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Posts posted by Jyotai

  1. The most recent case of something like this that I had was caused by Vortex. I activated a mod, then later removed it. Vortex kept the esp active, but removed all of it's supporting files.

    - went through my load order - nothing in there was effecting that area. Looked in my directory... found some esps to mods that I wasn't using. Ok fine, plenty of mods I have de-activated but not uninstalled... but to make sure I went through the list of plugins I had active... and it was after several hours of looking that I noticed the plugin list for active plugins didn't match the active mods list...


    Some random follower mod I had removed ages ago... was claiming she was in a zone... that I hadn't visited in months... so when I finally got there, I got a CTD everytime I got there and of course... I went through every mod that was supposed to be editing that area first and found nothing... and was about to just tell myself "ok... no playing in that part of skyrim" until I stumbled upon the old mod that was deleted so long ago I had forgotten ever having it...


    Now... I am paying attention to Vortex toggling of esps like a hawk, and I notice it often fails to flip them on or off if you have something else going on at the same time... I am actually surprised I only had one shadow mod in there given how often I've seen this going on...

  2. If that is anything like the CBBE morph sliders for me. I find I have to exit character creation, then go into the console and enter racemenu to get back into character creation.


    The first time character creation loads up, it loads up before all of your mods have - so sliders are often missing if they were added by mods 'down the road'.


    Some of your other comments though make me suspect you have a different issue - which I've not seen myself. But they might be caused by a mod conflict. Do you have more than one mod effecting the character body?

    - like if you have CBBE and UNP active, this mod that's broken is for one of those, but the other one of them is loading last - it could be trying to morph a body that lacks those morph points?

    (this could also happen if you have a custom head loaded and that head is what is getting weird looking or if some other mod snuck in a custom body (I'm not aware of any mod with that extreme of a dirty edit though)).

    - Beyond that... I don't myself have any more theories.

  3. Buffed Leveled Enemies: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21015

    Relevel NPCs: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11209

    High Level Enemies: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3231

    Sands of Time: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3093

    OBIS: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4145


    - I'm running all 5 of those, plus a bunch of 'encounter zone' (EZ) mods.


    The first three are the critical ones. They fill out the higher level leveled-lists, level everything to a zone within my current level, and add skills and stats scaled properly to the level of the NPC (normal leveled lists can result in a level 50 bandit that has level 1 stamina - maybe not that extreme, but at least... off...).


    Sands of Time and OBIS are just the extreme ends of making sure the world actually is full of encounters... but I also have a lot of other 'EZ' mods that place spots for enemies to end up at (whereas sands of time places an 'encounter' zone' on you - a sort of invisible follower that runs ahead or behind and summons enemies... - though not made that way, that's how I mentally conceptualize it).


    By itself Sands of Time has a habit of summoning 1 mob 50x my level, 5 level 1s, and 3 that are 3x my level... or some other random combo... even when I tell it to stick to leveled... so the first 3 mods 'correct that' on the fly (Relevel NPCs can relevel an already spawned enemy).


    I've tweaked it all such that most creations range from 1-12 levels above me, with their skills / spells matching.

  4. Yeah I suspect the reason you're not getting many people with tips on the issue might be because not many people have had that issue.


    This is the part where you post your load order and someone can come in and suggest something.


    Failing that you can slowly add mods back in until the issue occurs again. Add half of them - if no issue add the next half. If issue remove half... eventually you'll narrow it down.

  5. Wenches of Stenndar?


    I player with both Sands of Time and the Immersive Wenches and I had to turn off the traveling Wenches because they were basically preclearing everything... If SoT did a massive spawn on me... usually all I had to do was run past a lone wench, and she'd take out everything using a serving tray...


    You want the Vigilants to be tough... get the author of the Wenches mod to make something for them... O.o

  6. My advice = Unless you are very familiar with handling and modifying meshes and using programs such as Blender and Outfit Studio, then stick to using only mods from this website, as (for the most part) only working "legal" mods get posted here.


    Somewhat the case but not fully. There are sites like Lovers Lab that are for mods that are just too far over on the 'adult' side for here. The whole 'sexLab' series of stuff is there even though 'flowergirls' is here, because 'sexlab' has plugins that go... kinda extreme...


    But yeah, when people are hiding on a place like Patreon it's usually a bad sign. Legit paid mods could probably get a lot more exposure over on Bethesda's setup. Some of those get spammed at me everytime I use steam to start my game...


