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Everything posted by Zyxpsilon
Well.. i can already access any GFX resources from SG only through the usual UILIbrary_DLC3Images_SF.upk archive. I suspect the compiled U script must be in the XComGame folders structure as well.. hold on for a minute .. .. .. Yep, it's there too along with Config.INI(s) & the whole localization system -- as expected. UC sources are a different issue (that's true).. but give us a few more days & weeks and i'm sure someone will start juggling with that stuff soon enough. :smile: Overrides have been tamed, AFAIC.
Big buggy issue.. My first Terror Mission ended abruptly while Firebrand was caught in a loop of warnings with Bradford. All five operatives were shown as "Captured" but the mission itself wasn't really completed. If this is caused by a newly re-installed mod -- dunno which exactly. Soooo - i have to presume the "scripted mechanics" got borked up somehow. I've already tried re-loading from scratch a number of times -- No luck!! :sick: :sad: EDIT; Same thing just happened in a Supply-Raid mission... this looks more & more like a corrupted Save-File process to me. EDIT2; And now, the flaw is spreading onto other Missions like "Protect-Device" too. Retaliation can sometime get a "Reinforcements" popup in the top-left corner... while the whole screen is stuttering heavily. This has to be an Auto-Saving corruption -- upon reloading, all hell breaks loose! Someone must hate Save-Scumming at Firaxis Q/A to let such very bad code slip by. FINAL-EDIT; Turns out.. it was all my fault all along. While i was trying to re-activate anything from my Mods list -- something corrupted the saves-chain (possibly through loading a Tactical save right after activating stuff). I scrapped the current first SG games and started completely fresh. No more flaws! Silly me. Soooo -- this weird adventure is now over, for the best.. i can finally inspect that ModBuddy reported "errors" for myself. Maybe i'll find what's wrong for everyone. ;)
The XCom2 Editor loaded up just fine when i went to check out the library contents for updated assets earlier. I have yet to try compiling my latest LAByrinth project (and some others) with it though. I think that new Health bar should give some troubles to you & others with the usual gfxSquadLoadout phase.. although my qUIck_FLO (adding flags to the panels) proved to be alright.
Here we go again... although my own short list of Mods isn't all that much extensive as some of you play with -- it's no less important to verify if anything got broken by the latest Firaxis Updates. -- Trying to reactivate whichever MODs i felt would most likely be compatible as is. So in order to be thorough, ModOptions.INI file before SG; ----------------------------------------- ----In the XCom2\Mods folder---- [√] ActiveMods=GeoscApps [√] ActiveMods=LAByrinth (( WE're getting very near to an official Beta release! )) [√] ActiveMods=qUIck_FIX [√] ActiveMods=qUIck_FLG + FP2 to FP5 [√] ActiveMods=qUIck_FLO [√] ActiveMods=qUIck_RCP (( SPARK related icons & Flag along with Lily's Chief-Engineer custom class comin' up soon! )) [√] ActiveMods=SwappImg [√] ActiveMods=QuietBradford --- ... [?] ActiveMods=ModConfigMenu (Won't re-activate until they update with planned "Drop-Down components" feature) ----------------------------------------- [Engine.XComModOptions] 1 ) ActiveMods=DiverseFacepaints 1 ) ActiveMods=Morearmorcolors 1 ) ActiveMods=Moreskincolors 1 ) ActiveMods=NewHairmod 1 ) ActiveMods=Upcomingeventsinhours 1 ) ActiveMods=MissionTimeRemaining 1 ) ActiveMods=ConfigurableMissionTimers 1 ) ActiveMods=EvacAll (QoL by TrackTwo) ((**Note that a previous "Bug" with VIP-Extraction missions