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Everything posted by Anbar

  1. i've pointed this out elsewhere but will repeat it here also: Reducing panic for ignored UFOs make interception of difficult targets entirely pointless: there is no benefit at all to attempting to intercept a difficult UFO if the PANIC from ignoring it is exactly the same as the panic from failing to intercept it. f.ex: Early game a big old Abductor UFO appears on your rader. If you attempt an interception, knowing that you wont be able to shoot it down, and will probably lose an interceptor in the process, then at least the PANIC will be reduced form 2 to 1. If you ignore it totally then PANIC will be 2. with your mod: Ignore the UFO panic = 1 fail to intercept the UFO panic = 1 Therefore why even bothering trying to intercept the UFO? ------ there are a host of good gameplay and balance reason why ignoring UFOs should (i would say "must") always be higher than ignoring UFOs. lots of people seem to alter this stat because they have enabled abduction/terror UFOs, beleiving that this is the only way to restrain panic form "all those ignored UFOs". However this is not how the system works. UFOs that are undetected do NOT raise panic whatsoever. Only detected UFOs, that "require interception" potentially raise panic levels. There a really good game mechanic in this for raising the difficulty on any setting: spamming satellites early in the game, which will raise your chances to detect UFOs on whatever continents the satellites are, is BAD, strategically, if you cannot shoot those UFOs down (PANIC goes up a LOT) . SO this prevents the player from spreading out his satellite however he wants, unless he can properly protect them. If, however, the panic level for ignored is the same as attempted, then the player cna continue to do whatsoever he wants with satellite placement. i.e. keeping the game easy. (in fact easier).
  2. tried a few alternative methods with no success... the only thing i can say with a reasonable amount of confidence is that we can expect Voice DLC content at some point... the way the voices are listed in DefaultEngine is highly suggestive of future "no free" content to follow.... If i were a betting man i'd say voices & weapons & outfits for DLC some time down the line.
  3. i had a similar issue with ogg sound files.... but found a way around it by using gildors to unpack - then found a different program that would extract .oggs from the unpacked upk (took a bit of Google-Fu to track it down) havent looked at textures though
  4. not true - you can restrict any ability to any property - such as soldier type. See above image - squad-sight restricted to Sniper use only on Assault Rifle and Pistol/// no other class can do this. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/807501-modding-soldiers-weapons-and-items/
  5. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8193/8092169371_834124b4ee_o.jpg
  6. A picture says a thousand words.... http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8196/8092104273_0ac3728779_o.jpg
  7. hey all, does anybody know the control for the engineering bonus? i.e. the reduction in engineering time & item discount by the number of engineers. Seriously needs nerfing but i cant seem to find the trigger for it. WORKSHOP_MINIMUM=6 - required # of engineers to build a workshop WORKSHOP_MULTIPLE=10 - ??????? (edit - lowering this to 1 had no effect on prices to build btw) WORKSHOP_REBATE_PCT=5 - % rebate on building items, by each workshop built WORKSHOP_ENG_BONUS=4 - number of engineers "produced" by each workshop Atm, with a starting # of 5 engineers I have a satellite cost set @ 160 after 1 mission, adding +3 engineers that cost is only 130 the rate of "discount" produced by the extra engineers is far too high... similar issue exists with scientists also.. although it isnt apparent as the research times are so low that you dont usually even require Laboratories too increase research rate. Is the trigger/control from this outside of the DefaultGameCore?
  8. http://www.gildor.org/smf/index.php/board,3.0.html
  9. Yes, in theory there is some logic to that... I think front-loading aim bonuses is potentially dangerous to balance...and you can argue "reality" pretty much any way that you want to. Having said that... now looking at the way they are done in vanilla i better see what Gazz has done here... the re-distribution of the total points does make more sense and the vanilla figures do have some weird leaps and falls dont they? (I hadn't fully recognised what gazz had done : i assumed he had simply rearranged the points) Looking over my own changes to Rank XP it actually ties in well, as getting the last of the ranks is much harder (more XP needed)... I'm going to add it into my mod changes and see how it goes in-game.
