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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. beheadings - yes they are in the game vanilla so all the animations are present and the events are scripted. it would require minor tweaking to make more. hangings - yes, they aren't in the game vanilla so it would require all the animations and scripting to be made, significant undertaking.
  2. I agree that I would never read a full length book in Skyrim, however who needs bookmarks? Ha I just grab a book sit down and read it from cover to cover shutting out the world for a little bit as I get immersed into the world the author has presented for me. (Mind you, it only takes about 2 hours or so of time to actually read most novels when you are really caught up in it, its those books that are poorly written which cause a break from the suspension of belief into the author's presented world leaving the reader to lose interest or get distracted thus slowing down.)
  3. I guess I should mention it then for you. you unzip the zip, save the .esp to the skyrim/data folder and then save the .pex to skyrim/data/scripts The spell is available for purchase via Acadia in Whiterun if I'm not mistaken, otherwise reachable via console command help "resurrect" then type in player.addspell XXXXXXXX where the X's= the ID the help command gave you. Goodluck.
  4. Hmmm, reading this I thought... This could be turned into a mod that would effectively be "Return of the Snow-Elves", since the Dawnguard gave us meshes and designs for Snow Elf architecture, armor and such. Perhaps a small band of Snow-Elves return to Skyrim, perhaps they could have a backstory that they were magically sealed and the player does a quest and they are freed. Once freed they begin restoring their culture and "curing" the Falmer back to Snow-Elves due to some alchemical cure that was sealed with them? I think this would be interesting to work on but atm I don't have the time to dedicate to something as big as this seeing as I'm moving and then have classes resuming soon. But I'll talk to a buddy of mine who'd good at world building, and see if he could make a city that could be built in stages or such.
  5. You could make a quick mod in CK to give you a food item which debufs you and make your game progressively harder. Think the game is too easy? One sip and poof you have increased weaknesses to all sorts of things. You could make the duration last for like 31 days of game time and you'd be set.
  6. For clarification's sake are you're asking that you can equipe a sword or a shield and then in your free hand cast magic, because you can do that in vanilla. Now if you're asking to say equipe a two-handed axe and then somehow cast blizzard without having a free hand because you did that in Oblivion...then you were using a mod for it as Vanilla Oblivion you couldn't do that. Now on for your request, if you do a search on the forums this has been asked about quite a bit and maybe someone has already made a mod for it. From my understanding of the work required to do this, it would require a remap of the keyboard or mouse to create extra magic keys. At the same time then it would require you to figure out how to deal with the fact that most spells have a casting effect from their hands. That means at one point you could have 4 on screen hands and arms which isn't a big deal of you role-play as Goro from Mortal Kombat, however, you'll likely experience some issues due to the fact that your actor's skeletal system has magically gained two new arms and have some clipping issues. Best of luck however in your search for a mod that does what you want without the Goro effect.
  7. if your referring to my mod, you'd unzip the .esp file and save it in your Skyrim's Data folder. the .pex file would then go in the folder called Scripts which is located in the Data folder. You'd then boot up skyrim as normal, choose data and should see my mod. you'd check it to enable it and play. If i recall correctly the Spell Tome is for sell by Acadia in Whiterun. Otherwise you could just open the console and type Help Resurrect and find the ID for the spell that way to give yourself the spell via player.addspell XXXXXXXX (where the X's represent the spell's ID).
  8. Not exactly what you want but I've created a custom spell the player can learn that lets you resurrect NPC's or Animals so long as they started the game in an alive state. essentially it applies a script command which uses Resurrect on them (i'm still trying to get Resurrect 1 to work but haven't had too much success there yet.) You could then use the spell to bring your target back to life. If you wanted to script an encounter with an Aedra or Daedra/temple priest event to use my spell that's fine by me otherwise you can use it as is.
  9. www.creationkit.com has all the papyrus commands and tutorials you'll probably need. its just a matter of reading them and learning it.
  10. Its one of my custom spells called Freezing Wind. Essentially its like an unresisted Iceform shout but in spell fashion that lasts for like a month, unless I release the target with a custom spell called Warmth of the Seraphim (which is like flames but it cures paralysis, thus freeing the encased target).
  11. its possible to adopt kids to the standard homes, for instance Lucia is living at Breezehome in one of my saves. my she misbehaved so I put her on time out by freezing her in a block of ice for a month of game time.
  12. Besides the fact that you asked for more realistic staves (realistic staves would just be carved pieces of wood that dont do anything except make good walking stick) I might just take a stab at this and make some staff enchants to help fortify magicka casting, perhaps even add a hidden perk to enhance the magicka in some way. If I'm successful I'll attach the product in this thread. Thanks.
  13. Actually I think this idea is full of common sense. I may have to take a look at it tonight.
  14. you could....make a custom item with an OnEquip script and throw in these lines. Then you could tell what the weather classification is whenever you equipe the item, say maybe a hat or something. Sounds like you have some scripting experience, so I'll supply you with the incomplete stuff to allow you to figure it out on your onw, hopefully this points you in the right direction. if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 0 DebugTrace("Nice Weather.") else if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 1 DebugTrace("Cloudy Weather.") else if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 2 DebugTrace("Rainy Weather.") else if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 3 DebugTrace("Snowy Weather.") else if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == -1 DebugTrace("Unclassified Weather.") endIf http://www.creationkit.com/Weather_Script might have more information as well.