has been released for this!)) 1 ) ActiveMods=UpgradeReminder (QoL by TT) 1 ) ActiveMods=FreeCameraRotation ... ? ) ActiveMods=BlackmarketUsage (QoL.. informed decisions when you Buy/Sell.. lags terribly -- but who cares!) ------------------- 2 ) ActiveMods=LWS_OfficerPack 2 ) ActiveMods=LWS_AlienPack 2 ) ActiveMods=LWS_SMGPack ------------------- 3 ) ActiveMods=MoreSquadSizeUpgrades (Recommended edit to INI .. +TryToFitEveryoneOnSquadSelectScreen=false .. to fix HP/bars) 3 ) ActiveMods=LifetimeStats (..so far, works perfectly fine as is!) 3 ) ActiveMods=AmmoandVestSlotsV2 (( Has been updated twice by Mythrell.. No longer conflicts with "WeaponUpgradeIndicators"! )) ------------------- 4 ) ActiveMods=CostBasedAbilityColors 4 ) ActiveMods=ShowMeThePersonel (Another essential QoL) I can now safely use my custom darkened background for UI clarity. 4 ) ActiveMods=SWRHiddenPotential 4 ) ActiveMods=SWRNotCreatedEqual 4 ) ActiveMods=ShowMeTheSkills (... RoboJumper just released a nice & tight workaround Mod that can hide the new SG/Health bar! Yeah!!) 4 ) ActiveMods=Uniforms (THE mod!!) Updated... in Mid-July, including a LWS compatibility check. ------------------- 5 ) ActiveMods=CapnbubsAccessoriesPack (Graphics array heavy burden but it's soooo cool) 5 ) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorResistanceOptions (That much variety is sooo cool to have when creating special Characters) 5 ) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorLessAnarchy (Bare skins of anything -- that's plain silly IMO) 5 ) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorOptions (Really couldn't stand not having the "Staff Underlays" option) ------------------- 6 ) ActiveMods=DarthMaulMod (One single Face paint and you're in Star Wars territory) 6 ) ActiveMods=CovertOpsArmor (Nice gameplay touch of alternate Armor conditions that reminds of FiLP & Shaoji Zhang from EU) 6 ) ActiveMods=MrKXCom1Stuffs (Solid porting of every EU/EW Helmets.. plus his Tier_2+3 Armors) ------------------- ** Since AH got released, i've been adding a few new items to that list.. ------------------- 3 ) ActiveMods=OverwatchAll (Must have against Rulers) 3 ) ActiveMods=WeaponUpgradeIndicators (Cool tiny colored Revolvers that X-come with a QoL twist) 3 ) ActiveMods=ShowEnemiesonMissionPlanning (All the time.. FTW!) 4 ) ActiveMods=30AbilityIcons (They keep stacking aren't they?) 4 ) ActiveMods=AdditionalProvingGroundEngineer (One more is just enough) 4 ) ActiveMods=LaboratoryReworked (Same rational thinking as above) 4 ) ActiveMods=MakeHealsPersist (What good is a MedKit when it doesn't heal anything) 4 ) ActiveMods=RemoveRageShakingCam (Really sickening UI effect :confused: ) ... ? ) ActiveMods=CutContentAmmo (Now that AmmoVest is ready.. that's next -- for some more coolish variety) ------------------- [X] ActiveMods=LOSPreviewAbility (UN-Subscribed) [X] ActiveMods=LootIndicator (UN-Subscribed) ------------------- With the exact order of the current activation steps taken so far. Smooth, no bad gameplay effects .. for [√] & #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, ...to.. #? I'll update my progress of re-activations until the whole list is resolved. FINAL Edits (08/07-AM); There you go.. the essentials have been covered. The whole XC2 community of Modders is highly efficient with keeping their stuff up-to-date & has proven to be pretty swift to adapt to SG+Patch, AFAIC. We're just blessed by such competent & dedicated peoples. :cool: :wink:
Now this... -- Updates to allow Steam Workshop DLC to be enumerated before native script packages are loaded. Will allow mods that override XComGame.upk to work through Steam Workshop I very-really-absolutely like. Here's the run-down... https://xcom.com/news/en-xcom-2-june-2016-patch :wink:
