecture and furniture, new enchanters that borrow design elements from both ESO and Oblivion but still fit in Skyrim. Pieces with which to construct puzzles as we've never seen before, including hexagonal pillars and pillars which have sections that are stacked on top of each other but rotate separately from each other. Different styles of tents including a yurt. Blacksmithing stuff based on live and historically accurate blacksmithing tools and experience. New chandeliers, new candle holders, new shelves and display cases and plaques, new strong boxes and chests. Different styles of coffins. Deadric themed construction pieces. Assorted statues. A bunch more. Basically a ton of stuff for people to use as a resource for their own mods
  15. Actually, I just might. One, I've been looking at getting into modding for a very long time and have yet to actually -make- a mod despite all the reading on the subject I've done and this seems like it would be easy enough to do. 2, it supports the community and makes it easier for others to mod and with Fallout 4 coming out Skyrim needs all the help it can get for the modding community to not grind to a halt. While the two games do fill different niches, it will unfortunately suffer. Thirdly, I might as well given the thing I am working on right now is simply a bunch of new construction pieces and clutter and such simply as a resource for others to mod with so this kind of goes hand in hand. If not me, I totally encourage another modder who's actually experienced and has made a mod to do this. If only to help encourage others to mod as well.
  16. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm personally for the idea. Just wanted to point it out for the sake of people knowing this going in sort of thing. Heck, I'd be willing to help with such a mod. xD The lack of artifacts and such in Skyrim of all places that seems to have them like crazy when spoken of in other sources has always bugged me. That and we need things for rich people to have and people to steal. :p
  17. I seem to recall someone using flash in a MCM for a highly stylized menu. I can't recall what mod it was though.
  18. I agree, but I was talking about our world history. I have no idea dyes were part of TES games, so I revert to earth. ESO aside, one still can't use our own history as a guideline for how TES would be even in small details like this. The sentient races have a shorter existence, as far as we can know of at this point, compared to humans. In that time they are more developed then we were in a similar time period. Counter to this is the fact they advance less slowly it seems as technology from even the pre-ESO games shows little advance to even moving backwards in some cases (but this is mostly a case of artistic leaning rather than actual facts). Not to mention magic, access to materials and creatures that are completely alien to us in reality, etc. Its like using our own history to explain why Ebarron or Middle Earth doesn't make sense. It has its own set of internal logic and isn't bound by our earthly rules and that should always be kept in mind. Even if it were, as someone who spent 12 years as part of a historical re-enactment group and learned how to, by historically accurate methods, create inks and dyes as well as worth with metal and leather; I can tell you that if I were to make a guess with that as the basis for it being an educated guess, that dye would be much easier to come by in the TES world. As is proven by the Argonian and Khajiit races and their selection colours and the readily availability to even the lower members of their races, and as is made more likely with the existence of druids which are confirmed by multiple canon sources. Not that I am attacking you as wrong or anything, simply sharing my view on the matter. I entirely understand it is natural for us to revert to earth as a reference point. It is what we know and have to go on.
  19. Well, there is that. Personally I am bugged by people using our own history as the basis for what it must be like in the TES world. But yeah, movies and other games I think are to blame as well. Especially as both are heading more and more for darker and muted settings.
  20. Well, while it isn't unreasonable to assume it is like this in TES, it is also not unreasonable to assume it isn't at all like this this. Especially as ESO has been declared canon and dying is quite common place there.
  21. While I personally love the idea, it is actually closed -during- the civil war because of avalanche. Otherwise I am totally down with this idea as there is a surprising lack of artifacts of any type of Skyrim it seems. Akivari, Ayleid , or otherwise. Especially now that we have a better idea of what has occurred in the province during history.
  22. If mods have taught me anything, it is that the modding community can and has done better with the platform than Bethesda has. Heck, Skyrim and Fallout 4 both contain things that can be cited as blatant ripoffs of mods.
  23. Because he wants to. He does not need to justify the why. The technical limitations should be the only thing to decide if this is created or not. And yet, I am still allowed to ask the question. So settle down.
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