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Everything posted by Zyxpsilon
It might be early in the concept process but with some help (again) from InfectedM, i was able to determine that swapping (almost any) default textures for custom versions of our own is as easy as creating a dedicated UIMCController override. While i was trying to further enhance the qUIck_RCP mod by providing GTS upgrade images to match with their corresponding Classes Icons... this tiny variation of a previous code did everything necessary in one big swoop of direct processing that i nick-named "SwapImg"; class UIMCController_qUIckRG4 extends UIMCController; simulated function QueueString(string Param) { Param = Repl(Param, "img:///UILibrary_StrategyImages.GTS.", "img:///qUIck_GTS4_UILibrary.GTS."); Param = Repl(Param, "img:///UILibrary_Common.rank_", "img:///qUIck_RCP_UILibrary.rank_"); Param = Repl(Param, "img:///UILibrary_Common.psirank_", "img:///qUIck_RCP_UILibrary.psirank_"); super.QueueString(Param); } I won't (have to, i guess) go into much more complex details, but frankly to me.. it simply & swiftly does the right job! -- As long as you can identify the correct Pathing of targeted objects (mostly declared in any given UC scripts that transfer such assets to the GFX/Flash infra-structure) and would programmatically fiddle with the actual trajectory (or various principles as need be) of such files... your tiny MCController stack of instructions will just super.Queue whatever Images (found and Repl_aced) in its symbiotic looped tasks. http://s32.postimg.org/7katyqq1h/Example_Swap_Img.png -- Tadaam, done !!! Enjoy your very own favorite HUD+UI variations... and get those creativity neurones running wildly on my behalf. :D
Comprehensive Stealth/Guerilla Warfare Mod
Zyxpsilon replied to TeamDragonpunk's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
Not only my (preferred mods) but it's the same wrecking situation for everyone's! It's the 12 Soldiers LWS-feature that "breaks" the scrolling function (necessary to still show more than the default 6) and the generic custom framework that mod must use to deploy distinct areas containing the Stats and another with Skills/Ability/Icons. So when the new principles take over (Loadout GFX file) to stack its own double deck of 6x2.. it has to redesign how details & infos get distributed in the available space. Take a quick look at this... Sooooo... the bottom areas are simply scrapped by ToolBox since they have overridden whatever code "ShowMeTheSkills" had re-created for its specific needs. Similarily.. the Barracks list has also been redesigned to make room for the Icons+Values stats which were already provided by "ShowMeTheStats" mod -- in a different manner. Side-Panel or self-displaying horizontal bars upon hovering each individual slots. Somehow less-intrusive... and yet, i got used to it. When i loaded up Toolbox for curiosity & testing... those lines simply felt a bit too crowded. But that has a very good reason; the HUD calibration of XC2 Text strings and Values is slightly tighter than what XC1 had (example with my ReCLR assets made for LongWar); Conclusion... i still would enjoy (or prefer) using their "Mod-Options" & "Tuple" stuff but not **some** of the other features -- if given the choice. As of now, i can't -- since it is all packaged together. -
Comprehensive Stealth/Guerilla Warfare Mod
Zyxpsilon replied to TeamDragonpunk's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
TBH... even if that LWS newest method to integrate a solid "Options Menu" feature seems to be a most optimal solution to a number of current issues -- it's really too bad that it has been supplied along with other modding assets that broke a few other essential mods (( for me! )) like ShowMeTheSkills or MoreSquadSizeUpgrades or SWRHiddenPotential and some more! Soooo, i can only wish they'll just think about splitting the functionalities of both Tuple & Options-Menu in (somehow) stand-alone products for most of us who'd prefer to keep the familiar mods they currently are satisfied with and NOT loose the extra power devices that may become important later down the curve of modding pipelines. I understand we would be better off making certain critical choices as soon as possible but it's a bit enforced, AFAIC. -
X2EventManager as an Enterprise Service Bus?
