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Everything posted by harvengure

  1. Hmm. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I might even try my hand at it. Though I'll have to try to track down a specific mod to give my some guidance as I seem to recall reading somewhere that adding warpaints and such is a pain in the ass unless you do it with something that SKSE offers like this particular mod does. So I'll have to take a look at that. The feathers? I'll leave that to someone else. As for the kids, I dont know, the kids mod I added above seems just fine to me. I've yet to find that other mod that adds more.
  2. Hmm. They look fine to me but I've never played with them. I just might. Though I know some people see -any- clipping and they claim huge clipping issues. Not saying you are one of these folks, simply that it is all relative. This all said though, since children seems to be the big want for the beast races I am now curious as to how they'd differ from the adult ones. I mean beyond size. Bigger ears for the khajiit, smaller horns and feathers for the argonians? Etc. How do you guys see a child of the beast races?
  3. I, personally, hope for one that adds Bleackrock Isle.
  4. Well, the modeling is easy enough. I'm probably too busy and lazy to do the animating. xD
  5. I'm admittedly not educated enough on the subject to really be asking this but wouldn't SKSE make this possible? I seem to recall poking around in it somewhere in an attempt to use it with mods and am pretty sure I saw at least some things that would make this possible.
  6. Are these not HD? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5941/? Also, some kids. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26671/? This second mod has me wondering, couldn't a child of the beast races just be a scaled version? Or do you guys think that really a proper kid would need its own mesh?
  7. I thought there was a mod that added a bunch if new mounted heads (if not also new trophies for the pedestals one gets in their Hearthfire homes) but I can not seem to be able to find it. Anyone know if this mod is still around or which one it is?
  8. More out of curiosity than an actual desire to make anything, I am curious as to see what the community would like to see for the often neglected beast races of Skyrim. What mods would you want to see for the Argonians or Khajiit?
  9. While not the one that was linked, I swear there was a mod that did this already. Sadly though, I can't find it. I might have to look into how this is doable.
  10. Ignore the pokemon comment. Regardless of whether I like the idea or not the reality is is that it isn't an accurate or fair comparison and to defend it as such opens up to so many bigger problems. Dancing girls? If Fen is arguing historical accuracy I would have to first point out that this was a thing in reality and then I would have to point out that the Elder Scrolls has its own reality with its own history. Then I'd have to point out that if we're arguing authenticity and reality, we're talking about a nation in the middle of a civil war. This all said, I imagine a lot of people would like it. I'm not one of them, personally, but I'd be happy to see it a thing. I'd even be willing to help out a bit as limited as my skills are. If anything I would just say don't let people get you down about your mod ideas. Fallout 4 is coming out soon and the Skyrim modding community will see its biggest resistance yet when that happens so mod strong and hard.
  11. I use CBBE bodyslide set to UNP. So far I've found it allows me to run the armors for both body types.
  12. It makes sense. One, they dont exactly keep track of who is thane where. Two, as has been said a bunch of times it is basically an honorary title. 3, this is the Elder Scrolls where the main characters have a history of going on to run the mage's guild, a guild of thieves and/or assassins, fighter's guild, etc. All at the same time, in canon, basically every time.
  13. I have always found this a weird thing. Like people who complain about fast travel and disable it. If you don't want to use it, don't use it. I cheat and fast travel but if I want to not do either, it is easy enough. I just don't. I'd honestly love to know what makes it so hard for some to resist. Some to the point where the feel the need to stop themselves ahead of time by doing things like disabling fast traveling with a mod.
  14. Yeah, was gonna say. Chinese dragons for example are wyrms elsewhere. If anything the 'wyvern' style is more realistic as per actually existing creatures. You know, bats and such.
  15. Ah. Not having access to TESO, I was not aware. Too bad but thank you. :)
  16. Wasn't sure where to put this exactly but...is anyone here a player of TESO and able to get a screenshot or something of the Necklace of Stendarr? I've googled it and can find icons but I'm hoping someone can get me a better look at it.
  17. I actually found this while looking for something else Skyrim related. Hope it helps someone else. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide
  18. Ah, so leveled lists aren't handled all that well by MO, eh? Beyond cleaning master files and such with TES5edit, why is this better?
  19. Perhaps a silly question but I haven't been able to actually find an answer. Or rather I find conflicting answers. Does one need a bashed patch if they are using mod organizer? Is it better to use the two together?
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