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Posts posted by ihateregisteringeverywhere

  1. You know what I'd like?


    To live trough the origins of the mages guild :). Studying with Mannimarco and Galerion. With a huge cliffhanger ending where you banish Mannimarco together with Galerion. Leetsauce.


    Anyway, what I really wish for TesV is.... Full support for custom anims AND I MEAN FULL SUPPORT, like the ability to animate weapons when you're attacking with them(whips? mechanical swords? Flails?), also animations of how you're attacking with the weapon. It'd be simple: custom kf's could go with the nif, "daedricmace_attackfront.kf". (Spears? Crossbows? Slingshot? Scissors? ;D)Unlimited amount of animation variations: front_attack1,2,3,4,5....




    I'd also like morphs for bodies and armour/clothing. Sure, that would make the creating of a single armour set take 6 times as long, but hell, it'd sure be worth it(all body shapes and sizes - no need for body mods, select your boob size in game! ;D).


    Another thing which I gave a shitload of though is... Well... Imagine you could import the skeleton into your item, add a few bones here and there, rig your item to that and export the extra bones - with the bones they're parented to - as an addon skeleton of sorts(SuperSayajinwig01_skelleton.nif), animate that into kf's and voila - animated wigs, wings, capes, whatever. Without having to use a full custom skeleton - avoiding incompatibility between mods that need one, but don't want to conform - for whatever reason.


    Also: Custom spell effects! And more ways of casting spells: Casting, Instacast, channelling, toggleable, ritual. More areas of effect too: Projectile, flare, aura, explosion, ring, curse, touch, ray/gaze, projectile bound aoe(aoe travels with the projectile), spot selected aoe(firestorm), weighted projectile, bouncing projectile, chaining... I'd simply like a spell system with unlimited possibilities. "Stoning gaze: Casting for 2 sec, Gaze for 5 sec, Paralyse for 10 sec. Dragon Breath: channelling 2magicka/sec, Flare 4 feet cone 10 feet range, Fire dmg 1/sec for 3 sec (cumulative)."(Sounds complicated? ;D)


    Skills! Multishot, double shot, fast shooting, bashing, shield bashing, shield slicing, spinal tapping, crippling, charging, backstabbing, throat slitting, double jumping/wall jumping, nutcracking, meditation, enchanting, spellmaking, scroll scribing, fletching, fishing, armor making etc etc etc - that kinda stuff. Preferably with several levels! (Spellmaking journeyman - 70% magicka effectiveness, expert 120%)


    Better combat. Timed blocking, AoE for large heavy weapons, armour piercing properties for smaller and faster weapons. Stealth from Thief. Support for unarmed "weapons". Potion belt 1-9, Weapon/armour/armour set toggle shift 1-9, spell F1-F12. Customizable spell/skill book(delete/rename spells, sort used/unused spells/skills for quicker access, same for inventory: used, loot, crap/quest).


    AND NO FREAKIN' CONSOLE UI. It really isn't so hard to create a UI especially for US - the smart guys that play OB on the platform it should be played on - PC'S. Speaking of UI - support for custom forms and menus and stuff would be cool too.


    The rest is... nonimportant as long as we can mod. Then again... this is a pipe dream... I wish I had the budget to start my own team....

  2. I'll take up the granary.


    As far as the export phase of your programme goes... Well, I think you can waste the excess money on maintenance and import of luxury consumables items (which would have a short term effect on happiness)


    The occasional attack or other calamities and therewith connected repairs could keep the budget down as well. I'd try to balance the numbers so that you couldn't go too high into the positive numbers. To avoid those "I've finally beaten this mod/This is kinda unreal" feelings.

  3. You could make the blade pure red and give it an enviromental map :).


    @Lisnpuppy: Does that mean that I'll get my small assigment any time soon? Just pick one - any of the missing things and I'll give it a whack.

  4. That works, but how's about:


    "I'm dlsydeixc but so is my wohle demnad filamy." ;D


    Back on track. You've got several kinds of blades and armours which's mostly everything the mod'll need as far as new models go, right?


    Tyreil made a few generic NPC's and I also remember that someone's been working on the underground barracks.


    Which would basically mean that most of the stuff is in place. So, what's missing?

  5. Right!


    Uuuh, so what's being worked on right now?


    If you don't mind me asking that is...

    what do you know how to do as far as modding,or scripting?
    That's a.. most interesting question.


    I could perhaps do something small-er/ish for you.


    Doesn't realy matter what. You name it, I'll do it. As long as it doesn't take more than a couple of hours to do.

