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Everything posted by LEvenSKY777

  1. I've made a world basically from scratch. I've finished terraforming and have begun to add buildings, clutter, etc. However, when I go to test the space in-game, there's an odd piece of land that's extremely low res and that doesn't appear to have any mass obstructing a building. It's not present when I edit the cell in the Creation Kit. It only appears in-game, and when it does, my PC can walk right through it. It's, as you can imagine, a huge eyesore. I don't have a clue how to fix it, since I can't even see it when I'm editing. It looks like it's where the land used to be before I flattened vertices. I've attached a screenshot of said beast. I'm not sure what weapon to kill it with, though.
  2. Downloading BOSS actually did clear up one of the conflicts I was having, so thank you muchly. However, there are still mods that refuse to play. There seems to be a correlation between the size of the mod and its playability. Moonpath to Elsweyr, for examply, won't play. Regardless of the edition I download. The download manager has a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it which I can only assume means that there is some kind of problem. Other map mods like houses, new lands, etc seem to be the trouble ones. I am playing from my laptop, which has the very minimal requirements to run Skyrim. Is that the problem or is it something else?
  3. I have to admit, I'm not very tech savvy. Especially with computers. The BOSS program is way over my head as far as comprehension. Could you possibly explain what it does? I got that it's supposed to sort the mods, but everything else is a little beyond me. I don't really understand what to do from here. I have downloaded it though. Thanks
  4. So I've been downloading skyrim mods here for probably around an hour straight, and when I was content with having several different mods to explore, I tried to play the game. However, for some uknown reason, the game will load up like normal, but after the drum developer screen that shows "A Bethesda Softworks..." the game will darken and I will just glimpse the main menu where one can continue, start new, etc before the game just shuts down and I'm taken back to my desktop...I don't even get any kind of incompatibility or error message...just boom. Desktop. Can anyone tell me what's going on and how to fix it? I would greatly appreciate it. I've now identified the issue to be some mods (I feel stupid) that apparently have some kind of issue with them. I'm relatively new to computers so all I really know is that there is a little yellow triangle with an exclamation point next to the mod in mod manager...assistance?
  5. I was wondering if it's possible to get mods from the pc game to the xbox 360. I know the whole console command transfer with horizon thing, but that won't work for me with mods that pretty much do anything to alter the game from its original form. It might be a stretch, I know, but any advice on transferring mods would be wonderful. I tried something simple like the Magicka Sabers and transferred my savegame to horizon and from there to my 360 version, but even that wouldn't work. Any suggestions/advice/knowhow?
  6. When everything is working exactly as desired, should the "data files" option in the launcher menu be clickable? Becuase I've tried the suggestions and it still isn't.
  7. So I am extremely knew to pc gaming. I've always been more of a console gamer, but I've seen videos of some pretty awesome mods for pc and want to try them out. I have Skyrim and it's all downloaded, I have figured out console commands with the help of youtube, and I have the nexus mod manager and the bsa file compressor. However, even when the manager says the mod is properly installed into the game, the "data files" option is black in the launcher menu and I only have one of the four or five mods active in the game that I downloaded and installed. I looked up some similar problems on this site and tried the suggestions, but they didn't work. I have the script under [Launcher] for bsa files and I downloaded the Bethesda Archive Management and Optimization thing. Still only one of my installed mods will play. Can anyone help??? P.S. I'm relatively new/naive when it comes to computers, so I would ask anyone generous enough to help to dumb down their advice to a level that I will probably understand. Thanks1
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