Zyxpsilon replied to TeamDragonpunk's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
And here i was being absolutely sure it had to mean or could just be inspired by quin'tuple... so, that tells how absurd my thoughts can get -- sometimes. ;) Proves a purely artistic mind (most probably lacking minimal intuitive logic) is very far from a true programmer's brain & skillset, nonetheless. BUT -- it's all also another rational demonstration of modding community potential(s) when we suddenly realize how many simultaneous projects aim for similar goals while the gigantic gap between development and (any, immediate or next in line) final realities start to invade each of our consciences. Now you know why i *DO* write "project threads" rather than submarining in a silent-run way. :D -
LWS still in (official Xcom) business! Good news. About that new ToolBox though -- i gather it will be upgradable quite easily and could certainly aim for a number of extra features. But, i've detected a tricky pattern in its choice of options; a few old mods would become obsolete somehow & i fear there might be some incompatibility hurdles with old saves if someone were to un-install previous versions (Hidden-potential, Squad Sizing, etc) similar to what Toolbox now offers. Please re-assure me on the integration process and if so -- delve a bit deeper into the technical concerns this device might introduce (now or later). Otherwise, each of those extra Packs are loud Rock music to my ears. Laser Weapons Tier & Mystery_LW2 included!! Keep us informed, Amineri.
Remember that cool "Scanning HUD device" we once had in EW? Top-Left corner circle that would indicate tiny "Blips" of our soldiers (in cyan) and Aliens (red triangles) locations. Not sure if XC2 still has some of the related components and assets for that feature but i miss it. I'm sure anyone could start giving me the "Just use the Battle Scanners" lesson.. yet, there's something extremely fun in that medium-sized Radar stuff. It might be OP for some people.. i really don't care -- i want it again. Please to all skilled modders out there - give back THAT slick Radar to us!! ;)
Although, there's this little workaround solution created by Drakous79 (( https://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/486/? )) that does the same via some PatcherGUI tweaks -- and more with the bottom Message-of-the-Day Ticker splash line. Both of which i can't do without anymore! ;)
Ohhhh -- that's what andrewgu (aka-Superd22) & you have been busy with lately. That Mod-Options IDE will become very handy for many external projects as it should provide an easy solution for "customization settings" of any given gameplay+whatever else mods, etc. There was this other similar "Options" project which is already uploaded to Steam.. but yours seems a little more explicit with its offered features and still is documented extensively. I really liked seeing that demo page (second screenshot on GitHub intro description) where various controls are shown. Looks very promising. I know i'll be giving such stuff a solid try once ready -- my qUIck_FLG (201 new nations & cities) could use some form of "settings control" device just like what you're planning.
IIRC, wGhost81's toolset could extract such textures more precisely (at full sizes) in some cases. When i was trying to examine a few assets, i soon realized Gildor's UEXplorer lacked the proper decompression algorithm to tackle XC1 stuff and would discard the major resources while dumping only the low-res defaults. I think these file headers can't be "interpreted" correctly if the code logic (for the extractor) isn't adapted to certain conditions. Which means wGhost81 was able to figure out something. She might be able to help with XC1-to-XC2 conversion projects.
Easy.. qUIck(s) + LAByrinth + GeoscApps. Each of which have their own dedicated development project threads in the generic Nexus forum area. Some stuff nearly completed (UI & Flags), others standing at the concept phase with a few script code tasks (for LAByrinth) already done by SuperD.
Okay people -- here's my (temporary) honest opinion on this weird issue with swinka6666 booting off the Modding community on both Nexus & Steam. -- IF he really got upset by my suggestion of creating a Spiderman project after Obelixdk and him were done with the Predator's essentials... it's (i'll put it gently & politely somehow) completely silly. More directly, it is a case of wrong perception by someone i don't even know personnally. -- Obelixdk and I had a swift Steam-Chat about this stuff (yesterday evening) and we simply can't conclude on anything unless we get the facts straight from him. IMO, it could be almost about whatever anyone would think. -- THIS isn't the end-of-the-world, AFAIC. Plenty of great 3d artists could be waiting in line to share their talents for this specific project & many others. Soooooo -- conclusion? Unless i can get to the truth... i can only state one more extremely simple thing; i was being very serious with my demand for a cool Spiderman model job (by anyone.. i've asked before in the requests section, btw) and i feel nothing is awry about me making such a post. If **HE** found some strange reasons to react as badly as he was -- well, too bad. I won't let that go to my head, at all. Understood? :ninja:
oh-gosh.. Obelixdk & swinka6666, once you are through the essentials for that newest wild Predator mod -- i'd really need to ask you a favor; could you do a true to facts "Spiderman" for us too please?! There are a number of obvious stuff; greater grappling range, Viper-style remote grabbing (without strangle), speed & high jump capacities, etc. Who can resist? http://scriptphd.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Spider-Man.jpg
Holy buckaroo Bonzai... we're all dreaming awake overhere and, certainly must wish you the best of luck for this whole stuff, LiQuiD911. :D All i can see now is the "Temple-Ship" final room where a bunch of Avatars start teleporting crazily. ;)
Gonna try a "Dumb" answer if you won't mind. When we were developping Civ5 (XCom2 SDK uses very similar methods and coding principles via the VB IDE) mods (Nutty & i) we often had to share various transition files to create & maintain local custom sets of the same resources while experimenting with on-the-fly tricks. As long as we both had similar structure of folders and the files were named in a consistant fashion.. we mostly just relied on a static default SLN+SUO combo template we'd just re-build as need be. Not sure if that process would work in our XC2 enviro... but i'd have to guess the "Blank Template" structure (that the guy in that video refers to as DefaultMod, btw) might react correctly that any full-set of authentic MOD files. Whenever & however some drag/drop attempts are done to such a transit pseudo-mod context where the SDK is tricked into thinking it has the essential components to simply re-build from sources rather than pure (or complete) SLN+SUO parameters.
