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Everything posted by Drakous79

  1. Those RGB values are deprecated, commented with ; Nothing serious, but for fun and demonic horror skin, uncomment one of them and comment corresponding pallete. ColorPalettes=(Palette=ePalette_CaucasianSkin, Colors[0]=(R=192,G=132,B=97),......,BaseOptions=5) ;ColorPaletteInfo=(Palette=ePalette_CaucasianSkin,ArchetypeName="UnitPalettes.CaucasianSkin") No luck with UnitPalettes yet. I would expect a list of values somewhere.
  2. XComgame.upk, class XGUnit, function AddTargetsInSight, switch(kType) case 1: arrVisibleTargetsToUse = m_arrVisibleEnemies; if(IsPanicActive() && (arrVisibleTargetsToUse.Length == 0)) { arrVisibleTargetsToUse = m_arrVisibleFriends; } bProcessTargets = true; if(IsPanicActive() && (arrVisibleTargetsToUse.Length == 0)) If panicking and number of enemies in sight is 0, add friends to targets. if(IsPanicActive() && (arrVisibleTargetsToUse.Length > 0)) If panicking and number of enemies in sight is more than 0, add friends to targets anyway. if(IsPanicActive() && (arrVisibleTargetsToUse.Length < 0)) If panicking and number of enemies in sight is less than 0, condition failed, no shooting friends. Changing the operator to is less or is more does the job. Could be better to skip the conditional. Also I fear it's gonna work for aliens as well. So I took my team of star rookies with reduced will to the first misson on impossible. Took some time to get the right situation (in cover, not flanked, enemies in sight) and after some wild chase with angry sectoids, the team ended behing a van. Henderson (top right) threw a grenade on main shooter Roux (top left) and victim Gordon (bottom) to start panicking. http://i.imgur.com/CtYIM.jpg == No targets in Henderson's sight, he shooted at Roux, who shooted the sectoid. > Henderson decided to take new cover next to Roux, who got pissed and shooted Henderson (date canceled). < Henderson decided to take new cover next to Roux, who shooted the sectiod. Edit: Savegame available, if anyone is interested. Always loaded the same save after changes to upk. Tried < in a game with no enemies in sight and with == a soldier shooted at friend, with < she decided for new cover. I'm going to quote some comments from reddit topic Certainly didn't expect this the first time it happened. Hope it isn't against rules, because they made me laugh so much.
  3. That would be sweet to have. Heads can be added using Config\DefaultContent.ini HeadPackageInfo=(Id=XX,......Character=eChar_Soldier,Race=eRace_African......) Adding new head lines with different ID to ini is possible. Some mods done that adding civilian heads to soldiers. But changing eRace from African to Caucasian does not help. The head can be chosen, but keeps its skin color. I'm not enough experienced modder to tell, where are color palettes for soldier customization stored, but my bet goes to head model/upk file.
  4. Right click the file - properties - details tab and there should be file version. My 2nd update XComGame.exe version is
  5. Yea, definitely because of focusing just on values I was intereted in. Still so much to learn.
  6. Aha, SetTime function! Thank you :)
  7. http://i.imgur.com/X6Lij.png Altering start day requires changing 4 classes within XComSTrategyGame. Posting just parts of the code. XComSTrategyGame.upk - classes XGGeoscape, XGStrategyAI function InitNewGame() { m_kDateTime.SetTime(0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2015); } XComSTrategyGame.upk - class XGFundingCouncil function CreateMission(TFCMission MissionData) { kDateTime.SetTime(0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2015); } Searched unpacked XComStrategyGame.upk for hex values 03 26 1D DF 07 (3 matches) and changed them to 03 26 1D DC 07. Haven't tested zeros in the function, can be time setting. XComSTrategyGame.upk - class XGDateTime function bool IsFirstDay() { return m_iMonth == 3 && (m_iYear == 2015) && (m_iDay == 1); } Searched unpacked XComSTrategyGame.upk for complete copy pasted hex values from unpacked IsFirstDay.Function and changed DF 07 to DC 07. After edits fired XSHAPE and tested in the game past the first month and it seems to work ok. Well, not so great mod idea, but couldn't resist after seeing confusing year constant :) Edit: I slacked. Correct function in XGFundingCouncil class is CreateMission, not InitNewGame.