    That said I recognize a LOT of the outfits the person in question here 'made', because a wholly different but also Korean mod author on LLs is also posting those outfits...


    I've seen stuff here that also looked like it was ripped from another game. Some of it with post dates years back. But I also lack enough familiarity with other games to be sure...

  7. It's a bit overkill, but I regularly run my last save through resaver (fallrim). After I've been playing for a while, I will make a save, tab out and use resaver just to see if there's anything 'building up in there'.


    If you've got some highly scripted mods going - it's a good idea to make frequent saves and check them. I'm using 'Sands of Time' and it can get itself to worked up during combat scenes... I used to crash a lot when it would spawn another 10 enemies into the 10 it spawned as reinforcements for the first 25 it filled a room with... and even after telling it not to do that it still sometimes does... so saving right before combat, and anytime I notice combat getting 'intense' has been very useful... In those moments I find I can often end up with a broken link in my saves too...

  8. Have you tried self porting it?


    Open the esp in creation kit and then save it out again.


    I just looked through that mod on it's download page and I didn't see any scripts in there. I'm not sure what the xml files are for - but most of it looked like basic portable stuff.

  9. In windows file explorer add the tab to sort by 'date created', then start disabling mods in the order of the most recent one you added to the next and so on, until you can get a new game to load.

    - Then re-activate all the mods except for the last one you had removed... and see if you can get a game going... and re-deactivate them until you get a game going with as few of them de-activated as possible...

  10. "On your folder: steamapps\content\app_489830\depot_489833"

    - EDIT: nvm, the post right above me clarifies it.

  11. Is your UNP armor both body slide compatible AND did you run it though the 'batch build' button on the bottom left of Body Slide?


    (we're hitting the limits of what I know of this situation, so hopefully someone else knows more. I've not yet messed with UNP in Body Slide).

  12. This is the result of the 'body slide' settings of the worn item being different from that of your own body.


    What chest item are you wearing?


    Are you using CBBE / Body Slide?


    Either you, or the item, or both - are most likely using body slide. If the item is a mod you grabbed, and you didn't run it through body slide, it will have the size of body that was used by whatever mod-maker made it. That said I have NO IDEA how to fix that IF the item was NOT made to use CBBE/Body Slide. It is possible but it's something I understand is complex and which I have yet to learn...



    If you've changed your own body slide preset (on your own or by downloading one) but not applied it to all of the clothing in your game - then that also can explain why outfits have one size and your body another.


    Lastly... if there is no body slide on you, and no body slide on the item... then the item is the size it is... and you are the size you are... and that's just that... unless you go get body slide and learn how to convert the item to it...


    (Body Slide is basically a tool designed to prevent this issue, among other things... and the short version of what I wrote is that once one has body slide, they have to open up it's tool and apply a preset to both characters and outfits. Otherwise things might notbe in sync.)


    Body Slide: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/201

    - It doesn't require you to use CBBE... but if you're not using CBBE, then how to use it is something I personally don't yet know.

  13. This would be quite a task to take on... but I think the best way to make this mod would be to mess with the 'NPC classes':


    - that determines where NPCs put skill points


    And combat style:


    - that system determines what actions people favor in combat


    Mostly Combat Style.


    Basically cut the sliders for Magic, Shout, and Staff to zero for all combat styles EXCEPT for those few you want to be mages.

    - There are a LOT of them... so this is not a quite to make mod. But doing that SHOULD cause even NPCs that know spells to almost never bother using them.


    I'd try it out on one custom made combat style - assign that style to "some random kind of mage bandit"... give that bandit a weak weapon like a dagger (something you KNOW is weaker than the spells they also have)... and then see what happens when you place that bandit next to yourself...


    If it works... you have the method to make the mod...

  14. We used to have a tradition of things like Robert's Rules of Order, Civil Disobedience, good Civics education, and required classes in primary education on things like Debate and Speech that led to people being more able to discuss diverging views and opinions.


    We've lost all of that at the same time that we should need it most: when social media and diverse global communities have led us to have more interactions with people of different viewpoints, cultures, and experiences.


    Political commentary is likely unwise in a platform not designed for it in an age where many societies are getting more partisan and breaking down their systems of public discussion / debate.

  15. Yeah I have a mod I'm making where I used custom races for several NPCs (I plan to undo that as I later found it wasn't needed for my purposes...).