Okay, i gave it all a fair try in the Mod-Talk section with this thread (( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4004430-city-locations-shown-on-geoscape/ )) ... but sadly in nearly two weeks, there isn't any solid answers or proper commitments to actually attempt fixing this kind of stuff. Honestly, if *I* had the skillset & experience to repair this code flaw -- i'd just do it myself... BUT, i just can't from a lack of necessary (complex enough) UC script experience. So my appeal to anyone willing is to consider that new modding project as seriously as i wish the problem would finally go away for good. This is what mostly triggered the need for a correct function into the default code. 1) I am creating a bunch of new cities for the qUIck_FLG mod (200+, so far) and a few of those are somehow special. 2) Fortress of Solitude belongs to the Superman "Pseudo-Country" and it is formally located in the Arctic (Green Dot) within my own simple basic UC script.. but the game engine randomizes IT in Western-US region (Red Dot). --duh. :sick: 3) As with the other cases of "storyline" mission locations, the exact destination(s) should be shown precisely to offer everyone a rational gameplay context. Otherwise the whole thing is ruined by a silly code gimmick that doesn't work as it ***could***. Please, anyone.
Porting XCOM EU skelmeshes & animations to XCOM2 ?
Zyxpsilon replied to LiQuiD911's topic in XCOM's XCOM 2
Cool! Now onto, Alloy & Hover SHIVS and the circle will be complete -- as long as i can fill some squad slot on my SkyRanger missions. ;) But i wouldn't give up so easily as i feel you might beat Shen's gift to the punch before this summer is over. :D -
Soooo.. i guess what i am trying to say is (sadly) this; 1) Doesn't really matter how many other new cities you & i add to this game.. IT will always scramble them wildly -- more so now than ever. 2) I just got the last immersion event of any given games -- the Truth Tower mission and the locations are always precisely defined. Look at what i've got! http://s31.postimg.org/a0cotyirv/Flaw_Ulaanbaatar_in_China.png Middle of China near Beijing or further North-West in Mongolia's Capital -- you get to decide, buddy! :D
Whatever the code *WAS* designed with (the likely problem is that VSize estimate, btw) .. still introduces the geographic precision flaws we're all experiencing, Lad09 (RealityMachina). So the only rational solution to such errors could be to have a direct "Stick to the currently selected exact location **AND** its pre-defined city string" rather than a re-setting principle based on relative distances within --that-- Region. Otherwise, we'll always get unreliable GuerillaOp models at the wrong spot(s). As shown by those remmed // instructions, they probably had that feature in previous iterations of the code... then, the real dime&nickels question remains -- Why the hell discard that feature? Barring the "limit-to-region=none" conditional loop, i don't see what the advantage would be other than just creating a wild irrational effect. For the coordinates, i used a different approach which produces very similar (and mostly the exact same) results. 1) Cities require two fields.. X(Long_WE) + Y(Lat_NS) coordinates 2) Roughly based on (DateLine=0/0 North-West of Alaska **TO** 1000/0 North-East of Siberia peninsula) while the Equator Line=0..1000/500 2) Decimals conversion formula: X == (180-W)/360..or..(E+180)/360 & Y == (90-N)/180..or..(S+90)/180 Soooo, no radians or Pi concerns here. Just straight up (pre-determined) Equi-Rectangular (of 2000x1000 pixels) accuracy & somehow, good enough precision. To be clear, i just want the "random" function to stop scrambling our long list of cities (nearly 175 in yours, 201 in mine) and all of their properly intended locations for reality's sake. Think of it this way... i supply a "Vostok Station" mission site in Antarctica (attached and defined as a New-Australia region in Oceania-South dependency, btw) or in "Svalbard" from Norway or in Nuuk/Greenland from Denmark (etc) -- for some wild storyline reasons... and the most effective way to transmit that gameplay feel is to have a correct traveling path taken by the Skyranger when deployed at those predictable spots & more! :wink: Besides.. Toronto showing up in New-Brunswick (and a multitude of other awful stuff) isn't my idea of modern games worth the clutterbuck of enjoyable immersion.
