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Everything posted by mrpdean

  1. Cells are only laid out in a horizontal grid and each individual cell extends way up into the sky. There are no vertical cells in Skyrim. I'm not sure if there is an upper limit to a cells height. I've not heard of one but presumably there is one before things start to get clipped by the sky dome etc. I know that havok/physics starts to misbehave past a certain map size but I've no idea if that applies vertically as well. Though I think you have to go VERY high before that became a problem. Interesting idea by the way. Will be following your progress :)
  2. I don't think there is a console command that returns the cell of an object directly but you can do it using both the console and the CK. Find the ideal location for your floating mountain in-game. Try to stand directly under where you want your mountain to. Next, look around for a static object such as a rock, tree, plant etc. It has to be an existing object. Won't work for dynamically created objects. Open up the console and click on the object. This will give you its form id. Take note of it. Now in the Ck select Find from the Edit menu (going off memory here so it might be called some slightly different) Type in the form id that you got from the console and click find. The result should appear under the Objects tab. Double click it and it will take you directly to the object and in turn, to that exact cell. There might be easier ways but thats how I would do it.
  3. In my experience this type of CTD (when getting close to a particular object) is almost always caused by a buggy collision mesh. Try recreating the collision mesh for that object.
  4. I've not seen that one before either. When you say "Error on startup" I'm assuming you mean it's when you load your mod, and not just when first loading the CK? In which case it would help to know what master files your mod is using. There are a couple of reference to the error (not in English) that seem to suggest that it can safely be ignored: http://wiwiki.wiwiland.net/index.php/Creation_Kit_:_Bug_Divers Sorry I can't be more help.
  5. Hi Elianora, Not sure if you still need help with this? Your epic sketch doesn't seem to be there anymore. I've been playing around with creating a tree house. Not a player home, but more of a tree house for kids to play in. Anyway, the point is I should be able to make you a tree if you still need help.
  6. So I worked out that it is the actual stair mesh itself that seems to be causing the problem. When the random collision glitch is happening, if I disable and re-enable the stairs using the console in-game the problem goes away. i still don't get why it's an intermittent problem though. It's as if the collision on the stairs (which are custom made by the way) is shifting on some game loads. I've noticed by looking at how Bethesda do collision on stairs that sometimes they use a gradual ramp for the collision and other times they use an actual stair shaped collision mesh. In my case the ramp seems to lead to more problems so I've changed it to a stair shaped collision and will see if that helps. The problem with the stair shaped collision is that the player sinks into the stairs quite a lot. Far more then with a ramp for a collision mesh.
  7. See this from the SkyUI Errors page: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/SkyUI-Errors#ERR_INI_PAPYRUS Error Code 4: Your Papyrus INI settings are invalid... ProblemOne, or more, of your Papyrus INI variables are set to invalid values. There are several tweaking guides and INI generators out there that propagate setting these to out-of-range values. As a result, SkyUI or other event-based mods can start behaving erratically. SolutionOpen My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Skyrim.ini with a text editor and reset the following values to their respective defaults [Papyrus] iMinMemoryPageSize=128iMaxMemoryPageSize=512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800You may also have to reset these values in SkyrimCustom.ini, if it exists, which is in the same directory.
  8. Take a look at this: http://www.creationkit.com/Talk:Bethesda_Tutorial_Lights_and_FX Specifically the "Toggle lights?" section about making sure your "Bright Light Color" under Render Window preferences is white (or at least not black). Also, I find the lighting buttons in the toolbar to be a little confusing. I generally do my lighting with the "Toggle Lights" button off (that is the button on the toolbar isn't pressed in) and the Sky button on (pressed in). It's all a bit counter-intuitive I think, but that seems to work for me. Hope that helps a little
  9. Have you tried Surpreme Storms? I know it's not completely the same but it does add a "misty sheeting effect" when it's raining heavily. Just a suggestion in case you've not tried it before... but I'm guessing you have. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27022/?
  10. Yeah, nothing shows up in the Creation Kit, just in game and even then it only happens once in every 20 or so time when entering the house. Whatever is causing it, it's only intermittent. Really wish it was possible to view collisions in-game but there doesn't seem to be any console command for that.