I'm currently trying to enhance multiple Info Panels (Right-Side) of the default XCom-Archives screen to add a specific feature called "LAByrinth" as a mod. To put my comments into context here's a demo step snapshot of what this post is all about -- anyone's capacity to add various formatting tricks to whichever strings would ever so kindly validate 'hem at runtime. Thus... 1) I could align (centered) the red NA "header" 2) Trying to give that string a Font (Face or Type, etc) according to some declared values/principles (by UIUtilities_Text.uc) -- simply failed! 3) Three specific (embedded by the Engine) Fonts seem to be used by the UI while i could gather up a small set of extra-characters (trial&error, sadly) to exploit in these custom LAByrinth articles. The snapshot ONLY has "Alpha/Normal" fonts -- since #2 wouldn't collaborate with my attempts! ;) 4) Of all the "Lines" related HTML instructions.. only ( \n ) = CRLF worked.. but i really could use ( \r ) = CR or whatever else to adapt any such string/text fields variation to Stats Tables & Sheets for example. ** This is the INT instructions that can do what's shown in the image above.. [LGeoRegions X2EncyclopediaTemplate] ListTitle="Geoscape Regions" DescriptionTitle="Sixteen interlinked at random!" DescriptionEntry=" \n*____________________________________________* \n Followed by.. \n \n** A fourth section of Six Continents/Regions summary with thematic colored Images & each of their regional descriptions. Maximum links (+ external Connections) exposed. \n<font color='#BB0000' size='40'><p align='CENTER'>________ NA ________</p></font> \n* Calibrating lines format width @22(STD-Normal) FontSizes * \n_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| \n______________________________________________ \n#1: AF-Carplates (Title) @28 with GOOD color.. \n<font color='#53B45E' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font> \n#2: LucidaConsole (Proto) @28 with PERK color.. \n<font color='#FEF4CB' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font> \n#3: Alpha (Normal) @28 with HEADER color.. \n<font color='#ACA68A' size='28'>.. « ± » | ― ¦ ¼ ½ ¾ ^ º ¯ ° ¤ ~ ∞ √ • Ω ∑ ..</font>"Sooooo.. My question or request should now be quite obvious to you! -- If anyone (Devs) from Firaxis or LWS (AND everyone else having direct knowledge of such tricky stuff) could please give me the low-down bottom truth & facts about the darn HTML powers *we* can all actually put to good use .. i'd be a much more than just some happy pseudo modder! :laugh: :geek:
As of today, WE're getting very near to a "Demo-Status" release. Thanks to a new development partnership with GrimyBunyip.. the UC script-code(s) are receiving some serious attention while also enhancing the whole concept with cool features -- two brains are better than none. Final Tech-Tree structure... Yeah! :D :dance: PS; Well -- that was not so final after all!! :)
More than three weeks of extensive search for *THAT* file hasn't given me any solid results. There are a number of hints from various Encyclopedia or XComDatabase 'UC systems' which also provide a few clues about a specific Commander's Quarters HUD component.. yet, those aren't indicating clearly what drives that screen via HQPres or anything else like UI3D or as far as i can presume it should -- the correct and usual GFX-Flash structure. FX, FBX, CIN -- i've tried scanning through much stuff & UI assets for nada. :pinch: Well except for the background image (( MG_XCOM_OSmainBG )) that is! What good is that Texture for .. if i can't even find the targeted layer UI element that hovers straight above it. Anyone knows where *IT* is?
