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About IndorilTheGreat

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    United States
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    Halo CE, Mount & Blade (Warband), Mass Effect 2 and Terraria.
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

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  1. I have recently gotten into watching quite a few movies, since I currently have quite a bit of extra time on my hands. I have seen drama, comedy, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, westerns, documentaries, and musicals. I'm looking for something new to enjoy, and if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance! :thanks: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  2. I know it's a bit late to be posting here, but this post is indeed on topic: As of right now, my favorite is George Killan's Irish Red. Nothing beats relaxing with a couple of those at the end of a long day.
  3. I just turned 21 an hour ago. :D
  4. I know where you're coming from. Over the past few months, I've been struggling with the same thing (minus the girl; still no luck in that department). Life suddenly hit me like a load of bricks, and it sucked. Bad. I turned to my family and friends for help, and I am doing considerably better now. Still a bit iffy, but compared to how I was just two months ago, I'm practically the most optimistic person ever. Just remember that it won't last forever, even though it may feel like it. It was like I was floating in the middle of a lake, and I just didn't see the point in swimming to shore; the shore seemed just as bad as the water. Remember; you have a whole network of family and friends here. Feel free to ask for help if you need. Heck, ask for help even if you don't need it. :thumbsup: Good luck.
  5. It is not available on Steam, because it is on Origin (an EA run Digital Distribution system). It's not their fault. :P I'm interested to see what goes on sale over the next few weeks. If only Dragonborn were out now. :confused:
  6. I believe that every person has 4 or 5 "points of divergence" in their life - essentially "life changing moments." Now, if you multiply those 4 or 5 moments by about 7 billion people, and you throw cause and effect in the mix (one person's actions can affect another person's life), you essentially have an infinite number of possible universes that could exist. I feel that I made one of those "divergent point" decisions the other day; I wonder how my life would have turned out if I had done things differently.
  7. I like the little things in life; those are the things that make life great.
  8. I played it, and it felt... lacking. I bought the game back in March, and played a month of it then (which didn't give me subscriber status, since it came with a free month of time :dry: ). I would say that I definitely enjoyed it. However, several things are missing this time around. I'm not sure if it's just because it's been so long since I've played, because I had to delete one of my characters (still not happy about that), or if it's because a lot of the player-to-player interactions are now limited (you can't use the GTN if you're F2P, you have a cap on the amount of messages you can send in the general chat, titles are gone unless you buy them back, even though you've already earned them; the list goes on and on). Sorry about that little rant there. It just always bugs me when games screw over people who payed for a game by limiting what they can do, even if they already earned the ability to do that already. Needless to say, I am not amused. :armscrossed:
  9. That's true, Vagrant. I do need to think about the end result rather than the current state of things; that's how people get bogged down and quit; by dwelling on the current struggles too much. I just need to "grin and bear it." That being said, I have plowed through the majority of the work that I needed to catch up on this weekend; maybe I was just over-tired. I should really start keeping a regular sleep schedule.
  10. I am currently a junior in college (Uni), and I am having a hard time staying motivated for school. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not interested in the material, or if I just need a break from school, but recently, I've been having the hardest time working up the effort to go to class. I'm thinking about maybe changing my major, but it is awfully late to do that, and I fear that if I do, I will end up stuck in another rut having a really hard time getting out. Any ideas on what I should do? Thanks. Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  11. I used AdBlock for a long time, and then I didn't since it wasn't really helping any of my favorite websites and YouTubers. But then the political ads started to infest YouTube, and it went right back on. It's going to stay that way too until the majority of these poorly assembled political hate adverts are gone. It's got annoying, real quick. On-Topic; AdBlock is not unethical, since you are not "stealing" income from someone (unless of course they work in advertising :rolleyes: ).
  12. I was talking with a friend of mine about technology, and how it advances at an exponential rate. He then brought up an interesting point; in order for technology to advance, research into that field of technology is required. For example, if William Gilbert had not wrote about how electricity affects different objects, coining the term "electricity" as well as electric force, magnetic poles, and electric attraction, the study of static electricity may not have started until much later than 1660 BCE. I may not be typing this up if that were the case, since the study of static electricity led to the study of electric forces and controlling those forces. My point is this: when does the knowledge gained from researching something reach the level of application? How about a modern day example: People all over the world are worrying about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As we start looking deeper and deeper into the start of our universe, and begin messing around with those beginnings, the dangers of something cataclysmic happening may increase greatly (please note that I am not trying to give a "doomsday speech," I am all for scientific advancement, this is just an interesting viewpoint in my opinion). As a species, if we wish to advance technology, we can't simply use the knowledge that we discover through research without a proper way to use it; it would be like trying to take a nuclear bomb and using it to power a car - the results could be quite disastrous. To sum it up, I'll leave it at this; at what point should knowledge of the universe gained through research and study be put into application? Do you think that delving too deeply into knowledge without know-how is dangerous? I'm curious to see what everyone's opinion on this matter is. Cheers, IndorilTheGreat
  13. I've suddenly taken a liking to these guys; it's great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir_BVxBz5do
  14. Do you mean lore-wise, or official DLC? Here's a link to the official DLC page: http://www.elderscrolls.com/oblivion/dlc/ As for lore-related stuff, Bethesda has re-written and convoluted their lore so many times. I'm not even sure which stuff is cannon anymore. :confused:
  15. Bah. You kids and your silly guns. Nothing beats Brick's "Fists o' Fury" with an incendiary artifact attached, and the cool down lessened to about 6 seconds. It's especially fun if you're playing with someone else in the same room; the first time I did it, my buddy started laughing uncontrollably.
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