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Posts posted by GazzTempest

  1. If you check out the multiple adoptions mod, the author provides a detailed list of instructions on how to make your home compatible with Hearthfire, & his mod, which allows you to adopt 4 more kids.


    That is what I used. It is though somewhat vague on the marker details, not saying if it is X Marker, X Marker Heading, Door Marker, or Horse Marker. For the sake of common sense, it is obviously not the last two, so I have been using X Markers for "Markers" and X Marker Heading when specifically stated.


    They use idle markers at random, so its pot luck as to which one they'll pick. Also there is a set radius from the sandboxing marker that they're allowed to use, to prevent them wandering too far and getting into trouble. If the markers are beyond the maximum radius they'll not be able to use them.


    That's the problem, I have Idle Markers right next to the Sandboxing Marker, one even on it. All they do is go from one Sandboxing Marker to the other ignoring the Idle Markers.

  2. Hi all


    I am testing out adding a Hearthfire version of a player home, I have it all set up and working apart from the sandboxing use of idle markers on the house exterior as well as the interior, but that is less noticable as the children do use some idles inside but not all that is allocated to them.


    If anyone can give some advice, or better still, if you have experience of making Hearthfire compatible home I am willing to give a download link for my file so you can look to see where I am going wrong.


    If you can help in that regard please PM me.

  3. Hi guys / gals


    I have been looking to add hearthfire adoption compatibilities to one of my mods, I am sure I followed the instructions for modders packed with the Multiple Adoption Mod to the letter, but it fails when trying to bless the house. For some reason it is not logging the error in the papyrus log as it should.


    So can any body point me in the direction of a written guide or better still a video tutorial that will hold my hand and explain the process, like I was 5.


    I have been googling this for a while and not having much luck.



    EDIT: Problem fixed, now running as intended.


    (Missing reference)

  4. Hey guy / gals


    I really have a problem with my LODs I will try to be as concise as possible below.


    I have played nearly 1000 hours on Skyrim, however a couple of months ago I suddenly developed issues with LODs, the issue results in textures, terrain and trees popping in at very, very short distances, unlike it had done previously.


    Here is what I can rule out it is Not A Mod issue, this also happens when I delete all Skyrim assets and redownload and install run as vanilla.


    I should also note my setting are mostly ultra, but with high shadow (edited 4 x AA and 8 x AF)


    I have posted some shots showing how close I need to be before things pop into life for me.




    Just thought I would add my specs below before Im asked


    Windows 7 64 bit OS

    i5 processor

    8 GB Ram

    Asus AMD 7870 2GB GDDR5 video card



    Hope someone can shed light on this, it is so depressing seeing my game look like this.


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