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Everything posted by harvengure

  1. Seems like it would be a lot of modeling and skinning for such a minor thing...
  2. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/377405-porting-content-from-other-games/
  3. So, I've been working on a Dawnguard mod and am looking for some feedback to fill some of the gaps. The mod will focus on expanding the Dawnguard faction and the Vigilants of Stendarr and developing the relationship with them; likewise it will expand on vamperism and a related faction. This related faction has been proving something of a challenge though I've been leaning towards a Daedra cult. Included will be 4 player homes, new armors and weapons, new spells. For Dawnguard and Castle Volkihar are both getting large makeovers as well as allow the player to improve them over time. New NPCs and followers, including lesser deadra, gargoyles (and different types of), dwarven ballistas, reskinned trolls. All of this said, I am putting this out there to see what ideas flow in. As said I stumbling with this 4th faction; though I am leaning towards a cult of Morag Bal and Clavicus Vile.
  4. Perhaps they come with that letter from the 5th era...the one about god and love and such
  5. Dude, settle down. You read way too much into the statement...and I wont even go into how you come across.
  6. Even if it did not, SKSE would allow for random results anyway
  7. Simply a resource, not bothering to put it into the game. Given their...kind of ape like shape, I see no point in putting the Senche/Senche-raht into the game as anything more than an NPC/Creature
  8. The Senche/Senche-raht got...changed...before they put them in ESO. They're just tigers now vs their proper physical shape. Not being an ESO player though I've no idea if they are at least as smart as any other Khajiit or if ESO treats them as if they are just tigers.
  9. I've been playing the series since Daggerfall was new, I know well the Dragonbreak. I also know well that the lore is a mishmash of ideas from people who are not the same now as it was back then and that there have been sections of overlooked or disregarded lore in the creation or use of lore as the games have gone on; just as their is lore that simply doesn't fit with the rest of the lore.
  10. in Lofgren's defense, the history of TES is full of examples of skewed or disregarded lore. ESO being the most recent example of where things have previously been described as one thing and turned into another for the sake of being easy vs lore accurate.
  11. Having seen the tigers in ESO, I'll also be doing a proper tiger khajiit. One that has the proper front legs vs back legs and isn't just a regular tiger. For any of the ESO players in the forums, do they at least play them up as being as intelligent as other khajiit?
  12. I'm surprised it wasn't a thing in the alternate start mod
  13. Should try the mod detectives thread.
  14. Thank you, NotMyHome. I was just thinking of this mod the other day and could not recall it. It is greatly appreciated to have it once more.
  15. Um....it -is- made up of magic; and, you know, the corpse of an Aedra...
  16. First, I'll point you to the mod detectives thread where this should have gone http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ Then I'll point you to Call of the North which is the mod I believe you are asking for http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29040/
  17. Perhaps because of the Dragonborn DLC the stuff in the book seems done; though the assets are there to do it. The spinning pages, the floors, etc.
  18. I have to revise my answer for this thread. Before I would simply love a mod that doubles (or more) the size of Skyrim relativistically; so that things are still where they would be in relation to each other but at least twice as far apart so that there was more empty space (mostly so modders can put more stuff in). If I could have my dream mod it would be a mod that not only makes Skyrim a bigger place but a richer place. One that makes Dragonsreach actually impressive. One where Windhelm feels majestic and old like an economic power house. One where most people aren't only a small distance off from being beggars themselves. One gets the idea.
  19. Aren't there a couple of mods that do this? I am sure I have at least one. I'll have to take a look.
  20. Its Skyrim. Asking for non-buggy is too much.
  21. People will be doing them. Some are being worked on already.
  22. 'Works' being used loosely given the big FU that is the game of Skyrim for house decorators.
  23. Just as your request regarding the placement of items is two, so are their mods that do as you ask. The more recent and still supported is Jaxonz Positione; the other is Decorator Assistant which is no longer being developed or supported.
  24. Texturing for Skyrim seems counterintuitive to what I am used to. Anyone able to offer a tutorial on adding the impression of depth to an object without adding to its polys? I've used the search on this thread specifically but I wasn't able to find what I was looking for. It might even be an issue of lingo as I am seeing terms I am not familiar with.
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