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Everything posted by morrowind1979

  1. Hi all was wondering if there was a way to spawn enemies using the region generator. Initially this sounds like a simple and stupid question. But allow me to elaborate: I have already generated objects using the region generator and If I add anything new then regenerate it will spawn duplicates of all the objects already generated. If I remove the objects from the region generator and try to spawn new objects/enemies then all the previously generated objects get erased and only the new ones are generated. Now some people might say why don't you just add the enemies and regenerate everything from scratch. I don't want to do this because it generates about 60% of the objects too high or too low and I had to spend days repositioning all the objects by hand. Can anyone help with this dilemma?
  2. Scratch that last comment. Managed to recover an old version. Auditions will carry on as normal. so yeah keep the lines comming. Just means mod release date will be set back a bit
  4. Male parts: 30, Female Parts: 7 Hi all. After many months I have finally finished my new Skyrim Worldspace Mod and I now need to add voice acting. All voice actors will be credited when the mod is released. This is my biggest and most detailed mod to date and I think it should be well received. If anyone is interested pleas record the auditions in .wav format and send to [email protected]. I will send you all the lines for the part when I choose your audition. Thanks. Lines/parts needed: ================================================== ================= Lucifer (Dark very evil demonic male voice) ================================================== ================= I am the hollowness at the heart of all your hopes. I am the Prince and the Fallen. I am the Enemy, I am the Sin and the fear and darkness. ================================================== ================= Azazel (Diseased Demonic male Voice) ================================================== ================= I am Azazel, demon prince of corruption! I corrupt the innocent! I taint their minds with my dark whisper! ================================================== ================= Ahriman (No Nonsense demon champion male voice) ================================================== ================= I am Ahriman! Conquering Champion of Hell! I exist soley for battle! ================================================== ================= Lilith (Seductive Demon Princess voice female) ================================================== ================= I am Lilith, demon princess of temptation, I tempt the pious and defile the pure! ================================================== ================= Samai-el (evil cruel demonic male voice) ================================================== ================= Hahahaha. You are nothing! I will never tell you my name! This wh*%# is mine forever! You are of course welcome to guesssss. Hahahahahaha. ================================================== ================= Blind Priest (mortally wounded terrified old male voice) ------------================================================== ================= Th-The demon is too strong! *cough* The beast will rise from the pit to make war against the gods! *cough* Pl-Please I dont have long. ================================================== ================= Legion (Flat demon male voice) ================================================== ================= The Beast and his armies will rise from the pit to make war against the Gods. ================================================== ================= Xerzes (angelic male voice) ================================================== ================= No child! I am Xerzes fallen servant of the gods, cursed to guard the gates of Hell for all eternity in this wretched form! ================================================== ================= The Possessed (Lucifer possessed male voice) ================================================== ================= I am Lucifer! The devil in the flesh!! I will rise from the pit to make war against the gods! You are the Dragonborn! ================================================== ================= The Herald of Doom (ancient intelligent skeletal male voice) ================================================== ================= I am the calm before the storm, the shadow that darkens the light, the portent of doom. ================================================== ================= Darkside (demonic shadowy male voice) ================================================== ================= I am all that remains of the Diciples of the Night. We were the first to serve the beast, the bringer of night! ================================================== ================= OverSoul (Ancient Powerful male Voice) ================================================== ================= I hunger for lifeforce! The power of the Nethershphere runs through me! ================================================== ================= Astaroth (Demon Prince of Fear Voice male) ================================================== ================= You reek of fear! Its pungent aroma seeps from every pore on your body! I am Astaroth, demon prince of fear! ================================================== ================= Judas Escariot (dark evil male voice) ================================================== ================= I am Judas, the betrayer. I am the knife in the back of the ancient gods, thrice damned by my actions. ================================================== ================= Baal Demon Prince of Hate (hateful male demonic voice) ================================================== ================= I am Baal, demon prince of hate! I am the hatred thats burns deep within mans dark heart! ========================================= Caine (Ancient Evil vampire Voice male) ========================================= No child. I am Caine. I am