  6. Dagerfall had physically bulky cash and it worked great. Atleast in my opnion, you'd have to place your money in a bank and only carry small amounts of currency, so that you're not overweight all of the time.


    To be honest the whole game felt kind of.... gave you a feeling of achievment. The world was huge, the quests complicated, the dungeons hard, traveling dangerous etc etc.

  7. Well, let me reason a little bit first. IMO a farmer doesn't realy bear in mind anything else than his survival when creating food. Therefore I'd suggest two new buildings:


    Farmers market.

    Comming from this logic a farmer would most probably only create enough food to cover his needs a little extra to do some small trading with the nearest neighbours for basic supplies. A farmer's market is basicaly a place where such a farmer could sell any and all surplus he might have created, so I suggest this builsing to be what would allow a centralised counter for all of the food on the island. Otherwise it should IMO be bound to a small area like the farm itself or just the closest neighbours = the village the farmer lives in.



    Same logic applies if you don't produce surplus food because you can't be sure if you're able to sell it then you don't need to build a stockpile for this food on your farm. I suggest a granary would be what would allow your comunity to stockpile large amounts of food and also to increase food production because now the farmers can create a surplus of food because they know that there's a place to stockpile it.


    Moving on. The Inn could/should have several levels - higher levels would allow/atract more/higher level business, which could/would in turn atract richer citizens. Rich citizens are of course happier to exchange money for protection and also atract crime, so I guess that that's also what city guard/legion should be based on. Combinations of prerequisities could allow for buildings like barracks, an armory, a fort, archery range etc etc.


    I also think that there should be other buildings that don't increase stats, but limit the max stats if those buildings aren't build. Severs are a very good example. (No matter how many bathouses you build the city is still dirty without severs and therefore the overall health level can't realy go up)


    A basic city guard should have a similar effect - you just won't be happy no matter how many fountains you see per day if you're raided by pirates every single day.


    Stop me if I'm going too deep.

  8. Woo I'm glad that some people mentioned MoM. Amazing little game, I still tend to play it from time to time.


    Bored from the constant paladin rush? Here's a nice tactic for ya:


    Miran, warlord, dark elf. Restart a few times until you land your first city right next to an adamantium vein. Rush alchemist, and start spamming spearmen :). If you manage to catch a few cities early, then rush a war academy as well. Ultra-elite spearmen with 6 points of ranged damage are serriously whoop-ass. One food upkeep, 8 spearmen per unit * 6 dmg per spearmen = ouch. Spam 'em like you mean it and mirror's soon yours. Employed the tactic sucesfully on impossible :), even adamantium doom drakes bleak in comparison to an endless stream of superelite spearmen. Hope someone doesn't pay you a visit with pallies tho.


    Alchemy, warlord, halflings. This tactic's only good for starters, nice for expanding quick and getting that human city to start crushing your oposition with paladinds. Just build a sawmill and spam slingers, theese little guys can pretty much massacre anything the pc can throw at ya early in the game.


    Or grab 2x chaos, 2x nature, 4x sorcery, alchemy, sorcery mastery and node mastery. Pick sprites, put all of your power into mana create as many sprites and slingers as possible. Grab the nearest phantom warriors infested sorcery node and you're off to a kick start. A casting skill of over 200 is easy to achieve within turn 50 with this tactic and some luck with nodes.


    Another memorable tactic is full sorcery, humans, invisibility, flight, reset until you're next to an ocean, rush warships and save up on mana as much as possible. Enchant your endless ammo warships with flight and invis and start raking in those nodes. A full unit of theese ships on elite can slaughter up to 4great wyrms. This is about luck though, it's also not very usefull against mages as they'll just dissenchant it everytime; spell lock 500 + counter magic or not -_-.


    Other than that my favorite picks for a casual game on normal or hard are alchemy artificer and full death.


    Oh and I've played all other games you mentioned as well! Lol, UFO/X-com. Good times, good times, apocalipse was win. However the serries that caught my heart the most is... Yeah, what else - HoMaM. 4 and 5 were fun - sort off. But 3. IS the game of games. Even more fun with the latest WoG.


    One day I'd like to create a TBS - a cross between MoM, Homam 3 and 5 and some elements of CIV. Wouldn't that be grand?

  9. How's about a black horse figurine? It's almost painfully simple to model :P .


    That would be cool

    I thought the symbol was a black night chess piece or did I miss somehting???

    Different names for the very same thing. We're simply calling it "horse" arround theese parts of the world.
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