    One warning I have from doing it:

    It seems everytime I save my esp, I randomly lose one or two of my facegen exports to the 'default head' even though I have pointed it to my own tri files. Oddly - it's not all or nothing. It will sometimes wipe them all, sometimes replace them all with the morphs of whatever NPC I added last, and then weirdly: sometimes I replaces some NPCs but not others - even among sets that I haven't touched at all in the last edit.


    To avoid this... I got in the habit of going to my facegens and copying them all to another folder on my hard drive, doing my stuff in the esp that I planned for that session, and then copying my backups back into the facegen folder for any NPC I had not intended to mess with the facegen info of.


    So if you see face options of one of the custom races vanish... you've hit the same issue I had.

  16. For a bit I wondered why this topic was so small and was missing my post. But then I realized I'd posted on this topic on another skyrim forum that is usually less active, but for this topic is more active...


    My comment:


    It's kind of a frustration for me that this situation still exists even years after SSE came out.


    Not because of various preferences. I have no statement there as I don't even own Oldrim so I can't make a judgement call.


    Rather because I don't Oldrim, and the reason I don't own it. I just bought skyrim around the end of June, 2018. At the time I had no idea it had various versions, I'd heard of the game for years but I've managed to avoid single player games since the end of the 1990s / early 00s. Sims 2 was my last single player game - though I only played abut 15 minutes into install.


    So when I finally decided I wanted to try out this thing I'd heard about for years... I went to bethesda's website and it told me I had to get Steam... I got that, and I went looking, and only SSE was up for sale. I looked into why this was called 'special edition' and where 'regular might be just in case it was cheaper and had or lacked some DLC or well... what was up... and found out I couldn't find it for sale anywhere where I was sure my install key would actually work...


    So... yes Skyrim is old and people like me are probably pretty rare now... being a 'brand spanking noob'...

    - But the community division frustrates me because anytime I see something that is Oldrim only... I'm cut off from it. I can't even make the choice to go try it out. If it's a simple mod I can try converting it on my own. That sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I've actually learned a lot more than a player only one month into a new game should know as a result of trying to get things working 'on my own' that weren't there for me in the game I was able to buy. Even my failures in porting have taught me a lot of tricks (and I hope to be uploading some mods of my own soon as a result - but don't get mad when they're SSE only, I don't have the ability to back-port them).



    I kind of wish everyone had just 'moved on to SSE' when it came out - but I get that if for no other reason mods not being cross-compatible "out of the box" stalled that process enough that other reasons also developed for people. But it means I'm 'partly out of the loop' until the day we "mostly" move on to TES6.



    So... Why I play SSE and ignore Oldrim? Because that's the only choice Steam gave me when I finally showed up in ya'lls yard.

  17. This keeps happening every few days. I will lose a follower to "..." as the only response when I interact with them.


    Sometimes I can trigger them back to normal by entering combat


    With custom followers I have also fixed them by disabling the follower and cloning a new ones - which only works some of the time, and requires me to then need to 'hack through console commands' to duplicate the inventory the bad copy had onto the good copy.


    Failing those tricks my only option is to go back in saves until I find one just before it broke...



    Any ideas on what can cause this, and how it can be resolved, if possible, in a less drastic manner?


    I recently had to abandon a game that was at level 25 because this bug hit Lydia after updating a mod, and even after reverting the update and loading a save from before updating, "something" was different in my system and I found I had lost every single NPC in the game that the mod (Amorous Adventures for Flower Girls - which basically adds very one-directional dialog to a number of NPCs) had any interactions with...


    So a way to just 'shock and NPC back' would be very useful to know if it exists...


    • "This is the kind of body you get out of UNP (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699)" and he's right. It is the model I use UPN - Standard (Cup Sizes A to C), but variations exist. However, Jyotai, next line is, IMHO, utter bulls*** - "It is often used for follower mods with bodies like this: https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/11744." How can you tell? Well, simple, UNP does have alternate spin-off mods like UNPB, UUNPN, blah, blah, blah, but they are not what I recommended and are not UNP. UNP Standard (Cup Sizes A to C). Moreover, I find it laughable that his own case is disproven on the very same page. If you keep scrolling down the Main Mod Page, you'll get to some great examples of equally unbalanced CBBE Models (Ellen CBBE and Lucia CBBE #1 Toward The End). If I were trying to be as biased, I would not add - Stephanie CBBE and Lucia CBBE (very last) - provides a nice example of the reasonable side of CBBE. In addition, if you look specifically at UNP (not variations of UNP), I am pretty sure what I described is again spot-on.