Well, if anything -- that linked rundown of the essentials proves that "documenting" such a complex code along with many of its core mechanics is a daunting task. Unreal engine does its best to provide good-fair online details.. but nothing is really (or directly) related to our own XCom2 instruction sets. It's our responsability to dig for and interpret whatever Firaxis coders gave us in the form of source files & SDK gimmicks & code commentary. As is the case for many other games, btw. Developpers are better off making solid products than becoming "teachers" for the populous at large, AFAIC. Modding is (almost) exclusive to geeks -- as a result of these conditions. Knowledge is king in the castle (or labyrinth) of ANY ideas.
More of a code fix request than a formal mod.. this has bothered me for awhile nonetheless. When we select a soldier (to either find stats, customize, distribute PCS and/or Weapon Upgrades, etc) from the Barracks list and then -- keep selecting the next soldier(s) directly via the HUD Arrows (back or forward)... the order (as shown in the list) isn't respected. It's a scramble (nearly random at best) rather than the exact same "cycle" as the current state of the list(s). I feel it would be a good QoL feature for most gameplay situations as we try to find anyone in that regular roster -- faster! Mind you, not all Barracks contain more than 12-20 in any given games... but in some cases, that number can get slightly (or much) high'er. Can anyone fix this stuff?
Absolutely.. that SDK is a clear win-win device, AFAIC. Pretty much anything has been covered in the various UC scripts while the overall structure is certainly accessible to anyone having minimal "programming" skills. Yet, that might all seem intimidating to the amateur crowds as it involves a better grasp over code logic and other issues with functions, components, arrays, etc. There's a truth nobody can deny though... when people have the proper intellect (and the willingness), anything is possible when that cool Firaxis workbench & toolset are given wisely oriented thoughts. Our imaginations are just a rational limit, only! ;)
Agreed... Voice_Packs & Character Pools (etc) are "minor" assets (IMO) and while some of the current ideas for gameplay "corrections" are great -- the whole Modding agenda goes far beyond small stuff or less-impacting tricks by the many. I doubt we'll ever get to see major overhauls (in terms of extreme changes, everywhere) though for a very simple reason -- the actual community's needs. There's another aspect that might have ruined all of that potential, btw. The initial release was riddled with performance issues and that might have just killed the embryo straight into the egg before anyone could have minimal motivations. I guess, we'll know soon enough.. with the newest (and possibly) last DLC run & Shen's Gift stuff being the ultimate trigger or weirdly, the final farewell song.
Honestly, it's very hard to tell if there's some OFFset calculations at work or not.. simply because everything seems to happen in random fashion. One time a city could be 70 pixels too far right, another it would show up 150 pixels to the north-west! The way i see it.. the function(s) responsible aren't calibrated to handle Miller-Cylindrical (or even Patterson, btw) translations correctly. But, IF only someone at Firaxis should just bother to examine this whole stuff - we'd probably have a definitive proper solution in a week or less. Problem is, after this "kind of ignoring" state of affairs for this specific thread... my hope is fading by the hours. Frankly, it's sad that this wonderful gameplay wouldn't receive such simple attention to details.
oooKay -- here's another proof (keeping track of weird stuff, just in case i should be able to detect an exact code pattern); http://s31.postimg.org/d5mqc76wr/Flaw_Gaborone_in_Madagascar.png Gaborone isn't really located in Madagascar!! :)
Every time someone goes through training.. their Weapon Upgrades are getting scrapped. Any chance this could be fixed, please?