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Lord Slyther

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Everything posted by Lord Slyther

  1. ah, you seen my series, eh tyreil? Glad you like 'em! :)

    Oh and btw, SG Team and USFMC can be allies against the crusnik, so you're not alone on this fight XD

  2. I listen to whatever. More likely about everything. :)
  3. Eclipse : Wow, such a fight over each other. Aren't we supposed to take over the world?
  4. Well here's my other, and 100% evil character below. Eclipse : Note in mind, I don't serve anybody. I'm my own dark lord amongst my lands, but I'll do some work for Necro G, only if it pays. If not, then why should I care? My work could result killing, so be sure of who I kill, and who I take in. Anyhow. You accept my alliance, and my I-SDF troops will get your problems taken care of. Even myself will treat your problems like they don't belong here. For now, I got some people to kill in Cyrodiil. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/UserImage2-2.jpg
  5. Eclipse : Wow, what can I say? The combine are just plain foolish to mess with this evil right here. *Dark Lord Blackdragon annihilates Combinemaster's ship, and banishes the portal*
  6. Since when did I have anything involved with this Combinemaster? Let's all just ignore that.
  7. It said your tag doesn't exist, Necro. Is it in numbers or anything? Do I have to type something in?
  8. Did I hear somethin'? Evil ranting and bluffing again? Is Jtnk complaining again? You really don't know who I am, don't you? If you're gonna call me a moron and argue with me, take it outside the forums. There's rules here that restrict flamming. I caught you before you edited your post, and saying it here isn't a good idea. Say it outside the forums, please. I copied and pasted in the add friends tab, but no records of your account. Could you explain what it's exactly called?
  9. Alright, cool! I'll add you. ;) Is that your account name, or your tag?
  10. Is the ghost of Jtnk still lying? *sigh* Dead once a very long time ago, and I'm afraid I'm not killable this time. You can't kill my invlunderable soul.
  11. Even if you are reading the newspaper, liar. You will never take me if you tried. Don't try to compare your pathetic strength against me, because you will be anhiliated.
  12. Yeah, well pretty much there's one more left remaining. I bet he's reading newspapers, so you failed to conquer the world. See? I already told you evil always loses, and good always win. I'm gonna ignore your false bulls**t, and assume that I stopped you. So you are all dead, except for one reading the newspaper. "Oh, what's that? Druggies talking about me? Oh what an excuse to make to my day." *walks out of the bar, and goes killing more evil."
  13. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-3.jpg I already killed you a long time ago, and you're still dead. So no, by your logic, you did not kick me in the sun. All there remains of you is your ghost. Don't make me create a YouTube video. Your mind is so damn dense to accomplish you never lived up to my title.
  14. Gamerbird I've given you enough time to show me what you got. Now it is too late, and actions speak louder than words. FOR YOU WILL DIE NOW!! http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-5.jpg UNDER THE WILL OF THE RIGHTEOUS, YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED!! YOU CANNOT JUDGE MY POWER!! I KNOW WHO I KILL, AND THE EMPEROR OF GODS WILL NEVER EXIST!!
  15. *sigh* I get sick and tired of pathetic deluded mortals who test my patience by mocking my Godly might. So Dezimona, usually it's girls above boys, but not this time. Sorry. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-4.jpg I'm filling this team with blood and gore. There's no stopping me.
  16. Jtnk, you are a joke. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-3.jpg Next?
  17. There is no emperor of Gods, fool. Not that there ever will. The harder the blow, still no change. Despite Necromancer G's misunderstanding, he is now slain.. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-2.jpg Oh I WILL BRING IT!! Next?
  18. Foolish Dezimona. You will be wasted in dead and a seconds half. Why die for a false being? Why do you worship a fool asking for the heat? You just brought the wrath of God on you now. You underestimate that a King of Gods has power in ALL REALMS!! You're so dead now. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE-1.jpg Oh, don't worry, Gamerbird. I'll give you plenty of time to prepare. I will fight this unholy evil, and I fight strong and true! Evil knows nothing of love, nor friendship! May I have mercy on your souls, for my knights shall not!!
  19. I'll silence you foolish mortals before you can last for 20 seconds! I'll make sure another word doesn't come out of your slippery tongue. Nothing will stand against the might of the King of Gods! The judgment of life and death! If you want your ass handled, then let's get it on! *pulls out the Sword of Aeons*
  20. Well let's see if I can prove that mistake, Gamerbird. Heh heh heh heh heh! Oh we're doing great! Thanks for asking!
  21. This looks like a job for Lord Slyther! :P I have fought many evils who try to take over the world. It's gonna fail again. None have lived to my Godlike might. There isn't one single evil that could live up to his name. When evil sees my character's presence, it's quick or instant death for them. Wanna see what I did to Mehrunes Dagon? http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn55/Lord_Slyther234/INTENSE.jpg And I'll tell you this, I am incapable of death. Rules of death don't apply with my God char. Not even Ganondorf could stand against me for 20 minutes like he has to Link. So if I have to fight to stop evil again, THEN I MUST!! :devil: *starts slaughtering some daedra...*
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