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Everything posted by drinkinbear

  1. Well I'll have a beer with ya....Pulls lever beer cans fall from the sky hit the adoring fan in the head and kill him....um...oh well more for us :)
  2. Could be I get around alot :p
  3. Howdy Howdy

    Ha! now I have soiled your comment page

    Laters DB

  4. I've been gone till now but now I'm here...Hell lets have a beer
  5. well hello misses lady I thought I would stop in for a beer but you must be at mos place again :)
  6. Hey look at me I made it back from the world of the real people :) I love the new pics btw
  7. If you think it and say it is it still just a dirty thought or an act resulting from dirty thinking? Just wondering
  8. well I like it here nice and tidy
  9. I don't know Hair pulling... two men on your page ...people might start talking
  10. well isn't this a strange occrance

    Mos and me on the same page .....but diffrent paragraphs I think

  11. thought I might dirty up your comment area

    Laters DB

  12. Hey look at me over here I'm on the comment board Yay Yay

    Ok Laters Db

  13. I thought somebody better get between you two

    ;) It looks like a shrine to dez

  14. Sniff...Sniff .....

    smells like mos has been here


  15. why do they call them buildings when they are allready built? shouldn't they be called "builts" How come we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway? -Gallagher-
  16. well according to you test

    I'm 5 for 5 and a modret kisser so you make your own mind up from there

    oh and don't do anything I wouldn't do

    (That doesn't leave much)

  17. We have an old saying back home "Musical Rules around here if you don't C sharp You will B flat"
  18. I don't drink liquor any more because I'm Allerigic I break out in handcuffs! "me"
  19. every day ends in Y but sometimes they start that way Y did I get out of bed
  20. Don't let your alligator mouth write checks your candy ass can't cash can you trust your government? ask an Indain. Love is supposed to hurt thats why they say your falling in love
  21. I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken
  22. everybody likes some ass but nobody likes a smart ass
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