  15. There's not much if anything we can do to figure out why your having the problem without having access to the mod to test. I suppose if your familiar with CK, do you notice a secondary effect on the spell which has invisibility attached to it? or perhaps a script on the spell effect which applies an invisibility effect? Does your body become visible when you attack something? Could that be the author's intention? Have you tried to isolate your problem by disabling all other mods and seeing if this problem still occurs? Realistically, there's a lot of potential causes of something like this, and you haven't exactly given us too much to work off of. I wish I could be more of a help.
  16. Not trying to sound offensive, but why have 16 gb of ram installed seeing as your machine is hard-capped to using a max of 4 gb because of your 32-bit operating system?
  17. So... After a bit of playing around the attached zip has an esp in it which has a spell which recreates the bloodcursed eclipse without the need of any bloodcursed arrows. Its not the fanciest thing in the world, but I think it works, at least it looks like it does and it was all an accident. In the SimniacPoisons.esp files are also the custom poisons you requested I additionally attached another mod that I made as a request which includes enchanted arrows and corresponding poisons for killing werewolves and vampires. let me know if there's any issues. the Simniac file requires Dawnguard, whereas the other just Skyrim. Items can be found on Arcadia in Whiterun or for sale at the Drunken Huntsman (for the arrows). Hopefully this helps.
  18. So you want this to be constantly active and have some kind of recharge when depleted that makes it go back up to full power? This sounds like a spell from I think Midas or Apocalypse where its essentially set up like a toggle that absorbs damage so long as you have magicka.
  19. Oh that's cool. Someone once told me all that would attach was pictures and such. I had no idea zip files worked so i never tried them. But here it is. As I said it was more about figuring out how to get the effect working as opposed to the flavoring. Maybe at some point I'll revisit it to add more stuff into the script as far as reagent requirements and such, but for now its working at least from my testing.
  20. Alright. I finished my resurrection mod. Its not as requested with the quest stuff, it was merely for me to learn how to actually create a resurrection spell, so sorry if its not exactly what you're looking for. the spell as is now either will revive the dead (so long as they are humanoid or animal and didn't start the game in a dead state), if cast on a living target (humanoid or animal) it kills them instantly. cast again and it resurrects them. no hostility, unless they are supposed to be hostile. if you'd like a copy of it feel free to message me your email address and i'll send it to you seeing as the forums don't let me attach .esp files
  21. you could just use the console command to advance the main quest to where you've killed alduin i'd imagine and then be good.
  22. So i've been experimenting a bit trying to get a resurrect spell into the game. So far I have the spell scripted, and present in the game. the problem I'm encountering at the moment is getting the script to apply to a dead target. I put a debug messagebox into the script which would pop up when the resurrect effect applies. it comes up so long as the target is alive, so that's why I assume it isn't running on the dead. I'll keep playing with it and see if i can get it to apply. Below is a sample of what I'm currently working with, its by no means special and just quick and dry. Scriptname z2013mjhNPCResurrectionScript extends activemagiceffect Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.MessageBox("The magic shocks the target back to life.") akTarget.Resurrect() EndEvent*Edited* Alright, I managed to get the script applying a resurrect to recently dead targets. I used a blend of restoration meets shock effects for the spell so assumed that its like a magical defibrillator, so i made it so if a living target gets hit they die as a caveat. I am noticing that the npc's resurrected by the spell/script are coming back hostile whereas the console command resurrect doesn't make them hostile if they weren't already. So I'm working on fixing that.
  23. This is done to an extent I believe in the Apocalypse Spell Package with a spell called Flame Twin or something. it doesn't last long but it makes a clone of you encircled in fire or such.
  24. Hmmm. I'm not sure about the quest line to get an NPC resurrected but it would be simple enough to cast resurrect on an NPC via a script. It could be a master level restoration skill which would work. Otherwise if that's not enough I could see it requiring a magical reagent that would be consumed in the spell casting process. I think I might actually look at coming up with a spell perhaps before the 4th.
  25. Hi everyone, no doubt if you've been reading this forum of late you'll have noticed lots of people trying to commit copyright infringement and seen a bunch of old threads getting hit with reanimate and brought back through the evil art of forum necromancy. Both things are pretty heinous and grotesque. So what I'm wondering would it be possible to create a custom spell effect somehow linking this forum to a game of skyrim so that whenever someone necro's an old thread or asks for someone to commit copyright infringement that in my game of skyrim which i'll fire up to run permanently on another computer a custom NPC named God in flowing white robes sitting on a throne of clouds will grab a kitten by the neck with one hand and thumb pop off the kitten's head and then toss the body so that it rains red below the clouds onto Skyrim? I realize it would be tough to do and its beyond my knowledge to make it happen, but if anyone has any idea how to do something like that they would be appreciated. As an alternate I've been trying to figure out how to make a custom spell that creates an energy "grenade" which would explode after a few seconds of sitting on the ground then through the explosion applying another spell like poisoned gas which could then be ignited by fire. Realistically the specific effects aren't important, I'm just trying to figure out time detonated spells which spawn other spells. Thanks so much
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