primal. Tempted by Lilith and damned by the Ancient Gods at the birth of civilization. ========================================== Neo Lucifer (ethereal Devil male voice) ========================================== Did you think you could defeat me so easily? You only destroyed my physical form! My will endures! ================================================== = Ultimate Lucifer (All powerfull Lucifer voice male) ================================================== = I am eternal!! How many times do you think you can stand against me? Hahahahahaha. ================================================== ===== Huntsman of Hell (Master Hunter, werewolf voice male) ================================================== ====== I am the hunter, an alpha predator! Bask in my shadow and you will become a great hunter! ====================================== Set (Female Dragon) ======================================= Monsters? No it is you mongrel races that are the monsters, capable of such cruel and wicked deeds! ============================================ Nemesis (male dragon, alpha predator voice) =========================================== And what if I am not yet willing to part with my title? Who are you to challenge me? ===================================== Abbadon (damned skeletal king male) ====================================== 250,000 gold is the price, non-negotiable. ================================== The Underking (undead liche male) ================================== This is the kingdom of unlife! This is the kingdom of death! This is my domain! ================================================== =============================== Hera (Female Damned Soul warrior) =================================== Why not? I could beat anyone in this city, one-handed. ================================================== ================================== Razakel (Demon Lord, arena Champ male) ======================================= So you are the rising champion the other duelers speak of! I cant say I'm impressed. No matter, your ascension will end here! ================================================== ================================= Agamemnon (Skeleton Barbarian male) ================================================== ================== My hammer has smashed many skulls! Yours will be next! ============================================ Ethereal Warrior (Ghostly warrior voice male) ================================================== ================================= You have defeated Agamemnon. Impressive! I will not fall so easily ================================= Grimorte (Infernal Sorcerer male) ================================================== ===================================== You are gaining some respect within the dueling circle. Your defeat will bring me great honor in the eyes of my lord! ================================================== ===================================== Gemini Twin (Female demon champion) ======================================== Mmmmmm. This one looks tasty sister. Perhaps we will have our way with you once we have broken your body. Hahahahaha =============================================== The Beserker (Pit Beast male) =============================================== Do not be intimidated by my stature. A great warrior is not fashioned by strength alone! ================================================== = Alessa the Insatiable (Female Primordial Vampiress) ================================================== = I am Alessa, mate of Caine, the first true vampire. The "others" are our offspring, sired by myself and Caine at the dawn of time. ================================= Faust (skinless Damned Soul male) ================================= Welcome to Tartarus, City of the Damned. I am Faust the Court Wizard. I am interested in studying the Knights of Hell. ============================================== Lord Jobe (skinless damned male) ============================================== Greetings. I hope you find our city... accomodating. Hahahaha. ============================================= Alanna (skinless damned female) ============================================= What do you want! Go away! Leave me to my misery! =========================================== Memon Son of Lucifer (male son of the devil) =========================================== Your presumption is correct maggot. Who are you to address me so vulgarly! I am the son of Lucifer, the Fallen Prince! ============================================= High Priestess Zenobia (female undead priestess) ============================================= This is an unholy place where the dead can find no rest.
  5. It would only change all game spells if i edited the MAGFlamesImpact set. i have duplicated it and created a whole new csutom set so the flames buring on the ground will ony be green for my custom spell. I just found some more impact sets that where attached to the ones i duplicated. going through same process with them. hopefully should work. will post result if it does!
  6. I am trying to create a new spell called "Netherflames" that uses green flames instead oy yellow. I have managed to change all the colours to green except the cap at the end of the flame spray and the little fires that burn on whatever you hit with the flames. Now upon inspecting the flames spell it has something called "impactDataset" that shows what happens when the flames interact with various obstacles. So I created a whole new impact set for my Greenflames and changes all the approprite REFS form flames/fire to Netherfire. Now this has made no difference whatsoever. The CK seems to be ignoring my custom impact set and just using the default vanilla flames for any impact with the spell. Can anyone help please. Links to screenshots (still havent worked out how to add images under this new nexus interface. Old one was far simpler and better in my opinion): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/526286/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/526287/?
