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About Tamujiin

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I like holy jeesh, alot of stuff, and i like the amazazaing fact this thing is going..... 7 fricken years HA!
I like the fact this thread finally died. Moderators/Admints. Close me.
I like this thread is older then some of my children... :D i like that Malachi has kept my thread open for us, so we all know what you like :D I Like Pizza, Beer, and the strippers that go with em, when i am at that bar.... man thats some cold beer, good pizza, and HOT ladies! WOOT! Thanks Malachi!
You need to find a guide, like RENS or something, if you havent done a full play through for oblivion while just adding a few mods here and there....... your gonna keep screwing it up. Cobl for instance, will have a RED lined ESP, with a RED CHECKBOX, wrye knows what it needs to do with that. When Blasting through the bash PATCH ( you MUST make one of these ) it "should" auto check most bashed patch siuggestions. ALL you need to do is make sure AFTER the patch NOTHING is any color except green. I had close to 400 mods on my last oblivion build. Everything worked like a charm.
Mages have a very low amount of spells vanilla, an alternate route from some of these nice folks advice is, get a mod that adds a lot more variety to spells. Apocalypse spells, is one, midas magic another. I got a LEVEL 97 toon, when i get bored with a sword i switch to spells, ONLY because i got so many i dont know what they do :P ( only lvl 97 because of levelers tower, its my mod testing toon, i use it to figure out bad save fixes and stuff ).
Is it me or Climate of Tamriel doesn't do a very big change to th
Tamujiin replied to Gryphex's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
i dunno., i notice a HUGE difference in the variety of clouds, to different weather patterns. Light rain, heavy rain, crazy cool clouds, all that, i didnt get this mod for weather i got it for its enviromental effects, maybe you didnt play vanilla long enough to realize the change. Another thing i may suggest is move it to the BOTTOM of your load order, as you need to do with WATER redux, if you do that, you get rid of the black water bug. -
Lets discuss it here, no spoilers, unless blocked by the spoiler thingy. I personally like it better then Game of Thrones, and i am a big fan of GoT. Looks damn good 2 episodes in, lets hope it is succesful! I swear as well i hear voice acting from skyrim in it! We can also discuss the historical accuracy of the show. If you cant watch it on the history channel you can watch it here on hulu. http://www.hulu.com/watch/462374#i0,p0,d0 I guess it is american only veiwing. Not sure as i live in america :P
Is the Republican party just Anti-Obama no matter any bipartisanship?
Tamujiin replied to colourwheel's topic in Debates
Well to address the entire issue why republicans do what they do, its because they... just do. Trying to explain that is the fricken key to evrything. If we could literally EXPLAIN that. We would not have politicians anymore. ( jk ) :biggrin: Basically what i said, is its all about money, and 2 different ways of looking at it. In any two party system, your always going to have opposition. Karl Rove is an idiot. Then you get these "personal grudges" going on. Trying to explain why someone says no to everything the president does, is basically simple i guess. Its all about the money. [/size] The thing you have to remember about this country is, a majority of the "politicians" are the ones in control of the money. When it comes to this: "It can also be argued it's a larger plan on the Obama administrations part as political statagy to systematically and internally destroy the GOP's chance of gaining any more seats in the house in next cycle by making their party seem in a state of disarray to exactly show how foolish being the party of "no" can be. As it was very evident in Obama's 1st term the GOP's main goal was to throw Obama out of office no matter their own party's political cost by going against their own policies that they originally supported when known Obama agrees with them." Your probably right on the button. And i personal would see the reason WHY he is doing this. Historically, republicans are WAR MONGERS. All i should need to say here is George W. bush, IRAQ, WMD. North Korea, Syria, Iran..... Maybe Obama is trying to buy us time before the REAL crapola hits the fan blades. ( thats just my special paranoid way of thinking there :D ) You said this colour.... " I guess i am just very confused". Well that makes you, and about the rest of the world. :P -
Is the Republican party just Anti-Obama no matter any bipartisanship?
