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Everything posted by leedavis

  1. I can help with this one...I just figured it out earlier. First is it Interrior or Exterior? EXTERIOR CELLS: Go To WORLD>CELLS>HAS WATER (CHECK BOX) Then adjust the Height of the water. You might have to open and close the CELLS Properties and make adjustments until you get the water to the exact Height you want in your exterior. Sometime, I had to reload the exterior by loading an Interior then reloading the exterior. Also, while fine tunning the height of the water I noticed that several layers of water would appear...don't worry about this, if you save and reload your mod, the CK will correct this oddity. INTERIOR CELLS: In the OBJECTS window search type "water1024" (no quoteation marks) then click ACTIVATORS. Click and drag it into your map. Double click to edit the flow and direction.
  2. Yea that would be possible and definityly legal. I would be VERY limited of who can play my mod. I've already start a temp file on Blender trees, but my biggest problem on this is that i'm COLORBLIND! LOL! I can't texture the trees and will still need help with that. Both SinderionsBones and GrindedStone have good points. I really like the variety of trees in Oblivion, which made my mod worth trying. Skryim's Engine makes it so much better, but lacks the variety of the Environment I required. Thanks all for your quick...and VALID responses...LOL!
  3. Well, first of all...is it possible??? To transfer Oblivion meshes and textures (M&T) over to Skyrim's CK...I know that BLENDER will open and modify meshes, I"ve done it before. But I'm unfamilir with Skyrim's M&T's package. Second, is it legal??? I know that Bethseda has all the rights to TES...and that no Morrowind Mod for Oblivion was allowed. But can I use Oblivion M&T for my Skyrim mod??? Third, finally to the point, my mods requires a unique variety of TREEs, but Skyrim has...well, no variety. So I either need to re-texture Oblivion trees (cause I started this mod during Oblivion's popularity, but was so limited by it's TECH) or I need a skilled artist to BLENDer me a few trees for my MOD. I already know hundreds of great artist from NEXUS, but WHO would be willing to help. Thanks for those that give VALID and REASONABLE. comments.
  4. Updated june 26, 2009 Q: "do you have the relevant permissions from the creators/authors of the mods you have used to create this pack?" A: the mods I am using have statements in their readme like this: "feel free to use the textures in your own esp...just give credit were due..." All other creaters will be notified before this mod is uploaded. Post Created: June 25, 2009 Author: LeeDavis File Name: NPC_Female_Armor_Addition.esp (also known as "FAA") I have created this mod for myself using over 50 of the best armors from tesnexus. I would like to know if there is... 1. Already a mod uploaded (I have searched with keywords "NPC" "Armor" "Additional" and have not seen any) 2. If anyone would like to see this mod uploaded to tesnexus.com All rights and credits will be added to the readme for all meshes and textures. I only take credit for adding to the NPCs inventory. More discriptions of this mod will follow...
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