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Everything posted by mrpdean

  1. The engine isn't really turning off the lights. It's more that the shaders bethesda made were only written to calculate lighting from a maximum of 4 light sources. Some say its a max of 3, but I think its 4. Anyway, it's one of those. So if there are more then 4 lights affecting an object (meaning the radius of the light overlaps the object) then the engine has to choose which 4 lights to pass into the shader and it appears to select the 4 lights that are closest to the player. At least that's how I think it's choosing, from my own observations. So whilst it's possible to write new shaders which could calculate lighting from more light source, the problem is that the engine would still only pass in a max of 4 lights to the shader. You would also need to "hack" the engine to pass in more lights, which is not allowed, not to mention it would be very difficult. No way of prioritising lights either I'm afraid. At least not globally. You would have to mod each dungeon that needed fixing, using a similar method to this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10361/? Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any light properties exposed in Papyrus so all you can do via scripts is enable/disable them. Can't adjust (or even read) colours, radius, intensity etc. Would be great if we could though. Not sure it it's something that the SKSE guys could implement. Maybe.
  2. It's not easy to change the max lights cap. I'm not aware of anyone who has managed to do it. As far as I'm aware you can only have 4 lights affecting a single nif (object) and only 4 shadow lights total, in a single cell. These caps are hard coded in the engine I think.
  3. Can't say I've ever noticed any problem in game doing it that way. Plus I've seen those warning come up when cleaning the official dlc and it doesn't seem to matter.
  4. I have heard of people doing that but I've never understood why. You can't delete the navmesh but you can edit it as much as you like. You can delete all but 1 triangle in each cell of the original navmesh and then start recreating them how you want it by adding to that one original triangle. At least this has always woeked for me. No doubt someone will tell us if I'm missing something.
  5. All those mods would be great but sadly WB and the Tolkien estate takes copyright very seriously. I would love to play and contribute to something like this but as much as I hope I'm wrong, I think they will shut you down as soon as it gains any sort of popularity. Just like MERP :(
  6. Have you tried this one? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4020/?
  7. As I understand it these mods work by having a collion object inside the structures that: 1. Detect when the player enters the structure (shack, stables etc) 2. Detects if it's currently raining 3. If it's raining, make a copy of the current weather, but without the rain 4. Sets the new weather as the active weather 5. Enable various hand placed water fx around the structure (drips, splashes etc) So they aren't actually "blocking" the rain but just giving the elusion. With the ones I've tried the process of transitioning between the current weather and the cloned weather (and back again when the player leaves the structure) is quite noticeable. Also when looking outside from inside the structure it's usually quite noticeable that it isn't actually raining outside. Still, I thinks it's the best we're going to get. UE4 looks like it will be able to have particle collisions using a fancy depth buffer trick. Hope the engine for TES6 gets a major overhaul :)
  8. Tamb0 is right in that extracting the height map and using it to create a new worldspace would be best. Don't need photoshop. Gimp is free and would work just as well. Im not sayimg it's impossible to do what you're suggesting but im sure you would run into heaps of problem by deleting all the vanilla stuff and I doubt it would be stable. Quicker to start with a new worldspace for sure.
  9. Sadly no. It's not possible to block rain though there were a few mods that attempted to fake it as you probably read about in your searching.
  10. Another way might be to set the timescale to 0. I'm not sure of the papyrus command but this mod apparently does it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/183/? I don't know the sunrise slider setting to get permenent daylight sorry. But I do recall seeing a thread about it somewhere. Will see if I can find it again.
  11. Did you try adjusting the sunrise/sunset sliders? Edit: sorry didn't see the end of your post. You have tried the sunrise/set sliders.
  12. I believe you can do this with a custom climate/weather.
  13. I think as a general rule you shouldn't delete vanilla navmeshes in outdoor cells. But you can edit them if you are cafeful. Not sure what u mean by auto generating navmeshes. There is an option to get the ck to auto generate a navmesh but it wont happen unless you specifically tell it to generate it. Handmade navmeshes are always better than auto generates one in my experience. Though if it's a large area than auto generating followed by manual editing/fixing can be a good way to tackle it.
  14. There is a GetOutfit function but it requires SKSE: http://www.creationkit.com/GetOutfit_-_ActorBase
  15. I don't think there are any mods that can alter the shadow update time, much less changing it per object. It's set globally in the Skyrim ini file. I believe the setting is called fSunShadowUpdateTime or something like that.
  16. You can't delete parts of a nif in the ck. You would need to use NifSkope. You may even need to use a modelling app such as blender or max depending on whether the flags are part of a larger trishape in the nif.
  17. Sorry, I've been AFK for a few days. It's difficult to determine the cause without seeing the setup but you could: 1. Check the ownership of the bed. The NPC probably won't use the bed if it's owned by another faction 2. Check your sleep package again. Specifically, check that you've set both the sleep location and the search criteria. 3. Make sure your schedule is set up right on your packages. Remember that packages are evaluated from top to bottom. I'd make the patrol package always running e.g. leave all the schedule fields set to 'any' and the duration to 24 hours. Then with your sleep package, make sure it's at the top of the list and set the schedule to whenever you want them to sleep. Also, make sure the 'AllowSleeping' flag is set to True on your sleep package, which it should be if you used one of the existing sleep package templates.
  18. It could be a lot of thing: Order of the ai packages Navmesh problems Door marker problems connecting cells Bed ownership Etc As your patrol package is working i'd take that out of the equation by removing the patrol package and seeing if he sleeps then? When you say "he just ignores it" does he keep patrolling, or just walk to the bed and stand there, or just stand in place without even trying to get to the bed etc?
  19. It probably won't solve all the issues but it should help. When it comes to Skyrim and the creation kit... there will always be some bugs. My limited understanding of navmeshes in Skyrim is that they assist NPC's with path finding and obstacle avoidance, but they are not really "fences" whereby NPC's will never go outside of them. They just help the NPC's make the best decision about how to get from point a to point b, but as you've discovered even without any navmesh, they will still attempt to get from one point to another, but they might bump into obstacles etc. Hopefully someone with more knowledge on the subject will jump in and share their wisdom. But I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage if I were you.
  20. It should certainly help. As the article implies, from an AI point of view this is how creature know that those areas of the map are in deep water. Animals that can swim (have swim animation) may still venture into deep water sometimes, but animals which can't swim shouldn't. I say shouldn't because even in vanilla cells which Bethesda built I've occasionally seen some animals walk under water when they really shouldn't have been in there. This is the method that Bethesda use though. No invisible barriers etc though I guess you could use those if you were particularly concerned about it.
  21. Did you mark the navmesh under your water as 'water' so that the triangles turn blue? That's the only thing I can think of. http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Navmesh
  22. You haven't actually ask any questions. What's stopping you from creating one giant load door for each floor? Also, it sounds like a real hack solution to me. Far better to solve the issues with modding the original structure, in my humble opinion.
  23. I've done a lot of this sort of thing myself having carved up Lakeview Manor and Tel Mithryn for the same lighting related reasons. If each of the separate trishapes are going to be a suitable size for proper lighting then you can certainly do what you've suggested and delete all but one node/trishape. However the nif will most likely have a single large collision mesh so you will want to also delete that in all but one of your nifs. Otherwise you will end up with multiple/duplicate collision meshes all in the same place which won't be good for performance and stability. Failing all that then yes, you will have to manually cut up the meshes using Max or Blender.
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