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Everything posted by aariq

  1. Does anyone know how to add custom weapons and equipment to the market or black market? I'm still a bit new to the editor, and I don't have a clue how to do this.
  2. Has anyone figured out how to change the campaign starter mechs? I have a pair of custom mechs that I'd like to swap out and need some guidance. I don't even know where to look.
  3. I went through the files and came to the same conclusions as you. I didn't spend too much time looking, but it was enough to know that I'm unfamiliar with their file format. So when the modding does kick off, we'll need a way to unpack those files. I'm not a programmer so I'll have to wait until some else figures that stuff out. Still, I'm excited about the possibilities.
  4. Hopefully someone will whip up an asset unpacker/repacker so we can mess around with the textures. I can think of a few muddy textures that need some work. Especially clothing items with lettering.
  5. Thanks akiras404! That was the exact solution. Everything is working perfectly now.
  6. First off, thanks for your help. I do have the latest Nifskope and I am quite familiar with the process. My issue isn't knowing what to do, it's knowing where the information is hidden in the Nif. I know what I'm looking for, I just can't find it. I'm sure I'll kick myself when I do find it, but until then, I'm still stumped. Edit: I just realized you were talking to thunderlord2200. Sorry about that.
  7. I created a violet fire forge in Skyrim for a personal mod for shadow weapons. Changing the properties for the Nif was pretty easy, much like you described for your fire matrons. Unfortunately, I can't find the correct line to change in the Fallout 4 Nif. It's set up different in Nifskope. I've searched the Nif line by line and still can't find it. I thought maybe it had to do with the animation, but it only deals with the spawning of the goo, not the after effects. I appreciate the advice, but I'm still searching for an answer.
  8. In my effort to improve the alien blaster pistol, I decided to add a critical gooification effect similar to that of the plasma weapons. I mimicked all of the plasma stuff in the CK and edited the ashpilegoo.nif to create a blue variant. Everything looks great in game except for one tiny detail. There is still green mist/smoke emanating from the blue goo pile. I've scoured the nif but can't find the correct line to change. Does anyone know what I need to change in order to make it blue smoke instead of green?
  9. Like the title states, I'm searching for the files that affects the spread of influence/culture. I want to modify Crusade to be more like the base game in this regard. I'm just not sure which file to change, or which line of code to alter. I've done a quick search on here and didn't find anything. I'd be incredibly grateful if anyone here can point me to the correct file, or better yet, show me the actual lines I need to change. Thanks.
  10. I think your right. I'll 'verify the integrity of the game cache' and see what happens. Maybe they just didn't download. *Update: That was the problem. They didn't download for some reason. I figured it would be a simple fix but that should have been obvious to me. Oh well. Thanks for the help guys. Moderators, you can close this thread.
  11. Thanks for the response guys, but I'm not having trouble loading the files. The problem is that I can't find them....anywhere. The esm files aren't in my data folder. I use steam and everything should be in Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data. All that I have is Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and the bsa files. That's it. Am I missing something obvious?
  12. I want to mod some of the dlc content for Skyrim SE, but I can't find any esm files. I expected them to be in my Data folder with the Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and all of the bsa files. But they're not there. Are they hidden or in a different folder? People have already modded the dlc so I know there's a way. Sorry if this is a repeat question. I did a search on the forums and couldn't find anything.
  13. Most certainly. It's a shame but I'm sure there will be a way to fix it when the GECK comes out. For now, it seems I will have to do without. At least the gun scrapping glitch still works.
  14. It may sound silly, but I like to manually install all my mods. The Steam Workshop doesn't allow for that, and I don't like subscribing for mods either. As far as the scripting stuff goes, I would learn it if I had more time and detailed tutorials. But I'm lacking in both at the moment. I'm sure there will be more guides in the future. I'm also trying to figure out how to retexture Shen's outfit. I've had no luck with that either. The game hasn't been out that long, and I'm sure many more things will come along. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3767410-modding-details-ask-away/page-38&do=findComment&comment=35187245
  15. Thanks for the advice but I've already tried reverse engineering. There are so many things hidden in scripts. I lack the experience to even begin to understand them. That's why I asked for help. Secondly, I have searched for a topic on this and haven't found anything. Also, this Rifleman mod you mentioned is not on the Nexus and I'm not using the Steam Workshop.