    I stand by my point. UNP bodies are blocky messes where you can see the polygons.


    It and variants thereof are more often used to do over the top extreme followers like those I linked.

    You seem to think that that page having a busty CBBE model disproves my point... That's an almost Taliban like attack - "the dirty woman exists over there! See!!!"

    Yes, CBBE can also be used to do a very busty look - and also; when it is it does it with less blocky polygons...

    - So as many CBBE complainers note, CBBE does busty over the top BETTER...


    Yet, it also is better for a normal body shape. And when you look at mods based around it, they are more often of normal body types.


    How can it possibly be a bad thing that ca body mesh can do a wider range of the spectrum without issues and well... without needing variant added mods?


    Your criticism seems to boil down to "shameful / sinful mesh can do busty women" as if that as all it did... This is why I carted out a mod of UNP followers that were 'over the top' and a counter follower mod of CBBE with a slimmer body.


    I find it absurd that the fact that a body can do any sort of variation well is something people complain about.


    So we have one mod able to handle a fuller range 'out of the box' and the other needing added variant mods to have a variety of shapes... That right there is a win for the body that can handle variety.




    Yet the other issue also exists. UNP looks polygonal in both forms. This really isn't about how high polygon each body is. I think I've read they're actually almost the same. It is about polygon distribution.


    UNP places the vertices (points that when connected created polygons) evenly. That is a beginner 3D modeling mistake. CBBE places them according to the demands of morphing and animation. Places with a lot of 'action' get a higher polygon count.

    - I'd need to open them both in blender like past reviewers have... but if one of them is properly using triangles in high motion/morph spots, that would make that one the flat out massive winner in terms of demands on a person's computer, over one that used something like evenly distributed squares.



    This is not just an invisible performance issue. It is why in two images I pointed to, you could see a blocky edge to the bosom of UNP, and a smoother rounding of the bosom on CBBE. That difference if BOTH aesthetic and performance related. Badly placed polygons can cost an end user a lot of FPS, heat up the graphics card, and even trigger a CTD when a system gets overtaxed correcting distortion.


    I used to do a lot of 3D art, and proper polygon placement favoring areas that had more morph targets or were either joints or smooth deforming tissue like a breast - created a difference of hours off my render times. If you look at gaming graphics - and pay attention to how figures move, some of the tight restrictions are based on limited polygon availability. And in newer games, polygons are moved heavily to places like knees, joints, mouths, and so on... and breasts if the game is the kind with 'bosom physics'.



    If you're familiar with 'Poser' and 'Daz3d', there's a lot of discussion about 15-20 years back as Daz3d's model overtook the Poser ones - on this very point. With all the assorted wireframe mockups and diagrams over polygon placement and how to line up vertices right. 'Victoria' is now the most popular female body in the hobbyist 3D art world for a reason, and it's in version 8 or more now because all of this is a process of constant refinement to move those vertices to the 'exact right spot' for best performance.



    This issue I have with how the polygons are placed in UNP... that's a the real deal killer. It's not as easy to point out as just showing how CBBE can do slim, curvy, and comical-busty... but it is actually way more important.


    The poster right above me notes performance issues and CTDs with UNP... What I'm mentioning is at least the reason I know of why that would happen.

  18. I'm not familiar with racemenualternative but I do know that SOSracemenu.esp is an empty plugin. It is a 'blocker' whose only purpose is to prevent you from using the MCM menu to alter the schlong size of your own character should that character be male (so I didn't know this for a while, until I was messing around with making some custom followers and the tiny microscopic default size of the schlong just bothered me seeing it on my screen, in a "why is my character not even adult down there" way... even though the setting is not something I could put onto an NPC export, it bugged me to see it on screen, so I looking into the cause and found out sosracemenu.esp is actually a file they recommend deleting...)

    - Essentially it was made for a project they never went on to do... which was supposed to bring the schlong slider into character creation... but when they didn't do that, they also didn't bother to stop "shipping the bad file"...


    That said... it is a blank esp. There is no risk to having it. So it won't be the cause of your CTD.


    So now we come back to racemenualternative.


    I do not know that mod. But Having spent a lot of time trying to get racemeny and enhancedcharactereditor working (both at the same time as well as individually when trying to pick one of them)... I have seen that the whole interaction of character making during a new game is extremely sensitive...


