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Everything posted by kennyimpala

  1. ytsejam91 you have been banned for finding me yesterday in the store, and you told me you didnt like my shoes
  2. banning Monolithic0117 for noticing the grammar and punctuation errors on ytsejam91 post and dont ban me for writting in yellow, and dont ban me for tellling you not to ban me for writting in yellow
  3. how can i add u to friend list????
  4. banning calliton because............. he will have 8 kudos
  5. do you think I have the time to read all this *****? :wacko: :blink: o_O :huh:
  6. i will have to pass on this one because I just dont kno how to work with diferentiation, and i dont think my team does neither soooo if i find out i will do it for you, but i cant promiss anything
  7. nifskope-1.0.18-1.fc10.x86_64.rpm if is not the one you need, then it will say, this installation is intended for this OS
  8. Im having the same stupid problem, I think is because im either doing it in the wrong chanell (1) or because im just not unwrapping it correctly
  9. idk how to mess with that, since im not a scrypter, but my team might now something about it Cool :) I will add it to the whish list
  10. pufff are you *ban* crazy? Im not God mmmkay.... u better be kidding. but I will still keep it on my mind.... maybe i can give it a shot in a few months or something
  11. Heh i came up with a mask to... why not Good ol Dr. Thrax's mask? from Command And Conquer Generals: Zero Hour? http://imperium.cncguild.net/images/Thrax.png he has a lil Serious face there. thats was basecally requested already :blink: but maybe that specific color you want please be more specific
  12. idk how to mess with that, since im not a scrypter, but my team might now something about it
  13. ok, Im going to sleep now, but keep asking for mods as I will do as much as I can for you guys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------O---------------------------------------------------------------------- That is a page break my friend
  14. I still don't know how to edit the properties of materials on nifskope, but Im pretty sure I will learn soon if I do, this will be easy as I only have to make adjustments on nifskope
  15. http://www.wholesaleforeveryone.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/hats/hat5486BK.jpg
  16. of course I can make it, I will add it in the whish list on the top of the page there you can see the status of the mods you also gave me an idea besides what you want I will also add a roberry mask please post images like this as is easier for people to navigate http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/3197296Z27L._AA280_.jpg
  17. I added this to the mod list at the begining I will contact you when I start modding it
  18. BUMP mmmkey? so any request, dont create a new topic, ask me first, and if is something small I can maybe do it in a couple of minutes
  19. mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds, but I will talk to the team. once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs to me, mr makie..... mmmkay? I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview mmmkay? hehe kenny are we talking full companion or just a random NPC that shows up at the oddest times :D (sounds fun, might make for an interesting thing to do once we finish the Freddy MOD :Þ probably someone that just pops out of nowhere, or that is waiting for you outside the vault .....mkay? and then it will be logical..... or when you take mushrooms a new drug, you will halluxcinate...... im at school cant talk mush but I will bring the ideas once I comeback from school lmao.....mmmmkay!
  20. mmmkay, that is going to be hard but Ill see what I can do I was looking for more of a ....... modelling texturing since I never worked with dialogs before, only intergrating sounds, but I will talk to the team. once we finish the dialogs for our mod we will have the experience to intergrate the dialogs to me, mr makie..... mmmkay? I will do the mesh of mr macky, and create a new race. but I dont promiss anything this will take a long time, but I will put it in my project overview mmmkay?
  21. my current projects are: -New Gas Mask________________(completed)_________<medium,needs to be added to game> -Hockey mask [full with mouth]___(completed)_________<to be released with another mod> -Freddy krueger team__________(near completation)___<hard,medium time> -Terminator mod______________(started)____________<very hard,very long time> -Glock_______________________(started)____________<medium,medium time> -Kevlar Power armor exoskeleton_(not started)_________<easy,long time> -predator mask________________(not started)_________<easy,medium time> -cnc 3 armors and guns_________(not started)_________<hard, long time> -mmkay project________________(not started)_________<hard,very long time> -spike sledge hammer___________(not started)_________<easy,medium time> -killzone goodies_______________(not started)_________<very hard, very long time> -shemagh_____________________(not started)_________<easy, long time> -ski mask_____________________(not started)_________<easy, short time> -semitransparent power armor____(not started)_________<very easy, short time> -messages on the side, no hood___(not started)_________<no idea, sort time>
  22. I know I messed up, but you gave me the solution, since I barely start with this (3ds modeling) I still gotta learn some poo.... but thanks mate, and u deserve kudos, and please be my friend :D
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