  7. I created a trigger box with a script attached to it to play a video and change the players race. I only want this script to run once (The first time the player enters the trigger box ONLY) I am trying to do this using and Int Property called RunOnce which is set to 0. The problem is the script seems to be ignoring all the RunOnce == 1 lines I've added. Here is the script. Please help: Scriptname SkinlessScript extends ObjectReference Race Property ArgonianRace Auto Race Property BretonRace Auto Race Property KhajiitRace Auto Race Property HighElfRace Auto Race Property NordRace Auto Race Property OrcRace Auto Race Property WoodElfRace Auto Race Property DarkElfRace Auto Race Property ImperialRace Auto Race Property RedguardRace Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerBreton Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerNord Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperial Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguard Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrc Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonian Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiit Auto Race Property ArgonianRaceVampire Auto Race Property KhajiitRaceVampire Auto Race Property OrcRaceVampire Auto Race Property DarkElfRaceVampire Auto Race Property WoodElfRaceVampire Auto Race Property HighElfRaceVampire Auto Race Property ImperialRaceVampire Auto Race Property BretonRaceVampire Auto Race Property NordRaceVampire Auto Race Property RedguardRaceVampire Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerBretonV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerNordV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperialV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguardV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElfV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElfV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElfV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrcV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonianV Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiitV Auto Int Property RunOnce Auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If RunOnce == 0 If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.PlayBink("SkinBurn.bik") RunOnce == 1 if (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == ArgonianRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonian) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == BretonRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerBreton) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == DarkElfRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElf) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == HighElfRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElf) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == ImperialRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperial) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == KhajiitRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiit) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == NordRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerNord) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == OrcRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrc) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == RedguardRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguard) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == WoodElfRace) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElf) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == ArgonianRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonianV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == BretonRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerBretonV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == DarkElfRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElfV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == HighElfRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElfV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == ImperialRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperialV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == KhajiitRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiitV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == NordRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerNordV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == OrcRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrcV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == RedguardRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguardV) RunOnce == 1 elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == WoodElfRaceVampire) Game.GetPlayer().SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElfV) RunOnce == 1 endif RunOnce == 1 endif RunOnce == 1 endif RunOnce == 1 EndEvent
  8. where is the dropdown menu????? I have already set the quest property heart as doomheartQst (the name of my quest). Is that what you mean???
  9. I am trying to create a quest script like the one where you gather 20, deathbell, nirnroot and nightshade except i want it to be 100 human hearts, 100 devil hearts and 20 golden hearts. Now these are the scripts: Doomfunction Script Scriptname Doomfunction extends Quest GlobalVariable Property HumanHeartCount Auto GlobalVariable Property DevilHeartCount Auto GlobalVariable Property GoldenHeartCount Auto Quest Property Heart Auto Ingredient Property HumanHeart Auto Ingredient Property DevilHeart Auto MiscObject Property GoldenHeart Auto Function HumanHeartcount() float CurrentCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(HumanHeart) HumanHeartCount.Value = CurrentCount UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(HumanHeartCount) if CurrentCount >= 100 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,1) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,true,true) elseif CurrentCount < 100 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10,true,true) endif endFunction Function DevilHeartcount() float CurrentCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(DevilHeart) DevilHeartCount.Value = CurrentCount UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(DevilHeartCount) if CurrentCount >= 100 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,1) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,true,true) elseif CurrentCount < 100 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10,true,true) endif endFunction Function GoldenHeartcount() float CurrentCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GoldenHeart) GoldenHeartCount.Value = CurrentCount UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(GoldenHeartCount) if CurrentCount >= 20 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,1) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,true,true) elseif CurrentCount < 20 Heart.SetObjectiveCompleted(10,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(15,0) Heart.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10,true,true) endif endFunction DoomheartQuestScript ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 3 Scriptname QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424 Extends Quest Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_2 Function Fragment_2() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveDisplayed (10,1) SetObjectiveDisplayed (20,1) SetObjectiveDisplayed (30,1) Heart.HumanHeartcount() Heart.DevilHeartcount() Heart.GoldenHeartcount() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Quest Property Heart Auto Ingredient Property HumanHeart Auto Ingredient Property DevilHeart Auto MiscObject Property GoldenHeart Auto I get this error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424"... C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp \QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424.psc(11,6): HumanHeartcount is not a function or does not exist C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp \QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424.psc(12,6): DevilHeartcount is not a function or does not exist C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp \QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424.psc(13,6): GoldenHeartcount is not a function or does not exist No output generated for QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on QF_DoomheartQst_051F0424 Now you can see that the functions clearly DO EXIST. Please help. Down to the last hair on my head lol
  10. Yeah got it fixed i was copying and pasting a portion of the playervampirescript. I chnaged all players to Game.Getplayer() Working like a charm now!!
