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NMM 0.47.2 bugfix update released


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Same with the others before me, I was able to log in once, then I tried to check for mod updates and then ever since it's been failing.


The error:


Timeout! Cannot reach the Nexus login server.


Firewall is off.

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Is there going to be a patch coming in to fix NMM? seriously majority of us are having problems using NMM


while this "fix" works it's not good enough we need an actual patch so that we don't HAVE to go through the adjustments

Edited by Zero22xx
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What's funny about this is, my younger brother had an older version than me when I could still login. He has updated for each update and has never been able to login again since. And now I can't. I'm a little concerned that I will have to start checking for updates by hand now and forever.


EDIT: Managed to get logged in by completely disabling my firewall(adding an exception didn't work) and running as Admin. But... most everything receives a download error, and when it doesn't I can't update the mod information like version number or mod information of any kind aside from the name.


And if I use the Get missing Mod Info button, where I would get version numbers, I instead get "Nexus is unavailable"

Edited by flairtorc
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For those who believe there is something that needs to be fixed. NMM actually just works for most people probably well over 90%. ( we have several million users) - Nearly every one that we have been able to follow up on has been caused by something blocking it on your end - and we cannot fix that.

It is also a BETA program - and that means it will have unexpected changes, new features added, some features removed and new versions released at any time - And we will not support any but the latest version - begging, threats or bribery will not change that so don't bother.


1. Firewall - with many different firewalls, we cannot give detailed instructions for each and every one - you must research your firewall to find the fix. And, you may be running more than one firewall. :pinch: (Not recomended)


2. Antivirus - Sometimes an AV program will give a false reading. This is usually corrected within a few days. But there are exceptions lists you can use in nearly every AV program (white list)


3. Windows UAC - Being the Administrator is NOT the same as running the program as Administrator - this is a Microsoft thing. :rolleyes:

You MUST already be logged in as an administrator to do this

Find the folder you installed NMM to - open that folder

Find a file named NexusClient.exe - RIGHT click on that

At the top of the window, Click in the 'Compatibility' tab

At the bottom of the new window. click on the box beside "Run this Program as an administrator" - It should have a check in the box.

click on the Apply box at the bottom. Then click on the OK box.

You may have to do this each time a new version is released.


4. Some browser setting or add on. Try using a portable version of a different browser with NO add ons. for testing. Here is a site that has several.



5. You still haven't updated. V0.46 WILL NOT connect to the sites. You MUST have v0.47 or higher. This is intended and NO we will not allow connecting with v0.46 just for you. You will have to update manually just like everyone else. :armscrossed:


Very rarely, a system administrator or isp may block certain sites or programs - typically at work or some schools. If you suspect that is the case - you will need to take it up with your Sysadmin or isp.

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there is some silly thing that show on my NMM mod page on right said of my screen the place you install a mod in a left said is mods and right said is a mod page .

the silly things is this <br /> <br /> .

and its every were you can easy see it when you going on SkyUI so the description of the mod page on NMM is not feet with a description on web page .


its hard to read with a lot of those silly thing is it a mod page problem ore NMM ?

because it wasn't like this in old days :D

Edited by lordromel
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@lordromel; What you're seeing is the rendering of the <line break> character into "board-speak". That it displayed on your screen rather than being correctly interpreted as a control character and starting a new line of text is due to the incomplete reception of the datastream sent from the Nexus to your computer.


Whether this was due to lag at the Nexus end, any intermediate carriers, your ISP, or something on your machine itself is almost impossible to determine after-the-fact without session capture tools installed. (While it's happening there are some diagnostics that can be used to isolate the problem.)


Shouldn't occur at all, and when it does it should be transitory. :laugh:


Close the app/session and re-start it. You should be g2g! :thumbsup:

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the NMM is no good since 1.47 crap i run the game 20 times better without it since last change just is a major crap imo that why i rather refer my friends to install it by hand instead of useing the nmm because poeple do 2000 times better job by hand then via nmm. unless you activate and decative every hourse a new mod its more or less useless cause the mods it installs bug more then done by hand and create so diffrent issues it became lots worse since 1.47 bad nmm download speeds no working logins, mods dont properly activate anymore for skyrim and crap like that and if you try download standalone it even worse now, because it now pretty much fails downloading all the time lol. Edited by chrdragon
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@chrdragon - There is no v1. anything. NMM is still a beta program and currently at v0.47.3 - meaning this is not a complete program where every function works with no problems and no bugs. NMM is BETA - that means it is being tested. It is also OPEN which means you are invited to help test it.


Because it is a beta program, we do not insist anyone use it ( and never will) , so advising other people who have problems to install manually is OK. :yes: Reading the documentation on the page where you download is really recommended - all of this was explained there. So why the hostility?


As I have said in other posts - if NMM isn't to your liking - just don't use it. That is perfectly acceptable. But we really do want to hear exactly what the problems are so we can fix them. But again, over 90% of the people that try it have no problem getting it to work. What are you doing different? - No, this is not a criticism, we really do want to know what you are doing differently than the people that it just works for. That is the intent of a Beta version.

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