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About Reimar67

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    United Kingdom
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    Skyrim SE
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    Trying to keep my lady alive in the game

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  1. I am having similar issues with the links in all my funnies. This will be at least the 4th time that Nexus Addresses have changed and there is nothing in place to automatically. On previous occasions I have to manually edit the descriptions and code for each piece of uploaded work. The last time I did it, it took me 3 weeks. See.... https://www.nexusmod...m/images/398295 The issue for me is that I now have over 1400 cartoons uploaded to Nexus and it seems that Skyrim, Fall Out 4 and ESO and all affected (ie, the majority of the work). Each image is linked a minimum of 3 times, and many have dozens of links. So I would have to change 1000's upon 1000's of links. All with no guarantee that Nexus will not change the addresses again. When you change the website addresses, there must be some kind of automatic process that can be put in place to change the old links across the site at the same time surely? Hopefully Nexus can sort this out? (rather than me loosing a month of my life on what is always a souls destroying process). Fingers crossed Reimar
  2. IDIOT ELF Videos Now Available
  3. We're going to re-do the TCG "harder, better, faster, stronger"
  4. This one is getting me down too - I'm having to re-write all comments as I update links SOB
  5. On this one... •An issue we’re finding hard to replicate where HTML and ASCII characters are replacing certain elements of the file descriptions you submit for new files. E.g. tags or apostrophes being replaced with ASCII equivalent. Would like to hear from anyone who is still experiencing this. I'm still having this issue on comment section when posting images. IM me if you need more info
  6. Issue seems to be fixed for me at least now - THANKS ALL
  7. Hi Dark0ne Just tried with a second post of day and got the same Error Message. Basically when I try to post and include description at same time, then I get... Upload an image to the database Error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... There was an error while storing your image in our database. Please try again. If I do the image upload (.jpg at about 1.3Mb) on its own it works OK and then I can go and Edit Image to put in he descriptions, which for me are largely thumbnail links.. Just posted... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/339506 This had description... Oh DARN - tried to put in for you but forum text says... "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." I guess you can pull the BB Code I'm using. Hope this helps. PM me if you need more info
  8. Still same error here ... error while storing your image in our database ------------------------------------ EDIT 18:03 - Managed 1 post - huzzar Had to do in two phases. Image alone 1st. Then edit once posted to get the descriptions in... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/339192
  9. Fraid not Dark0ne. 413 Error gone, but just checked again and now getting ... ErrorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... There was an error while storing your image in our database. Please try again.
  10. I'm now getting... Upload an image to the database ErrorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... There was an error while storing your image in our database. Please try again. Tried several time and getting same
  11. Was worth a try - Good work Guys Go Premium Boys n' Gals and support the cause
  12. Oh! we weren't friend? XD
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