  16. You heard no complaints from me. I support game updates. I just want to know if anyone else has noticed this and whether or not I can revert it?
  17. I want to create a custom skill for a new soldier class I'm working on. Basically, I want the soldier to move an additional tile while concealed. I still don't really understand the SDK but I am trying to learn. I would appreciate if someone would make a tutorial or at least give me a step by step here in the forums. I somehow managed to create a custom class and give it an icon but I want to push things further. I'm very inexperienced with this toolkit so hand holding and noob speak is fine. Moderators: I know this isn't technically a mod request, but I wasn't sure where to post this.
  18. There are also performance enhancers, optimization, and added content. Some bug fixes help the game play significantly better...and some destroy fun little exploits. Anyway, enough about that. Does anyone have any real advice? And again, is anyone else experiencing this problem or is it isolated to my machine?
  19. Some updates are worth while. Can't pick and choose. Still, Has anyone else had this problem?
  20. I was building a settlement recently and found that wires no longer pass through concrete foundations. I have built many fortresses in my first play through, and found it really enjoyable. I would build a wall then lay out wire then build another layer on top of that. Then when I was finished, I would link a conduit on the outside of the wall to the conduits hidden underneath. Now I can't seem to do this. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Has Bethesda taken away this handy exploit? Does anyone know how to revert it?
  21. I want to change Shen’s outfit color. I have tried to do so but failed. I can’t find any tutorials for retexturing, and I can't find anything in the forums. I’ve managed to add an icon to a custom class I created, so I know it can be done. I’m just not sure how. This is what I’ve tried so far. I opened the Xcom Editor in the “Tools” section of the SDK. I found her textures and exported them to my desktop. Once they were edited, I went back to the content browser and reimported the textures. Then I saved the package. The textures now appear as the edited versions in the kit but they do not change in game. I tried making a new package for them but I don’t know how to mod them in game. What should I do next? Please be specific, I am almost entirely useless with the SDK. Another Problem I've had is with custom classes. I made a class and it works great in game. So naturally I wanted to create another. I created a separate mod and added it to the game. The class name and information for the second appears over the first, and the second class has no info at all. the skills and icons are correct. It's not that big of a deal but I would like to figure out why it's happening. Edit: Found the solution to the second problem. Forgot a "+"
  22. I stated in my first post that talking to the settler doesn't work. I appreciate the reply but would prefer if you read the entire post before jumping to conclusions. (That's not meant for you crawe1x.) I'm sorry if that makes me sound like a jerk. I had a settlement that I had to go back to every few levels before they would give me the quest to unlock it. I understand. I made it a point to travel there on a regular basis throughout 20 or more levels. I Tried talking to the guy. I tried spawning monsters and "saving" him. I tried clearing out all of the local monster dens. He never asks for help. I've even tried setting ownership of the workbench. Garvey just gives me Greenskin, Ghoul, or Kidnapping quests. I'm at the whim of random chance and it hasn't worked out yet. I could just kill the guy. His kids would run away and I could build, but I'd feel like ass. That's why I was hoping for a script or something that would re-prioritize those quests. I guess I'll have to wait until the GECK comes out and try my own hand. I'm no good at scripting though.
  23. I have accepted that this won't fix my current play through. Even if I had gotten the final settlement, I found it incredibly annoying to get dozens of quests from Preston in between every new settlement quest. I did go to most of the settlements without his help, but some of them just wouldn't unlock without Preston. If there was a script to set them as primary then all will be well. Once all settlements are open then have the radiant quests. (radiant quests are a lazy way to extend gameplay and I hope that Bethesda limits these type of quests in future games.) I stated in my first post that talking to the settler doesn't work. I appreciate the reply but would prefer if you read the entire post before jumping to conclusions. (That's not meant for you crawe1x.) I'm sorry if that makes me sound like a jerk.
  24. Is it possible to give priority to quests that unlock new settlements over the other radiant quests? I have played Fallout 4 for a while now and I have all but one settlement (Somerville Place.) But all I get from Garvey are settlement defense or kill quests. In a hundred plus hours of play, I can't get the quest to unlock that settlement. I have tried listening to the radio and talking to the man who runs the farm. The only option I have left is to kill the settler and scare off his children to claim it for myself. I would greatly appreciate if someone could make a mod for this. Thanks. Also, if this mod already exists, please link it. I have searched and found nothing.
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