    I do see that you have Alternate Start...

    - I find that with ECE and Alternate Start, if I stay in the room for Alternate Start for more than a minute, I will CTD... so on new games I immediately hit R, enter on the name prisoner, run to the shrine, rapidly pick a choice, and speed myself to the bed to start that choice hoping to outrace the CTD...

    - I make it about 80% of the time only because I have found the choices I like most for 'test games'...

    (I also find that if I go too fast, I go faster than Alternate Start's quest loadup... and it fails leaving me stuck in the room, and then the ECE / Alternate Start issue CTDs me...)


    I am guessing that your racemenualternative mod and alternate start are having a similar issue...


    - how much time do you get in game before a CTD? Is it immediate or can you walk around in that dark cellar room for a bit? If you do get some time... try speeding out of character creation, load your start to either an inn or camping in the wilds, and do character creation there...

    - do you still get CTDs after you make it out of alternate start's starting room?


    (If you do then your issue is not like mine at all, so I don't yet have any ideas...)




    One last piece of input... I see several mods listed after alternate start. Alternate start recommends being your last mod. But I know some other mods also recommend that... But it would be best to not have anything after it that is heavily scripted, like follower tweaks...

    - Put something like amazing follower tweaks higher up.


    I do NOT think this is the source of your CTD... it's just general advice.


    That said... I do see some mods above Amazing Follower Tweaks that are actually dependent on it... That might be a cause of CTDs, later into the game... and it leads me to believe your mods in general might need some sorting.

  19. No, you are supposed to clean those.


    Basically the instructions here:


    - In the final summaries of what it cleans, pay attention to what parts of the info refer to Oldrim and which to the current game.


    I think the real issue is as described - you have unresolved conflict losers.


    I'm using the newer Vortex mod organizer precisely because it is very good at spotting this conflicts and suggesting resolutions for them. It's more stable than NMN, but it's still being listed as alpha and the documentation is at an alpha level. While it has some typical alpha glitches, like login frezzes and such, it does a very good job of cleaning up my own 'stupid' in managing a growling list of mods.

    I have no idea what you use - but I do suggest using something that helps with spotting conflicts and following the advice that something gives.

  20. I'm working on making some invisible armor and I've seen two basic ways I can do it. Wondering if there are pitfalls to my choice.


    The first I've seen in other mods - is to replace the ArmorAddon object with one that uses to models for the basic-body (NudeSkin) but has no texture assigned. This seems to be the method all the mods I've dissected use.


    But it has a drawback of applying that hidden mesh to you - meaning if you give that piece of gear to something like a custom-body follower, it will reshape their body.



    The second method I found by experimenting. If other mod makers are using it I've just not found them yet. It seems to have no drawbacks so I am wondering if there is a hidden problem I've yet to find that explains why I didn't find it in any mods I analyzed.


    It was to simply make the armor and give it no mesh at all. To just delete the ArmorAddon if there was one in a vanilla piece of gear. The item instantly becomes invisible when worn and can be worn by any body with no deforming.


    - This works, but I am now equiping gear that uses a specific armor slot, and has no model. The game then shows the body underneath in that spot instead (head, arm, feet, torso - whatever).


    So is there any pitfall or issue I am likely to run into later on that could explain why I didn't come across this in mods I dissected? Or did I simply not pick the right mods to analyze?



  21. For non human bodies look for:


    That is female Khaajit, but the description page has links to the other 3 mods by this same modder for the remaining options.


    On the UNP looks real vs CBBE... I always find this baffling.


    This is the kind of body you get out of UNP:



    It is often used for follower mods with bodies like this:



    And this is CBBE:


    It is often used for follower mods with bodies like this:



    - this is what I mean when I say I find UNP to be a bit blocky. I can almost see the polygons with it.


    Look at the 7th image on the UNP page itself. A side profile of a woman in plate armor - the polygons are visibly there. Her bosom is a clear series of straight lines rather than a curve. Of course it is a valid argument that armor should not be 'form fitting'... BUT this armor is... and yet the form, is blocks.


    This image:



    Now look at this from CBBE:


    - four figures in form fitting. The one on the left is almost blocky, but still retains a smooth curve.


    That is basically comparing the best UNP can do against the worst CBBE will leave you with. And even in that unfair test, CBBE comes out ahead.


    People love to complain that CBBE can do big butts and bosoms - but that's a poor complaint. A good complaint would be if it could ONLY do that...

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