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Everything posted by harvengure
I wish I could and I've been googling like mad because I know it WAS there at some point. I'll return once I have more info.
What do you think makes a good house mod?
harvengure replied to harvengure's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
He means that it makes very little sense for a random house to be "better" than what anybody else in Skyrim got. Think of it like this: You live in Skyrim. You get a shack outside Whiterun. What do you expect to find there? Well, the most basic of the basic. What do you usually get? You get a fully cluttered house with every craft-station aviliable, complete with a few guards. How come this random shack got more values than the High King had? Simply, a house out in nowhere either needs a good back story, or it needs to be cluttered and sized to make sense. You simply are not getting anything super huge and nice in Skyrim when there is a civil war and dragons flying around, at least not something better than everybody else in Skyrim. Tell that to the Dawnguard. :P :P -
What do you think makes a good house mod?
harvengure replied to harvengure's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmm. Well, personally, in the land of Skyrim, I'd want such items in my house since it would be my workshop as well...but it is a valid point. I guess I'll be going Hearthfires style with my homes then and allow players to construct the home as they wish. Or perhaps make a clutter style enchanter and such if it hasn't already been done. Still, it's a good point I might have overlooked in my excitement to make the home mods. I'd go through and place everything I want via the CK and it'd be static. I'd rather take the time to make an empty house a player can build up with their choice of options. With that in mind, does anyone happen to know of a tutorial on making houses spouse/adoption compatible or a mod that does the same that has the permissions to be used in that way? Figured I'd ask just in case anyone could think of something off of the top of their head, otherwise I'm sure I'll figure it out either way. -
What do you think makes a good house mod?
harvengure replied to harvengure's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I am rather excited about a couple. I'm hoping to make it so that some of the caves and keeps can be claimed and improved upon. I'm poking around in some of the mannequin mods and Decorator Assistant to see if I can't think up and make a better version. I also intend to make versions for the vanilla and DLC and cant be built up like the homes from Hearthfires. I also intend to link to mods such as decorator assistant and other mods that allow to decorate. I do not get this reference. Though a couple of the houses I plan will be rather impressive in that sense...but they won't particularly stick out as they'll be built into existing caves and keeps. While most of the expressed feelings above mirror my own thoughts on the subject, I found this one interesting. Most seem to want the amenities in a house. I myself enjoy it. You would rather not? -
I've begun my adventures in Skyrim modding; poking around in the CK, looking at the various tutorials and resources available, getting the rust off of my 3D modeling skills, etc. I look forward to modding and have several things in mind already; several of them house mods. It is with this in mind that I thought I'd put it out to the public and ask them what they think makes a good house mod. I of course do not expect to come up with some magic recipe this way but I'm curious to see what the answers will be and hope someone will say something I never even thought of. So again... What do you think makes a good house mod? Go!
Some years back I found reference of a minor deadric artifact that has never itself made an appearance. I now can not seem to find the website (or it has changed beyond my being able to recognize it) or any other reference to the item. I am hoping maybe someone else will be able to scratch up some clue to this item. The item is said to be the key to a pocket realm. It was either an item (most likely a ring) given to Antiochus Septim by Sanguine or to Pelagius Septim III by Sheogorath.
Mods that change the game data in some way use .esps. Mods that only replace something, like a mesh, texture or animation, don't, because they don't need to. Skyrim loads 'loose files' last. The only exception I know about are mods such as those on Steam where EVERYTHING must be packaged in a .bsa file, and thus an .esp is needed so Skyrim can actually detect the contents of said .bsa. It was late and I somehow missed the word 'body' in the statement. xD Given there is no way to detect the body mesh of a character (as far as I can tell and have been told) I suppose any armors I end up making will just have to be for the various popular body types and the user picks.
Now I am VERY confused as most of the mods in my loading list are .ESP files. >.>
Hmmm. Could one not use GetModName somehow to detect the .esp of the desired file within the load order and then react to it?
Hmm. I'm clearly doing something wrong as I can not seem to get the BBP effect. What exactly is the install order I need for that? So a couple of questions with my future in mod creation ahead. Is it possible for a mod to detect the body being used or make a single armor set usable for multiple bodies? I'd like to save users the trouble of having to pick if I can...just install and use. Creating installers...Is there a tutorial out there I've just missed that details making mods both Bash and NMM friendly?
indeed. I never understood how Sharkshooters enb is the most popular enb.... Like the previous comments stated, the question was never about BEST it was about most popular.
While I am new to modding (not so much new as just never actually put together a mod after poking at the tools) this seems like something I could tackle. I'll give it a shot. There are some small items I want to add with bugs anyway.
I'm sorry...-don't- install CHS skeleton? Isn't that required?
At the time, the sites were down over the several hours of my searching for whatever reason, so I figured they had shut the site down for some reason. No one asked for the 'best' one. There isn't a single 'best' mod, simply because everyone has a different view of what is 'best'. But, he asked what the most popular one was, and thus the one which most likely has the most support and the most new outfits. EXACTLY! So, I'm a little confused. I can, using CBBE bodyslife and CBBE++, I could fit UNP (Why the B?) to CBBE or vice versa?