Thanks a lot @prowler83.. this is exactly what (values 72 or 95.. etc) i was looking for! ;)
Shoootttss - if these are embedded into each Model/Mesh Material "Constants" i'm almost toast, then. Then, another trick might be to just intercept the default rendering steps on the initial instances (Tech revealer animation), reserve two config slots with personal choices & then, invoque the switch when customization screen pops-up?! :geek: Soooo - wicked - that Firaxis Devs wouldn't at least allow some indirect hooks for Modders to actually tackle that kind of stuff. Well -- if you should ever find a solution, E3245... please return to this thread to provide your solution for me. :wink:
Is there any (relatively easy) way to just alter these Primary & Secondary values either through some xx..Config..INI settings (of authentic DLC origins) or via whatever other code files -- if need be by a locally maintained Mod? These defaults really are "weirdly designed" for me.. and i find myself having to continually reset such two simple custom definitions for each -- three times -- in every games. :pinch:
This just in... a "partial" demo version of GeoscApps will soon be (( Has Been )) uploaded to the Steam Workshop! :D https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=701921959 --- Released! :cool: :dance:
After a silly stalled programming flaw (INI file naming convention) that hooked me for nearly a week of hair pulling frustration! :wink: qUIck_FLO .. is now available on the Steam-Workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=698635602 -- No political statements were implied while developping this new feature! :D
Whammy, too! :D
Okay -- i found how to fix #1 ... it's the config file naming convention that must match with the Mod "title" as written up for the build asset -- src \\ MOD \\ Classes; class qUIck_FLO_UIListener extends UIScreenListener config(qUIck_FLO); The file itself then has to be renamed XComqUIck_FLO.ini while being dropped into the Config folder. And receive this as its first instruction too... [qUIck_FLO.qUIck_FLO_UIListener] Duh! :wink: Sooooo.. if anyone still has some suggestion how to proceed with the refresh for new "Select/Soldier" steps.. please share your thoughts!
Trying to insert them using this script... // qUIck_FLO == Displays Nationality Flags on Squad-Loadout screen // NOTE == Original code created by TrackTwo for "UIUpgradeReminder" // Author == Zyxpsilon.. with some precious help from InfectedM class qUIck_FLO_UIListener extends UIScreenListener config(FLOConfig); // Config variables for placement, size and (#2) Transparency // var const config int FLAGS_XLoc; var const config int FLAGS_YLoc; var const config float FLAGS_SCALE; // var const config float FLAGS_ALPHA; // Data Collector Arrays var array<UIPanel> FlagIcons; var array<UISquadSelect_ListItem> CachedListItems; // UI has started up: refresh our Flags list event OnInit(UIScreen Screen) { local UISquadSelect SquadSelect; SquadSelect = UISquadSelect(Screen); if (SquadSelect != none) RefreshFlags(SquadSelect); } // Regained focus: refresh our Flags list event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen Screen) { local UISquadSelect SquadSelect; SquadSelect = UISquadSelect(Screen); if (SquadSelect != none) RefreshFlags(SquadSelect); } function UIImage CreateFlagIcon(UISquadSelect_ListItem ListItem) { local XComGameState_Unit Unit; local string FlagIconImg; local UIImage FlagIcon; // Look up the unit associated with this slot. Unit = XComGameState_Unit(`XCOMHISTORY.GetGameStateForObjectID(ListItem.GetUnitRef().ObjectID)); FlagIconImg = (Unit.IsSoldier()) ? Unit.GetCountryTemplate().FlagImage : ""; FlagIcon = ListItem.DynamicContainer.Spawn(class 'UIImage', ListItem.DynamicContainer).InitImage(, FlagIconImg); FlagIcon.SetPosition(FLAGS_XLoc, FLAGS_YLoc); FlagIcon.SetScale(FLAGS_SCALE); FlagIcon.Hide(); return FlagIcon; } // Refresh the Flag state function RefreshFlags(UISquadSelect SquadSelect) { local UISquadSelect_ListItem ListItem; local int i; local UIPanel Panel; local array<UIPanel> ListItemPanels; // Iterate the children of the squad select looking for the list items. SquadSelect.GetChildrenOfType(class'UISquadSelect_ListItem', ListItemPanels); foreach ListItemPanels(Panel) { ListItem = UISquadSelect_ListItem(Panel); // Have we already handled this list item? i = CachedListItems.Find(ListItem); if (i == -1) { // This one is new. Create new Flags and cache this item. FlagIcons.AddItem(CreateFlagIcon(ListItem)); CachedListItems.AddItem(ListItem); i = CachedListItems.Length - 1; } FlagIcons[i].Show(); } } defaultproperties { // UISquadSelect is the name of the class we want to pay attention to, but it may be overridden by // another mod so we can't rely on it being there. } Compiled correctly, but the ingame problems are; http://s33.postimg.org/5njzhur4f/FLO_First_Try_Flaw.png 1) They don't re-locate and re-scale as defined by the XComFLOConfig.ini file below; [FLOConfig.qUIck_FLO_UIListener] ; Configuration settings for Flag-Images within each soldier "Info-boxes" ; X--Position (Larger values are further right on-screen) FLAGS_XLoc=210 ; Y--Position (Larger values are further down on-screen) FLAGS_YLoc=216 ; Size of the image on-screen. Scales the original (128x64) by the given factor. ; Current default of (0.75) equals to (96x48) pixels. FLAGS_SCALE=0.75 2) When switching troopers, the initial (via AutoFill) flag remains and the new isn't updated. Anyone has any ideas what's wrong with that code?
