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Posts posted by ihateregisteringeverywhere

  1. Well yeah, you could make it work only if you've got the red queen equipted(for example, or a few RQ style weapons so that you could keep trayning your favorite weapon skill). That's would solve a problem or two. However creatig the demon form itself is still a huge amount of work :).
  2. I was thinking about how to create the devil trigger effect. The blue demon thing I mean.


    And the only way that I could think of was creating a new skeleton. Just your basic skeleton with an upscaled upper body skeleton behind the main skeleton. After that's done you'd have to customize all of the old animations - Idle anims, attacking anims, power attack etc etc. After that's done you'd need to create the demon form and rig it to the behindish skeleton.


    That's a huge amount of work allready. However there's still another problem to tackle - the weapon range. I'm sure you've noticed that yamamoto has a bit longer range than the red queen. But because the demon form would be just a dummy mesh then you'd have to change the player held weapon's reach to rectify this problem. I never realy scripted to the extent to know if this is possible with a simple script, but as far as I see - it's not. Which means that you'd have to create a copy of each weapon on the game and change it's reach and then swap the players weapon to that copy once he turns the demon trigger on. Doing this another problem would emerge, you can't do this with mod added weapons...


    The rest is simple :).

  3. I'm allready imagining a huge orc stop in the midswing of his glas warhammer saying: "Eeww, I most certainly don't want to fight you! It would be a disgrace!". After that he would leave.


    Feeling very bad about himself.

  4. I actualy like the creatures Idea alot. Too bad it's soooo much work. Creating even a single creature is hours and hours of work.


    I still play HOMAM3, I like Behemoths a whole lot, nasty brutes :). I actualy wish oblivion was way more like HOMAM3. Harpies! Medusas! Hydras! Basilisks! Thunder Birds! Buahaha, killing such mighty creatures would surely prove difficult - and fun!

  5. Ihateregistering, you get that from LFG Comic by any chance?
    My magical eight ball says: "The chances are high".


    Speaking of which.


    I'd also like a new aresting option. If you kill someone you could say: "He fell down some stairs".

  6. You're thinking too highly of reverse engeneering, it's not a cure-all.


    And programing the engine from scratch is as much of a strech as reverse engeneering the original file. The last similar project I saw was homam3, the guys've been at it for 4 or so years now. Lol they finaly managed to program battles although you can't kill anything in them hehehe.


    Nothing short of a divine intervention or Bethesda releasing a patch that would loosen theese chains (both have the same probabilty) can help us here. I know that I shouldn't rant so much about how Beth missed an opoturnity of grand proportions by hardcoding everything because Oblivion IS a great game. It's just that I get sentimental when I imagine how much greater the game could've been if they added the possibilities for an atleast 6 players multiplayer, custom animations to everything, custom spells, spell effects and abilities, attack/damage modifiers etc...

  7. Oblivion doesn't support havoc physics on equipted weapons = the chain link could only be static, which would look extremely awkward at best.


    Different attack animations would be required as well, oblivion only supports one animation for each weapon type. This means that all other weapons of the same type would have the same animation.


    Which isn't a problem if you want to crack all longswords like a whip ;D.


    That's the long version, the short version is: "No."

  8. Yeah, I'd like that as well, who's gonna make it though?


    Considering, that every half-capable modder has a project going.


    Besides you're misjudging the two threads, maybe you didn't notice but there's less than a handfull of modders in there - all of them burried to the neck in work, the rest is just pointless banter and trust me when I say that that doesn't realy do a mod any good. If anything then it makes the free modders loose interest.


    You'd be surprised at how many people started modding because noone-except for non-modders - would even notice their suggestions.

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