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About ShalabiRogue

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  1. Hello. I am trying to make a patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Open World Loot, and C.O.I.N to work together. Below is what I have done in xEdit and I just wanted to get some advice on whether I did this correctly or not. I am new to making patches and still learning how to use xEdit.
  2. Can anyone help me edit the MannequinActivatorSCRIPT.psc script to only force the mannequin to hold a pose but not become a 'container'? I am turning mannequins into trainers but want them to hold still. If I remove the above script they will idle around like a normal NPC. Here is the script in full. It's not that long but I have no idea how to edit it. I have decided to use the wonderful mod by TheThirdRace Oghma Infinium - A Training Station instead of a statue. So long! and thanks for all the fish!
  3. Thank you for the reply! As far as I can tell creating a menu will require papyrus scripting. Maybe when I have more free time I can delve into scripting but for now I think I will stick to the systems already in the game. Still digging through the CK and learning things. (When it doesn't crash on me.) I was thinking of a workaround to get all trainers in one place would be a small statue with multiple "heads" on it, one for each skill, that act as trainers. First need to figure out how to make a statue a trainer, and then how to build a statue, texture it, and place in game... #newappreciationformodders
  4. Hello, I am completely new to modding. Recently I have been playing around with the CK and making a few mods just for my convenience. One thing I never liked was wondering around trying to find Trainers. I use trainers a lot because I have all skill leveling disabled with the uncapper and only use trainers to level up. I enjoy being able to dictate how my character develops but without SKSE anytime soon I don't think I will ever see my favorite SkyrimXP mod coming to the Special Edition. So my workaround is using Gold instead of Exp. Anyway, to my request/plea for assistance. Is there a way to make a statue that can train every skill? I am thinking of something like Arthmoor's Alternative Start mod statue but with only unvoiced training dialogues for every skill. I would like it to cost as much as training costs now but be able to train up to 100 points. (Currently I have modded 18 legendary level trainers to hang out in Eldergleam Sanctuary. It works but, is a little crowded, and hard for new characters to access.) Thank you for any help!
  5. If the crashes are only happening outside it could be a scripted event problem such as vampires, dragons, or some kind of enemy spawn added by a mod. Does it crash if you just hold still and do nothing outside? If it only happens when you are moving it could also be a memory issue. Have you tried using the script cleaner tool? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031/? An extreme troubleshooting would be backing up your load order, uninstalling every mod in nmm, then completely deleting and re-downloading your data folder in skyrim. Then re-installing everything. Combining that with a script cleaning might help.
  6. In response to post #43210430. #43215310, #43215490, #43215920, #43216655, #43217565, #43217935, #43218210, #43222660 are all replies on the same post. @arthmoor This could be a dumb (or too long to answer) question but what do you have against file virtualization? For me the benefits are massive; quick and easy profiling, clean skyrim folder, quick and easy file priority, and MO lets me use Wrye Bash for bash patches and such even between profiles. I can't even think of a negative point. Without MO I couldn't have both Enderal and Skyrim installed right now and quickly choose which one I want to play.
  7. lofgen, your mod has some nice options. Having quest markers for trainers will definitely help! I will give it a try.
  8. I have been going through skytweak and setting things up. It seems I can pretty much do everything I need to with it! My idea really isn't to make leveling up cheap and easy but the opposite. I am going to try to balance my gold and prices so that training will be expensive enough that I have to do a few quests and dungeon delving to get enough gold to level up the skills I want to focus on. The skill level ups from books I think will just be icing on the cake and doesn't really bother me. If my mage gets one free point in pick pocketing from a book, so be it. I did notice a warning in the uncapper ini that lowering the skill gain to low can cause crashes. Did you ever experience crashes after tweaking the skill gain in skytweak?
  9. I had an idea of getting skill ups only using trainers and disabling the automatic skill ups from use. It would be like the Enderal book system just without the books. I am posting here to see if anyone has done this before or if anyone has any suggestions. I noticed a mod that kind of does this but it was from 2012 and no longer supported. I think maybe I could do this with current tools. Maybe just skytweak, and uncapper ini, and a mod to boost trainers abilities? Things to consider are prices to train, trainer's skill level, trainer npc's essential flags, training per level, and prices. I appreciate any input on potential problems or advice on the best way to do this. Thanks!
  10. Try disabling any form of vsync (including iPresentInterval=0) or frame limiting and see what your fps is. Then try different ways of limiting or syncing your frames. For me the best solution is using nvidia fastsync plus skyrim's built in iPresentInterval. I found that the enb's frame limiter would half my fps in most areas.
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