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Posts posted by ihateregisteringeverywhere

  1. One of my all time favourite TBS was Master of Magic. It was one of the first Turned based games I ever played, which led me to such classics as Colonization and of course the original Civilization.



    Although Master of Magic is something like Magic, the Gathering, it indeed worked well as a TBS. I did like using Ariel, white magic may be deceptive (well, blue is the real deceptive, but...)... and her avatar kickass :)


    As I commented in another thread, a TBS I wish I could rediscover (among the lost and no found games I have) it's CD (hoping it would work in the new machines) was Total Annihilation... a very interesting TBS unlike any other in it's time, and maybe even now.


    Edit: correcting myself ... TA is a RTS, sorry, off topic


    Master of Magic was indeed a great game. Very flawed but infinitely replayable over and over again. I was able to download it from some free game site and play it within one of the DOS BOX emulators.

    Oh I just loved the replayability, the world struck me as pretty amazing as well, the bestiary just got me, wish there was a oblivion overhaul which would have a similar world.


    What pissed me of worst is the buffer overflow when you make more than

    255 gold/turn.

  2. Fascinating idea, I had something similar in mind myself. A quite strong and slightly secretive companion that would help you whenever he didn't follow his own agenda which you could naturally help him with. I had a series of quests in mind where you'd be the one playing second violin, might make for a nice leeway in the face of saving humanity.
  3. Probably not, first person simply makes the whole player model transparent and there's no darn way to turn that off. I guess that the mod you mentioned uses a fullactorcopy function to create a double of the player and force-moves that. Needles to say that's quite a hopeless work-arround, just thinking about it is givin' me an headache.


    I guess it's either that or nothing.

  4. Yeah that's the thing, I've tried shorting all of the casting animations - to no avail. The character just finished the shortened animation, stuck there and then went back to idle. Has to be hardcoded - or something or the other.


    Wish it wasn't.


    Just one of those things :glare:.

  5. Why doesn't backstabbing a guy in his sleep with a claymore kill him whereas a dagger does it with ease?


    Why does my bow have scope-vision?


    How do the big boats get to the imperial city with all those bridges and sandbanks obstructing the way?


    What where all the forts in cyrodiil for when you can't cross any of the borders? And why're they abandoned now? What do forts need such big cellars for?


    Why're the mages forgeting spells instead of inventing new ones?


    What does the dark brotherhood need so many (aleged) hidden cells with so many assasins for when they only get assigments everywhere but cyrodiil and only every once a few weeks?


    Why can't I see the aleged new recruits of the fighters guild anywhere?


    Why did Modryn Oreyn stop painting?! He had real talent!


    How can a rat kill a man in plate armour?

  6. Here lies Steel-Toe Steve, Who forgot his Water-Walker ring once.

    Here lies Top-Heavy Ted, who tripped over while Water-Walking.




    Here lie some of the remains we found, a foot, a hand, three ribcages, several heads...

    Dammit, you made me choke on my TicTac!

    Glad to be of service ;D.

  7. There's always a possibility of a fake descendant.


    Anyone claiming that he's god dragon blood could gather quite a following if he played his cards right. He could even claim that it was your fault that his "brother" Martin died...



  8. Just want to add my 2c.


    Yes, IC is the capitol, and yes, the legion is defending it.


    But think about these things politics-wise. Try to follow my simple argumentation: Power corrupts. Not directly perhaps, absolute power doesn't mean absolute corruption. However, people of power do tend to get weird ideas and they do tend to get power hungry. The empire is weak, the legion is strewn thin, the emperor dead, Ocato is a fool, and there are probably still quite a few dormant cells of the mythic dawn present. Sleeper agents might even have infiltrated the legion, advise different lords or whatever really. After each war poverty is on the rise, people aren't happy, why should they be forced to eat one radish a day when the fat legion commander didn't even get a scratch in the fights? Bandits and pirates could go on a rampage. Hell, even some soldiers might join their ranks.


    The situation is unstable. If Vivec was still alive he might consider giving the command to burn are the legion forts in Morowind. If Nerevarine wasn't in akawir he probably wouldn't hesitate at all. The legion in the norths is made out of nords, their loyalties might be their own. They're strong valiant warriors that harbour little understanding for weakness. And the empire is weak.


    Truly, everyone might take it up to himself to become the new emperor. Politics could make up a great deal of this mod. Talking with different lords, plotting, helping or double-crossing, and perhaps assassinating, restraining and conquering if diplomatics fail.


    I even think that you could base a plenty of that on different quest lines. It's not that hard to find out if someone finished a quest with a script. The final attack could depends on how you managed to sweet talk different people. Just look at the different counts and think: What could be in their best interest? What kind of politics would they do? What kind of people are they? Stupid? Posh? Ruthless? Nice? Reclusive? Reckless? Caring? Loyal?


    And go on from that. I see a plenty of space for rebelieon. Even loyalty can be a reason to rebel for the good of the land if the man currently in charge's a halfwit.


    Altmer attacking is a shot.. a bit out of the blue. I can't see them leave summerset for... what exactly? They're too reclusive for that. For anything. PSJJJJ used to be a political power because past emperors asked for the wisdom they could provide, but that's about it.

  9. Well, there's always space for a new version :).


    I also had another idea. Some large cities used to have great underground crypts in which they stored the bones of the deceased. They exhumed the bodies after some time to save on space. The imagery of a crypt with endless halls lined with shelves of bones under the IC sounds good.


    Anyway, good luck.

  10. Ah, nice, good luck :)


    You know, I personally think that you could give your mod a little... zazz.


    Reading some stones could trigger events. A ghost that wants to talk with you / needs help with helping his family / revenge, or a few undead popping out, and maybe perhaps someone asking you if you knew the deceased person and perhaps attack you if say something he/she doesn't like, or give you something nice, or a grave opening into a small dungeon... That kind of stuff.

  11. roquefort.... that program is sheer awesome mixed with batman.


    Now, I have been creating my textures with remotely but similar methods - creating maps in a vector program first and then mixing it up on tens of layers in photoshop.


    Needles to say - it was both time consuming and cumbersome. This little program does the same, just better and for less wow. Amazing.




    Then again I started meddling with it in the middle of writing my CV, that means that I must hate you now.


    Ok, not really ;D.

  12. Click on a part you want to copy, this will select a branch in the left-side list, right click on the list, select copy branch, paste that into a weapon/armor you want , increse the number of children in the main NiNode, refresh the children list, add the new branch to the list of children - voila. Add new meshes like this, remove old meshes by deleting their respective branches, you could also transform the meshes in nifscope - move, rotate, scale, edit the UV mapping and change textures. Just don't forget to end up with the right amount of children nodes in the end. Sanitize->relink arrays and reorder blocks and you're all set.


    You can even animate things in nifscope but honestly - that's just hella confusing.


    But that's still just mix and match you know?

  13. Oh, and ihateregisteringeverywhere,


    Lived once, died twice.

    The second mistake was

    singing his favorite song

    while hauting his old house

    when sain Jiub walked by"


    Saint Jiub drove Aldos Othran and his horrible cliffracer songs from Cheydinhal, just as did with the cliffrarcers in Vvardenfell, I presume?

    Precisely my dear, grats and kudos ;D I was almost loosing hope you know!


    I can't believe I forgot the T in saint though.

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