  10. its more aggressive on classic. on normal the alien tend to retreat a lot more, dont use grenades (modable that) and so forth.
  11. it tells you on the site that the tool is on, lots of help in their forums also, plus a tutorial.
  12. but those are special traits gains, not innate aiming. THe more i think about it the more i see a low-hi--low being the better methodlogy..with the big increase around Sgt/Lt
  13. yeah but assaults can use assault rifles if they want range. it doesnt make much sense to me (in "reality") for pistols to ahve the same ranges as Assault Rifles. Having said that the "gameplay" reason for it is enitrely justified. Currently using a pistol of range 17 in-game and its fine.... the assault shotgun penalty is over 10, so the pistol extends their range by 70%..... vanilla its 170% wygrdti "And rapid fire? Just imagine what a pistol-skilled sniper could do with a plasma pistol and some foundry pistol buffs..." Yeah thats why i was a bit undecided on rapid fire. Also havent entirely made my mind up on headshot for that matter. ------- re SHIV...I dont have the game files here but i was pretty certain the SHIV weapons are listed in with the other weapons and ahve suppression by default on them.
  14. Still, for the MG I'd be inclined to add automatic suppression. Otherwise, what's the point of bringing a MG instead of an AR? This and allowing snipers to use AR is about the extent of weapon modding that I did in my game. I see no point in having everyone bring shotguns as sidearms or such esoteric mods. =) Snipers with AR can be useful. Early on, a sniper rifle is a clear disadvantage over the generic AR so it would be stupid for the soldier having to use it. Later, snipers rock but for close-in work you'd be better off bringing another class... or skilling them apropriately. =) yeah i tend to agree, same withe the SHIV mini-gun.. ahvent got my files at work but iirc they ahve built-in suppression even in vanilla? Tempted to do the change re snipers myself... other classes i'm ok with "as-is" I ahve, however, altered Pistols: I've reduced their range (15) and added +5 aim and 360 reaction. Tempted to add headshot or rapid fire. The idea being that they are CQB weapons rather than same effective range as AR. Personally i think the game dynamic is better with them with reduced range also.
  15. GUI issue with 3 slots though... 2 is without problems (other than with deep-pockets special turning it into 3)
  16. Yeah its interesting... I suppose one could argue that ones' abilities get more significant the more expert you become, so there is an argument for inverting the stats increase with the low increases at the beginning and high at the end. I suspect it was done High-low-high to reflect the difficulty changes in the game as you progress to new enemies....but, again, you could argue it either way.
  17. yeah be careful with changing too many weapons stats, it can get ugly in terms of balance VERY quickly. Suppresion on wepaons, f.ex, becomes automatic (rather than confined to a special-action attribute)
  18. i was wondering about adding shot suppression myself.... could argue it both wyas though i guess... in the end i kept suppression to the LMG and the SHIVs. Just for others: changes to kevlar (basic armour) you need to click on the item in inventory to get the second small itoem slot to show.
  19. might be better keeping individual mod notes in a separate thread so this can stay dedicated to the modpatcher itself.
  20. its not that simple, in fact its quite tricky. The best way forward atm is to use the international languages already done, howveer without a way to change the object_reference within the .upk file I dont see a way forward. ...and I dont know how to do that.
  21. did you notice that in the defaultgamecore.ini the production of workshop items, guns, armour etc, does have an iTime associated with it.. but somewhere that time is obviously being turned-off. it would be great to turn that back on so that items are no longer manufactured instantly.
  22. aye we use googlecode and tortoise svn for modding HOI stuff
  23. Dread: can you email me the modpatcher please as i cannot download from your source without having to setup an account (it now says my maximum downloads are exceeded) thanks!
  24. can you email me the modpatcher please as i cannot download from your source without having to setup an account (it now says my maximum downloads are exceeded) [email protected]
  25. just use gildor umodel program...? (works for sounds etc, havent looked myself at models)
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