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Posts posted by WorEnt21

  1. I have no problem with playing without hitmans mod but the asurah doesnt work with EVE and hitmans are bad for energy rifles (tri-beam, laser rifle, gaussr rifle etc.) so I dont know what to do because I would like to at least use one mod (preferably Asurah).

  2. I am using the first person weapon animation overhaul from hitman47101 and the gauss rifle is clipping and it takes up nearly the entire right side of my screen which makes aiming very hard. I am using Asurah and EVE if that helps. I would like to fix that somehow while keeping the mod.

  3. I would like to know what mods are in this Video (Skytts top 10 Overhauls) that Change the roads and the interior walls. the interiors look very nice and I would like to have them look pre-war too.

  4. I am playing New Vegas with True Iron Sights disabled and when I aim everyting is fine but when I shoot the weapon moves to the middle and I cant see anything. It would be nice if someone could make a mod in order to make a weapon stay and not move to in the middle.

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