Tamujiin replied to colourwheel's topic in Debates
Quite frankly, he is right, and trying to make a change for the better in this country. Republicans are the decay of western society now. They cry and moan about ANYTHING and everything. I would like to see them get on bored with the program for a change, and start thinking about the country and not lining they're pockets with money. The dealio here is, if say "this republican" senator, has his money invested in say, a company that employs, illegal aliens, if they create an avenue for them to get a REAL job, and/or advance to citizenship, it creates 2 problems. 1. We are gonna get an influx of illegal aliens, exspecially if all they need to do is apply for legal status, that means less jobs for citizens. No matter the security measures put on this. There is always loop holes for people to exploit. Here is where i agree with conservative thinking. Our jobs within our borders should, by all means go to legal citizens. 2. Undoubtfully true, and mind my spelling its early in the morning and i just woke up.... These politicians have there money tied up somewhere, whether democratic, or republican, in an operation, that can somewhere be tied to illegal aliens. So your gonna get A. The guy that wants them to become legal citizens... B. They Guy that doesnt want it, because he fears he loses money, due to the fact he needs to increase his workerss wage, at least from 1.00 an hour, to minimum wage. There is always an underlying context, politicians will not divuldge. I think this is the one in this case, where the argument begins with this type of reform. So basically what i am saying is, Obama is trying to do the right thing "maybe". And his opposition to this is trying to not lose a bunch of money. -
Meh.... we have 1000's of meteors enter the earth every day. The asteroid, passing by today, could cause some damage, yah, but its only the size of an olympic swimming pool, half that would burn up before it hit the ground. If it hit a populated area, it would be bad. Although it does have more of a chance, to hit the oceans. which in that case, not much would happen, maybe a tsunami. Maybe nothing. I am proud to say, this is the first oppurtunity in modern history to record such events.... if it even happens, And/or if that was even a meteorite......
Malachi! HA! I like that this guy has kept this thread ALIVE since i started it SO MANY years ago... its NUTS! I like the fact ideleted Oblivion and Fallout from my hard drive awhile ago, and em going to re-do it all aethstetic ( ? ) style now. Not for the hunt, but for the .... View. I like Water, for without it, i would be nothing but dust in the wind.
See the thing is, we are the inferior species, we are destroying the earth, our only home. Animals are a part of it, most animals run from humans or are afraid because we have been ruthlessly killing them for 10,000 years. Are animals less intelligent than humans? Some yes. Elephants actually speak to each other, over miles, using low bass tones human ears cannot pick up, Dolphins speak using hi pitched clicks, and Whales, have a complex communication also. Insects. Millions of species, undiscovered still, and the insects we know of, out weigh the human species 10-1. There are only three things that seperate animals from humans, the hippocampus in our brain, and our complex form of communication, and our "complex imaginations" we developed over a hundred thousand years. That "imagination" gave us technology, that we use, on a daily basis, that we use for good, but are also inadvertantly using to destroy our only planet. Native American people i think had it correct, this is our only planet, animals are our brothers and sisters, and we should respect them. When we slay an animal, it should only be used to provide sustinace. Am i guilty of killing an animal with out eating it? Yes, but when i did that, i felt guilty. Perhaps knowing this, is why i felt the guilt. Here is another question, if the animals of the earth could communicate with eachother ( multi species wise ) do you think that they would let us continue living? Or do you think that they would protect the earth? So really, the only way animals are "inferior" is communication, and a lack there of. The reason animals flee, is because, humans, are known to ruthlessly kill, without abandon, and the animal kingdom, has been afraid of humans and there ancestors since prehistoric times. Another reason animals are "lesser" beings, is look at those things called "thumbs" on yer hands....
I Have 1 thing to say, if anybody buys into this crap, your no more an idiot than the idiot that created the idea. Seriously, history is written by the victorious. The victorious being the ones that have controlled the masses, and the money. Various Kings throughout history have adopted almost everything from ancient times. Symbolism is a form of communication, and everything and everyone uses Ancient egyptian forms of symbolism. I would have to believe in little green men, before i believed in the "illuminate". Neither exist. Just greedy jerks always in charge. If the illuminati existed, i would think by now with the worlds technolodgy, we would be at peace, because they would have assumed control the moment the world was capable of destroying itself. Think about it, there is no secret societies or groups of people bent on world domination... Not since world war two anyway. Not any viably capable of assuming control anyway.
I went out of my way to make bullies feel shallow, when i was in school. I got in fights with bullies in school, i didn't like the idea of bullies. All the "nerds" and "outsiders" were my friends. Eventually, we got to the party age, and the bullyin went away. Probably because the bads one, ended up going to juvenile detention centers for acting out, and the ones that were growing up, realized that everybody had something to contribute. What i realized, from bullies in school, is they are probably going to be in prison, if they dont change there ways. And the ones that are not, didnt get much bigger, while i did, and i could easily crush em like a worm. Towards the end of my school years, I remember three bullies i fought with became my good friends. Why i don't know, probably because i was taught during a time,that if someone punches you, you punchin em back, was okay.
You could write-in Barney the dinosaur or Dick Tracy, doesn't matter, as long as you vote. If you choose not to vote, you are not using your right as a citizen to express your opinion anyway. It is your right, privilage and duty to vote. If you choose the lazy path, and "don't vote period" what are you accomplishing? IMO that is spitting on everyone that has ever defended this countries freedoms.