  8. 1) If planned features are merge/customize/patch inis to exe + patch language files, I would name it different than Patcher, Builder. XCOM Manager or XCOM Tool maybe. Or choose the name independent on functions. Kings, Queens or FMod, XMod :) When people get known to the tool and familiar with its functionality, the name serves mostly for communication and promotion purpose. 2) The division seems ok so far. Would be cool to have some description about the mod's features I am about tu turn on/off. I'm imagining a list with headers, tickboxes and description window with some control buttons. Could be possible to include special strings in mod files for the tool: MyMod.Queens [Queens Section="Weapons" Description="All weapons get boosted damage. On top of it, lasers are more precise."] Weapons=(iType=eItem_Pistol,ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStandard,ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_Overwatch......) [Queens Section="Character" Description="Rookies got more starting will."] Characters=(iType=eChar_Soldier,HP=5,Offense=65,Defense=0,Mobility=12,SightRadius=27,Will=50......) The toughest is to combine 2 mods altering the same line. For soldiers - the first mod HP=15 Will=30 and the second HP=5 Will=80. Either you end up with tough panicking guy or squishy buldozer. And giving people option to choose between conflicting variables - not sure how to address the issue in user friendly manner. Also some balance mods could be kind of unbalanced choosing just some of features, if the author thought in bigger scale. So - what's the release date? :thumbsup:
  9. Thank you! Works fine :) Makes searching in the log easier, even if it is copy paste.
  10. When things go wrong and the console still works, try Exit command. AIDebugModifiers - enhanced AiDebugAi showing abilities and actionque info. AITextVerbose - adds lines to the above about AI behavior (it is mostly hunt even when falling back). http://i.imgur.com/VMVYZ.jpg XGUnit_0's abilities after run&gun Obj Dump XGUnit_INT where INT is a number of the unit - dumps loads of info into the log, including team name (eTeam_XCom, eTeam_Alien; had no luck with ChangeTeam though). Is there any way of logging Showlog output to a file?
  11. Found XCOM Pitch Cinematic video on Youtube. To be honest, I like spooky feel of the concept :wink: The original and XCOM EU are strategic and tactical battle against alien invasion. Referring to the tactial layer, I care what and where to shoot without losing soldiers - go in, clear, get out - no worries, no fear. But in the concept, I would actually equip spare underwear prior to entering that house! And imagine a fight with that thing at the end - better to party with bunch of chryssalids and sectopod! Seems like designers did the job well done. Also noticed time units in the video. I think 2 move system + abilities works fairly well and is user friendly. Overall I love the 2012 remake. It has great ideas, good music and enjoyable play (164 hours so far - going for Classic Ironman next). Wish it could have better support for mods (more var config from inis, foundry projects, techs, perks, weapons, regional maps, textures, and my personal wish - customize country + country text next to flag).
  12. The 2nd patch is live - Changelog on 2K Games forums. Some files changed, so you may wish to reload/revise data for work in progress. Binaries\Win32 Version.txt XComGame.exe XComGame\Config DefaultMetaData.ini XComGame\CookedPCConsole Core.upk Engine.upk Engine.upk.uncompressed_size GameFramework.upk GFxUI.upk GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk GlobalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM3.bin GuidCache.upk IpDrv.upk OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.upk Startup.upk XComGame.upk XComGame.upk.uncompressed_size XComShell.upk XComStrategyGame.upk XComStrategyGame.upk.uncompressed_size XComGame\Localization\INT\ XComGame.int
  13. Found video yesterday. Around 2:15 there are some weapons shown on a display including one, that could be the flamethrower. http://i.imgur.com/IIZHC.png?1 Never saw such model in the game. Noticed every weapon has a file in CookedPCConsole directory and a reference in XComGame.upk - XComContentManager class and own XGWeapon class. Weapon_LaserSniperRifle_SF.upk WeaponPackageInfo(22)=(ItemType=EItemType.eItem_LaserSniperRifle,ArchetypeName="Weapon_LaserSniperRifle.GD_LaserSniperRifle") There are also armor kits for weapons we need 2 hands to hold them. So I would expect to find Weapon_Flamethrower_SF.upk somewhere but had no luck. But Weapon_FlashBang_SF.upk is there waiting for you! Wondering what the mechanic could be - blind aliens and then melt their faces?
  14. Great tools :thumbsup: Thank you EliotVU for UE Explorer and pointing out UnCodeX and Mr. PepprmintButler for guidlines! Search all classes helps a lot. What is left to say is: LETS ROCK!
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