Soooooo.. might as well reveal almost everything at once. A) First phase... B) Second phase... E) Last phase... Kinda obvious isn't it? Why would such an extensive bunch of thoughts suddenly lose all its potential Modding value? :ohmy: Thus -- in a swift brainstorming afternoon, i finally realized that i **COULD** find some ways to implement a redux version of that thingy. May take a while before i dig far enough into UC scripting stuff to obtain minimal quality with strictly limited features -- but, i'm a gambler by nature. As the proberb says; we're always better served by our own work! See ya when & then, people! :D
What you're looking for is mainly a "Cheat Engine" style of program which already exists... http://www.cheatengine.org/ ...it even offers a gauntlet of dedicated XCom2 "CT" files that can perform a number of automatic edits. Read their Forums from this link... http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=587511
Relatively simple idea.. yet, a bit complex to implement straight onto the Tactical screen. http://s33.postimg.org/71z2nf6vz/Kills_Counter_Request.png According to the Shadow-Chamber, a total of (-15-) were detected before that mission started. So far, (-4-) have been killed. This pseudo-bar then depletes from right to left until the mission is over. As a result, we would --know-- there are still one or two or many on any given maps! PS; That suggestion isn't what a currently available Mod already does, btw. It gives such indirect values per individual soldiers aside from their Info panels in the bottom left corner.
Soooo.. as a formal demonstration (and verification steps, TBH) of what is now possible with this tool -- i'm in the process of building up a special mod; qUIck_FIX. I'll be exposing a few examples of direct HUD changes such as... #1) UFO Land or Crash mission sites were tagged with the Advent Logo which doesn't really match the context, IMO. http://s33.postimg.org/pd2g022zz/FIX2_Landed_UFO_Mission_Icon.png #2) My fleshy (instead of purplish) Lily Shen is there too! :wink: http://s33.postimg.org/bo94ckjvz/FIX1_Lily_Shen.png #3) Are you familiar with this custom Ranger rank icon from qUIck_RCP... http://s33.postimg.org/gna2asecf/icon_ranger_ck64.png ?? Well, Bradford now has his own version when going to the Vipers' Cavern mission. http://s33.postimg.org/zeem6hp5r/FIX3_Bradford_Class_Icon.png That stuff isn't really produced by a pure "SwappImg" process.. but, since Firaxis wisely exposed that specific UI asset to the XComClassData.ini settings for the Bradford pawn -- the task of providing it was made that much easier. This image was burried into a UPK as "GOPS3" (256x256) file... all i did was tone its Lightness down to the AH greenish theme color, resized the original to 64x64 (Rank Icons calibration) & dumped the result into the UPK UILibrary. Plouck, unique & distinct military style symbol for Central. #4) ... :cool: :geek: :dance:
SwappImg has been officially released on the Steam-Workshop; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=694875779 :cool:
I've already mentionned the "Case" tricks to you ObelixDK, btw. ;) The loop troubles are similar to some Array declaration of stack limits also. Yet, every unique codes have different perspectives on whichever demands for various instructions while specific workaround solutions (such as the embedded Case dispatch calls) can always stand in place of strict situations. Basic programming is a low-level assembly of particular components. Once you find what is (or should be) most optimal, it's only a matter of proper structure where functions interact with variables & constants along arrays and/or conditional elements. If-Then-Else is the elephant in the room in most hooking choices we must make.
