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Posts posted by JJ2198

  1. Sorry about that, did some testing and this should work:

    Needs to be attached to something to run, so just make a trigger box wherever and have it running the script and that should do it. Also make sure to check the persistent ref box.

    scn ScriptName
    Begin GameMode
    int Respawn
    If GetDayOfWeek == 0 || GetDayOfWeek == 3
    If ActorRef1.GetDead == 1 && Respawn == 0
    Set Respawn to 1
    Set Respawn to 0
  2. Right, okay then maybe something like this then.

    scn ScriptName
    Begin GameMode
    If GetDayOfWeek == 0 || GetDayOfWeek == 3
    ActorRef1.MoveTo Pos1

    This should resurrect and move them back every sunday and wednesday, that work for you?

  3. Bit of an amateur so this is probably not the best way to do it, but should work.

    scn ScriptName
    Begin OnTriggerEnter Player
    ActorRef1.MoveTo Pos1

    Use Xmarkers for the MoveTo.

  4. I'm not an expert on dialogue. But from what I can tell after he does his initial greet ("That's close enough"), the player is given three choices ("Just lookin, I'm not an enemy, don't miss"). Only one of these has dialogue and conditions. So my guess is whatever option you choose it runs the one with the dialogue. I don't know if this is right, but it's worth a try I suppose.

  5. Well the thing is I wanted to make this for a certain youtuber that shoots radios (because they're evil, lol?). He has a mod that works for destroying the vanilla radios, but every so often a mod author will change the name making it non-vanilla and not be destoyable. He could just console disable it, but that's not as funny/cool. So I wanted to make a weapon he could use on the non-vanilla ones.




    Okay, I've looked into NVSE and there is a function called GetCrossHairREF that works fine enough for me.

  6. If by anything, you mean objects in the game such as buildings - Not really. But there is a zap gun that makes objects vanish in FO3 that may could be adapted - note that it does not make holes in buildings - the entire wall will vanish, often leaving a hole in the game if that wall covered a gap. If you use it on the ground, you get a gap in the scenery if it works at all. I have used it to remove things like wrecked cars, trash cans, and other static objects. Use it sparingly though, as you can zap things like door activators.


    Really I just want it to destroy a specific object, though playing different mods, sometimes the mod author will change the name so I can't just edit the vanilla item and have it be destroyable. Do you know the name of the weapon or where you get it, because I've never gotten a weapon like that?

  7. I would like to know how to make objects like for instance a car, grabbable. Basically I am resizing objects and making them into toys.I don't know much about Blender, NifSkope, etc. but I have so far made the objects act close to what I want but they act a bit sporadically when grabbing/dropping them.


    [Edit] Nevermind I just had to edit mass.

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