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  1. For Condition Functions, how do I specify the keyword when selecting Linked Reference for the Run On? I have multiple NPCs that have different Linked References. In TesEdit I have tried inserting numbers 0-3 for Parameter #3. I've even tried inserting the Hex code converted to Int. Is the only Linked Reference that can be used for Condition Functions is the NULL keyword Linked Reference?
  2. I use a LE program called Skyrim Script Compiler for my scripting. It doesn't add self or anything else for that matter. I have recently had to edit a bunch of quests with aliases and such and the difference between self and no self is sometimes self would be referencing the script itself not the alias. Try removing the Subject.GetIsRace condition and adding more aliases. Also in the OnInit function add a Debug.Notification( "Name: " + GetReference.GetBaseObject().GetName()) so at least the game will try to spit out a name of what it did ultimately capture. In my experience, if something is not working as expected I messed up something somewhere or the engine is just goofy. So I start removing things or spitting out information on what the alias is pointing to until I can narrow down the problem and work from there.
  3. I think it's the self.GetReference(). Try just "ObjectReference obj_ref = GetReference()" The self is the script itself, not the Reference it's currently attached to.
  4. Thank you very much! I'll find a link for Outfit Studio and try to figure out how to do all that. Even though the original nifs appear to have a weight slider it was never implemented so I just have to change 1 boot.nif and it will affect all genders/races etc
  5. I have been given permission to use Hero Plate Armor but when I put it in my game, the boots, just the boots are slightly skewed. I've tried installing the original mod and version 1 and both have skewed boots. Im fairly familiar with meshes in Nifskope. I can edit UVs and do basic mesh editing with Nifskope. To people famailiar with mesh editing, what might be the problem? My best guess is the toes of the boots are connected to the wrong bone. Thank you for any help you can provide.
  6. Using xEdit/tesedit, go in the mod, find the Dialog Topic with the newly added dialog, collapse it so all the Infos inside are showing, add conditions to all of them like GetDisabled == 9 and run it on the PlayerRef. The Player will never be disabled so it will never prove true therefore never showing that dialog.
  7. I know this sounds like a troll but I swear its a weird solution that fixes persistent issues with my game: Youi have to kill yourself. Just open the console and type "player.kill", die, then when the same save is reloaded, save again and play as normal. This has helped me alot when goofy issues where if I do something specific like save or enter a new cell the game just crashes. Try it, cant hurt....
  8. It's very easy to make 1 NPC follow another. On your FollowerNPC give him the LeaderNPC refID as a LinkedRef, no keyword. Then on your FollowerNPC give him as his default package the DefaultMasterPackage formlist. Done. That DefaultMasterPackage is used throughout the game so developers didnt have a to make a package everytime they wanted an NPC to patrol or, or use furniture etc. In terms of performance I dont know what is most optimal but I do know the Default formlist is used by 99% of NPCs in dungeons, its very flexible. As for NPCs getting left behind or moving ahead and standing where the Leader will eventually get to, theres nothing you can do about that they just do that sometimes.
  9. Neloth from the Dragonborn DLC casts Candlelight at random times, check out that package.
  10. Contact MoreSly. He wrote some excellent dialog for one of my mods.
  11. You could give them a new faction thats Friendly to the Draugr Race but Doesn't Help Friends and Allies. Therefore it will only help people in the exact same faction.
  12. I'm pretty sure its fine. I have a mod (no longer available) that changes Serana's race and I always check the comments for such a large overhaul of an important character and no one mentioned an issue (otherwise I would not have used it). I would suggest you don't convert her back to human though as scripts will kick in and set her to the default NordRace.
  13. 1) The way you stated is the way to do it. Not real secret, hidden, tech. Another thing you can do, for instance, you created a bunch of dragons that are exactly the same stat wise but they look different and you want them to NOT have a greater chance of being selected, create a new list called listDragonX and add that to the main lcharDragon list. 2) gotta make one levelled item list with all the clothing options and another list with all the alternate clothing options, set the option Use All on both lists. Make another list that hold the two lists you just made and add that to the NPC's Outfit. Personally, best tutorials were other people's mods or the base game itself. If there is something I don't like about the a mod or the base game, I find something similar or figure out how it works and change it.
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