  11. I am trying to set up a trigger box that changes the players race to a custom race i created. I am getting nothing but papyrus errors when saving. Please help beforei tear the last hairout of my head lol. This is the script: Scriptname SkinlessScript extends Quest Race Property ArgonianRace Auto Race Property BretonRace Auto Race Property KhajiitRace Auto Race Property HighElfRace Auto Race Property NordRace Auto Race Property OrcRace Auto Race Property WoodElfRace Auto Race Property DarkElfRace Auto Race Property ImperialRace Auto Race Property RedguardRace Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerBreton Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerNord Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperial Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguard Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElf Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrc Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonian Auto Race Property DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiit Auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) if (Player.GetRace() == ArgonianRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerArgonian) elseif (Player.GetRace() == BretonRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerBreton) elseif (Player.GetRace() == DarkElfRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerDarkElf) elseif (Player.GetRace() == HighElfRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerHighElf) elseif (Player.GetRace() == ImperialRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerImperial) elseif (Player.GetRace() == KhajiitRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerKhajiit) elseif (Player.GetRace() == NordRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerNord) elseif (Player.GetRace() == OrcRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerOrc) elseif (Player.GetRace() == RedguardRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerRedguard) elseif (Player.GetRace() == WoodElfRace) Player.SetRace(DamnedSoulRaceplayerWoodElf) endif endif EndEvent This is the current error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "SkinlessScript"... C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(45,6): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(45,13): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(46,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(46,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(47,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(47,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(48,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(48,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(49,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(49,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(50,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(50,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(51,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(51,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(52,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(52,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(53,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(53,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(54,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(54,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(55,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(55,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(56,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(56,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(57,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(57,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(58,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(58,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(59,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(59,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(60,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(60,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(61,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(61,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(62,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(62,9): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(63,9): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(63,16): none is not a known user-defined type C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(64,2): variable Player is undefined C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkinlessScript.psc(64,9): none is not a known user-defined type No output generated for SkinlessScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on SkinlessScript
  12. Got it fixed. For some reason on the stats tab in actor Auto calculated health was -30000. Just unticked auto calculate stats and my actor works fine now. Really weird!!!
  13. Screenshots: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/461581/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/461583/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/461584/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/461585/?
  14. I am making a hell mod for Skyrim and have created a Lucifer actor with 10000 HP, Magic and Stamina. Race: Height: 2.00 Weight 1.00 Mass 1.00 Size: Large Actor: Height: 1.2000 Weight: 66.000 Now no matter where I place my actor on the map. He always spawns dead no matter what. Can someone help me with this as google is utterly useless and vague about this issue. Thanks
  15. I have created a skeleton boss and want it to dual wield flames left hand and drain health right hand. I have gave him a destruction skill of 100 and have tried various encounter classes and AI Combat Styles: EncClass draugrmagic, CombatMage, csdraugrmagic, csdraugrmagicallowdual, csmage etc. When my boss goes into combat he just raises both his hands but does not equip the spells. he just runs around with his hands raised. any help please???
  16. Weird, sorry bit beyond me lol. When I click yes to all the selected texture window stays blank but the texture is applied in the render window fine when I paint with the right mouse button
  17. I get this error too but I just click Yes to all and the landscape texture is repainted in the render window just fine
  18. I have just finished auto generating Navmesh for all of my regions except 3. The 3 regions I have not done are not visible in the region editor possibly because my worldspace exceeds the size limit of the region generator view window. Is there anyway I can auto generate Navmesh for these regions. I.e by entering the top left and bottom right co-ordinates of the regions I want to Navmesh?????? rather than extremely time consuming navmeshing cell by cell???
  19. I have found the issue. It seems the size limit on a esp is only present on a 32 bit system. I tried to load my other mod in the CK on my 32 bit system Hellspire which is an esp of around 60KB. Same thing happened it froze at 98%. I took a copy of Hellspire up to my cousins house and tried to load it in the CK on his 64 bit system. It loaded fine first time. SO it seems the ck will load larger esp files on a 64 bit system
  20. Here is an example script I have used in quite a few mods you can use it or alter it to suit your needs. hope it help! I attached it to an xmarker, but again you could change that how you wanted Actor Property Lucius Auto Quest Property PinheadQst Auto Event OnCellAttach() If (PinheadQst.getstage() == 50) Lucius.disable() EndIf EndEvent
  21. Hey man thanks for reply I just ended up making a second version of the actor which is invulnerable and enabled after the quest is finished lol
  22. Vampire Lord and resurrect don't work full stop. Tried using an xmarker and placeatme script: Scriptname Nem2DeathScript extends ObjectReference Actor Property Nem2 Auto ObjectReference Property Respawn Auto Event OnDeath(Actor akkiller) Nem2.disable() ObjectReference NewNem2 = Respawn.PlaceAtMe(Nem2) EndEvent Now I have this problem: It just disables the dead vampire lord and does not place a new one at the xmarker. I tried to place a new nemesis at me in game using the console command player.placeatme 040af455 1 Now the game does not recognize the base Id for nemesis and hence does not place the actor. The console does not recognize teh base id for the vanilla vampire lord either and this cannot be placed using the placeatme command. So what I need to figure out is how to get Skyrim to recognize these base ID's as placable actors. Any thoughts????
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