  11. Thanks AaronOfMpls, With your advice I was able to locate id in the CK but unfortunately it tuned out to be an ambient dust beam which has no collision on it, so it can't be what's causing the bug :( Will have to keep looking I guess. Cheers
  12. Hello experts, I'm really hoping someone might be able to shed some light on a possible cause for this bug. I'm working on a heavily modded version of Lakeview Manor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55154/? I'm getting a very strange bug where every now and then when I enter the house there is an invisible object of some sort blocking the top of the wooden stairs. Usually only one of the two sets of stairs gets blocked at a time but I've have the blockage on both stairs at one time or another. This only happens maybe once in every 20 or so times when entering the house so whatever is causing it, it isn't always there. The only possible lead I've been able to find after a lot of searching was related to mannequins. There where 2 mannequins fairly close to the top of the stairs (a few meters away) but even after removing them the bug still happens. I believe I might have the ID of whatever is blocking the stairs (from using the console in game) however I've not been able to find that ID in the creation kit. It's a very annoying bug which is proving really difficult to solve. Has anyone experienced this before and would anyone have any suggestions on what else I could try. Thanks!
  13. That's what I was afraid of :( Thanks for replying though.
  14. Hello, I am looking for an event on an objectreference script that will reliably fire when on loading a saved game. So far I've been able to find one. OnCellAttach and OnLoad only seem to fire when entering the cell for the first time after loading a saved game, but they don't fire if the saved game already has the player inside that cell. Does anyone have any other options? Thanks
  15. Thanks GanXingba. BSA's it is then :smile: I thought there were problems with scripts in BSA's, especially if they are modified vanilla quest scripts, but that might have just been because I packed it from the CK menu and didn't use archive.exe. I'll try again with archive.exe and see if that works. Cheers,
  16. Thanks Ceruulean, that's very helpful. Will try packing with archive.exe and see if that solves the problem.
  17. Hi, I recently published my first mod and am now about to release the first update for it. I've read a few threads on publishing with bsa's vs loose files but they were all quite old. Wondering what the current recommended practice is regarding this. I have noticed that when I pack my mod as a bsa (using the CK) a quest alias in one of the quests doesn't seem to get filled, whereas if I keep everything as loose files it does. Are there still known issues with publishing mods with packed bsa's? Many thanks for your time.
  18. Ok, it's up now: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55154/? Bracing for impact :ohmy:
  19. Thanks for the kind words. Ok, you've talked me into it!! I'm uploading a working beta version now :ohmy: I'm calling it a beta release because it hasn't undergone significant testing under a wide range of scenarios yet, and because it's not quite finished as I still need to add clutter to all the rooms. However, as I know some people like to clutter their own homes in-game I decided to update it anyway. I guess the sooner I get it up the sooner the bug reports can begin and the sooner I can get them resolved. Any future changes should be non-breaking so people shouldn't have to go through the install process again.... I hope. Thanks for your offer to help maintain. That would be most appreciated! As having multiple authors working on a mod can be tricky (at least I'm not entirely sure on how to go about it), if in the first instance, you lovely people could be my main beta testers and report bugs, but also suggest changes, improvements that would be great. I wish I could upload it so that only you people could see it but I don't think that's possible on Nexus. If I set it to hidden then I think nobody can see it even if I send them the link? Will let you know when it's up.
  20. I've updated the modders resource version to the latest files: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41645/?
  21. The modders resource is a little out of date. I'll be uploading the latest version in the next hour to so. Just finishing off a new furniture piece that I want to include. Will let you know once it's updated.
  22. You don't like the fish tank? You're definitely not going to like the flat screen tv then :wink: Seriously though, console modding should work for most things in the house. But it's way easier with the creation kit.
  23. No, there is no building involved with this mod. When you install the mod the house is already built and owned by the player, ready to move in. The layout of the house is fixed. You cannot add/change rooms etc. About the only thing you can still purchase (from your Steward) is the horse and carriage as I didn't want that in my mod but left it in there as a purchasable item. You can also re-purchase animals if they get killed, but they are all enabled by default. I actually never intended to release this as an mod. It was only ever intended to be for personal use. Because of the huge amount of work involved in recreating all the meshes in order to fix the massive lighting issues with the vanilla manor, I thought I'd be nice and upload all that work as a modders resource so that others could use them: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41645/? This led to a few people asking for a working, playable version and so I reluctantly decided that I'd try to release it. The reason I'm a bit reluctant to release it is because there is quite a lot of work involved in maintaining mods, not to mention all the issues that can (and I'm sure will) arise with all the different combinations of others mods that people might have installed etc. Truth be told, I don't really want the hassle of maintaining this mod and dealing with all the "this doesn't work with this" or "can you just move this over to there" type of issues which will no doubt arise. I'm going to continue to release updates to the modders resource version. The idea here is that if people want to change anything such as removing the fish tank, swapping cupboard A with desk B etc etc then they can use the modders resource version (a long with the creation kit) to make any changes they like. I know of at least one other modder who was working on recreating the original "build your own" lakeview manor, but using my new meshes to allow for better lighting, however I believe they gave up when they ran into navmesh troubles. I did offer to take a look to try to resolve it but they couldn't/wouldn't provide me with the files.
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