Tutorial: XCOM 2 Editor Custom Packages
Zyxpsilon replied to TeamDragonpunk's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
Excellent reference for anyone serious enough about using custom "graphic resources" in whatever context they're targeting. David should link this page in his dedicated Tutorial(s) thread, AFAIC. ;) -
Screenstack, kscreen, Flash, and UIMissions -At Wit's End
Zyxpsilon replied to TeamDragonpunk's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
Gosh.. modding skills will never cease to amaze me, TT. Sometimes, it's the simplest of things when solution(s) need a different (but almost obvious) approach. :ninja:- 17 replies
- screenstack
- kscreen
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Not sure yet, since i haven't explored the whole variety of Flash components in this game and their various dependencies. These are all assembled in relatively complex manners while a few should be compatible with SwappImg (even if with a sub-function assigned to such strict input flows) since it does make use of a Super.QueueString (param) call. We do that in a Base + Extension combo Mod. Here's the first Base-code; // SwappImgBase = Allows some indirect "TexMod" capabilities via MC-Hooks defined by // pathing Extension(s) declared in any given external UIListener(s) Script // Author == InfectedM (Adapted by Zyxpsilon) // class SwappImg_UIMCController_Base extends UIMCController; simulated function QueueString(string Param) { local WebApplication Helper; if (Left(Param, 4) == "img:") { Helper = new class'WebApplication'; Helper.Path = Param; `XEVENTMGR.TriggerEvent('ProcessImageOverrides', Helper, self); Param = Helper.Path; `Log("After Replacement:" @ Param); } super.QueueString(Param); }And some early test Extension-code (Listener) i've adapted from InfectedM's source to put my fleshy LilyShen & it worked fine (It's a called popup too, btw...) class SwappImgFIX_UIScreenListener_Extension extends UIScreenListener; event OnInit(UIScreen Screen) { local Object ThisObj; ThisObj = self; `XEVENTMGR.RegisterForEvent(ThisObj, 'ProcessImageOverrides', ApplyImageOverrides); } simulated function EventListenerReturn ApplyImageOverrides(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState GameState, Name EventID) { local WebApplication Helper; Helper = WebApplication(EventData); Helper.Path = Repl(Helper.Path, "img:///UILibrary_Common.Head_Shen", "img:///qUIck_FIX_UILibrary.Head_Shen"); Helper.Path = Repl(Helper.Path, "img:///UILibrary_Common.Xcom_default", "img:///qUIck_FIX_UILibrary.Xcom_default"); // Helper.Path = Repl(Helper.Path, "img:///gfxComponents.XCOM2_Logo_small", "img:///qUIck_FIX_gfxComponents.XCOM2_Logo_small"); return ELR_NoInterrupt; } Xcom_default -- an alternate "Saves/Box" failed.. but that might be from the Layer/Stacks gimmick i've mentionned in another thread. The XCOM2_Logo_small attempt was directed at a gfxComponents upk.. i expected that to somehow skip the ARC referencing snatch. But i'm 75% sure a different Event could serve as indirect Objects' tagger in that case for a weird reason; it's just the opening title screen/menu pulled from Shell assets including gfx scripts & a gauntlet of sprites, etc. :wink: Making the rational connection, yet? :geek: The minimal principle is that the core class method (( SwappImgBase )) mod '''must''' run in the background as a generic receiver while (( SwappImg???_UIScreenListener_Extension )) transmits the custom Library of Repl-aceable Target-Paths + CustomImage-Paths. In terms of specific Flash resources, the trick would be to "fool" the engine into MC'ing from a controllable virtual space -- i think. AFAIC.. entirely possible. PS; qUIck_RCP is currently using that combo model during my games & everything is flawless -- from Rank-Icons to GTS custom images. I haven't released it yet to the Workshop because i would need a tricky "analysis report" from Amineri while a formal document/readme still has to be written up -- correctly. :D