Yeah, at the time of my chiming in, those sites were down and I just assumed gone. xD My bad. With them back up, a wealth of information is now available. Though I'm finding something of...I wouldn't say a shortage of information but a swamp of information on how people make these install wizards and make their packaged compatible with both NMM and Wrye.
Isn't this the exact same video as linked above? 0.o On the issue of body mods again. CBBE, UNP, UNPB, CBBE++...a slew of body mods and variations there upon and I'm lost in years of debate and updates and such. Which female body mod is most popular? How is it people are apparently fitting armors for one body type to the other using body slide? I see it mentioned but I can't seem to find out HOW people do it. It apparently involves bodyslide but... Bouncing: This is one of the reasons I am confused on the matter. I'd like to have this but there seems to be several skeletons and animation packs and a physics pack and...well, it seems like a lot of work to get this working. Am I seeing more work then there is? Does this work with UNP?
7B? 0.o Another freaking body mod? What's this one all about?
Thank you very much. Greatly appreciated. I had not even seen mention of TESVedit prior to now...and good to know about the results it gets. Running Skyrim on a not high end laptop, I am happy to get more performance. Now, one question; I would clean the master files latest to the earliest?
So I've put my copy of Skyrim back on my computer. Stripped everything out from the old install and did a clean install. I've got the configurator, SKSE, the creation kit...a few other things. In exploring several things though, I've found I end up feeling clueless and have questions I am hoping you all can help me with. Body mods: At this point there seem to be a dozen of them, all with half a dozen variations; some with sliders and bouncing, some with not--some requiring special work to make the sliders and bouncing work. Some of them, I can't even tell the differences between. Someone care to clear the air a bit on this subject? Tell me which one is most frequently modded for (the most content made for it) and what all this slider business is about and whether it is as complicated as some of the tutorials I've seen make it seem? Cleaning Master Files: I've seen a lot about cleaning one's mods over the years but as I've never gotten around to making a mod I've never had to bother. Now I see people talking about cleaning their master files. What exactly does this do? SKSE and scripting: A two parter as they are directly related. I have SKSE, I have mods that use it. I cam't seem to find anything that actually tells me what SKSE adds and so far I've found very little about scripting in Skyrim in general. Most of what I've found is either people asking this very question or links to now gone sites. I am assuming there must be tutorials and such that I have somehow managed not to find in my googling. Multi-mode installers: As someone who would like to get into modding and have some of my mods set up in such a way that they'd offer options to best suit what the user might or might not have already in place; I'd like to build one of these handy installer wizard things I've seen on some mods. My issue arises at the fact that their seems to be multiple methods and some argument as to how well they work. Some material I've found says its ridiculous to make an NMM and Bash compatible mod while I've seen mods that manage it. Is someone able to offer some insight into these methods and link me to a tutorial or something on how its done? Ideally something more then 'copy an fomod' as I'm new to modding and dont know how those work either. :P Bethesda websites: Not related to modding but I figure I should ask. In my trying to learn about modding I have found many links that would typically lead to the various Bethesda websites....but it seems they are all down. Has this been going on long? Did the company close down or get bought out or something and I just can't find evidence of it on google?
I'm with you there, OdahKing. I've been looking at modding for quite some time but have never just sat down and done it. Over that time I've read tons and forgotten it all. Here I am, looking to learn again and I am finding many of the tutorials and such are noted to be out of date (the creationkit site is even gone). This leaves me wandering hopeless through what little content I can find, unsure as to what is usable and what isn't. I'd personally love some trusted tutorials to help me on my way.
Not a mod but these should help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZScwvmiKuo http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/477049-renovate-your-house-with-console/
Porting material from other Bethesda games?
harvengure replied to harvengure's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I figured as much. I'll have to track down some of the mods that somehow overcame this issue in the past and see how they did it. Morrowbolivion for example, from what I heard, ran into this issue and then quite some time later got the green light. -
Over the years of my interest in modding (in which I've done no actual modding) I've hear apposing stories of mods that bring content from other Bethesda games (usually one Elder Scroll to the other). Sometimes I hear it's a huge no-no. Other times I hear that there is apparently no issue. I'm looking to make some Skyrim mods that would rely on some (very little) of the Oblivion materials but would like to get a definitive answer on the this subject before I bother only to find out I was never supposed to port material.
Hmm. Well, I found the required mod through google but not through the nexus search even though the mod is on nexus. Apparently I'm just having some sort of issue with the site. Thank you all for the replies.
Well, I was meaning for more then weapons but this is something. I wonder why I didn't find it when searching 'display case'. Hmm. Is there a mod like the decorator assistant for Oblivion. Move things in their XYZ axis and then lock them into place? That would solve the issue as well.