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Posts posted by skymarin

  1. I know this is bumping, but i believe that this info may help people....


    I tryed fixing the lost cude connections(room marker portals) and found that they had smaller cudes partly within other cudes, that creates issues, so i moved them to be side by side with each other and added portals, plus i had to replace some wall styles with flat ones so as not to need an extra cude that would cause a space conflict, now the issue is fixed.

    I still don't know how they made them work before, but its fixed now.

  2. SOLVED!!.

    The issue is in the optimization cube connections, when i copy a cell, the connections are not saved, which is why things are invisible until entered, its the same issue with duplication of items that have attached scripts, when you open an item window to edit and add a script, then click ok, the game asks if its a overwrite or if you want to make the changes in the form of a copy, if its a copy, the script will not be saved for some reason, this issue with the creation kit!, seems to effect the connections between optimization cube setups, although most cubes don't seem to have this issue, which is why i believe the bug is from improvising with the cubes, they had to improvise on some sections of the cell map, useing a small cube attached to a bigger one, trying to fit every bit of the room together to load it as a single cube section, this might be because of room placments and how they create space conflict with other optimization cubes, as the guide says not to do(don't cross the streams). i believe this issue is fixed....now i have to run the cell wiht out optimization or redo everything and come across the same issue they had.....



    I copyed a cell to give a boost to my mod(time), and when i go through it to test some of the things i added and replaced, i find invisible sections that are only visible at an angle or when i walk far enopugh into a room, whats going on?, does ti have to do with markers, like optimization markers? or what?.

  3. @ OGMSCOLEPEARSON: that does not work for me, i can add other mods manually without an issue but one mod just does not seem to be allowed, i do not want to go back to manual installing mods, that was a cluster bomb of a mess that i had to clean up, we need more help on this issue please.

  4. Ok well, this issue is out of nowhere, as i have explained, but i will give that latency test a go and see if it finds anything or what ever it does, thanks.


    I don't think that the latency test is going to help me fix my issue, but i did find some help on the subject, this is to be put in the Skyrim.ini file.....





    I have not tested it yet, but it might help.

  5. Lets start by saying, my pc is able to run the game with no lag, i have not added any new mods, nor updated any, i have played for hours an hours on many save games, including a brand new save.


    While i was continuing to play the new save, everything started to delay, i shot an arrow but nothing traveled from the bow to where i was aiming, so i shot another arrow, nothing happened, i thought there was something wrong with the arrow, so i entered my inventory and selected another arrow, when i exited my inventory, 2 arrows traveled from the bow to where i was aiming, not where i was aiming when i first shot the 2 arrows, i thought that was weird, i tried to shoot with the steel arrows and same thing happened, after dieing a few times, about an hour later, i got to high Hrothgar, and everything was fine, until one of the graybeards tried to put a symbol on the ground, from then till the outside events, every action of the NPCs were delayed, then everything went back to normal again.....WTF is going on?


    idk how this is possible, no new mods, no updates for the mods, no changing the mods, old save, brand new save, and it happens randomly, from my point of view, a virus or something, idk, this should not be happening, until bethesda set a timer in the game to mess everything up after a certain amount of game time, lol, idk what to think.


    I hope someone can help me with this.

  6. Its been a while since i have created a merchant, i remembered every step and the shop works but the issue i am having has to do with the NPC equipping a weapon or shield, without it ending up in the shop, the shield is an easy fix, i added it to the NPC's "outfit", but i can't add the weapon, so the NPC does not equip the weapon and it ends up in the shop for sale....i don't understand this one, the weapon is in his inventory and not the shop container, so why is it showing up in the shop??? and how to i get that to stop and get the NPC to equip the weapon.

  7. @ IsharaMeradin: yes but i accounted for all that, testing combat and non-combat use of conjuration, i have summoned dremora lord in combat over 20 times and attacked with bound sword while over 50 times and still no movement of the exp bar, something is really wrong.

  8. @ IsharaMeradin: yes but that still shows that there is something wrong with the skill progression, I should be able to gain EXP for using only one conjur spell from Lv15 to Lv100, not being able to, makes me believe that there are restrictions applied to the skill, people exploit single spells to level the magic skills, i know of one exploit for conjuration that works, kill something and keep casting soul trap on the corpse, the one i did it on was the forsworn with the hole in its chest, but i am not going to accept having to use an exploit to level this skill all because bethesda put restrictions on the skill, i believe the skill is officially broken!, if people are experiencing different to no issues, then it has to be something else, i don't have a mod that changes anything about the skills, so wtf, why does both summoning and bound spells stop giving exp?


    @ EgoAltar: I forgot about that one, i know its a well used spell among enchanters but still i forgot.

  9. I have searched and only found bits and pieces, this is my issue...

    at level 15, i started with bound sword, no exp for summoning it, ok, then i attacked NPCs and got each, then i stopped getting exp, so i summoned dremora lord and got exp for just summoning it, i did that for a bit and then i stop getting exp again, so i switched to bound sword and still no exp, i summoned the dremora lord with and without enemy's near(red dots), and i summoned and used bound sword, still no exp adding to conjuration skill.....what other conjurations are their, beside summoning and bound weapons???, i don't understand how this skill works, guides state that the skill is leveled by using bound weapons on enemy's and summoning creatures, and "Base Magicka Cost of the Spell", but i am still not gaining exp for the skill....wtf is going on?, i don't have any mods that effect skills or their exp rates.

  10. thanks, i can try testing that, but i did find most of the edits with tes5edit, that helped direct me to the edited stuff, but there is still some things that i think i need to find, under gameplay/camera paths/DoVatsAtAll/MagicOrBowCams, there is a lot within that, i am hoping that your way is going to work, ill be back haha.


    [Edit} you way seems to have worked, thanks a lot.

  11. I seen that every answer to disabling killcams is a link to a mod that does it, but i wanna know how i can do it myself, i am making a merged esp from scratch, so far so good, but i came across a mod on my list called, "No killmoves, no killcams, no killbites"(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35362/?), and all it has is an esp file, i tried looking in it(CK), and i can't seem to find anything edited, so i am asking what i need to do to disable the killcams in my .esp?


    [Edit} i found 1 thing edited, its in global, under miscellaneous....



    "ID: Killmove"

    "Variable type:


    "Value: 0"

    box checked beside "constent"


    idk if that is it though, just killmove edited, idk, still looking for more information, to bad there is no way to show a list of things that has been edited....

  12. [Edit} Found the issue(i think), used CK's backups to go back and test, there are some weapons that are made to be daggers, but i tried to make them battle axes, did not work, so then i tried swords, then the issue happened, so i made sure to make those weapons daggers and not swords, no further issues so far, stabbing with sickles(micro scythes) just looks back, but i guess i have no choice....

  13. I have been making my own .esp file(Old school merging), the esp is not large, just over 200kb, i have added a lot of mods to it and it worked ingame, but since i fixed "knight of thorns" armor and finished adding the rest of the weapons from "immersive weapons", items form "belethors goods" mods, its been crashing my game , now i can't even load the esp file with the CK, idk whats going on, i understand that if the IDs are the same in 2 .esp files then that could cause a CTD, but they are not and its just one esp.....I need information, i spent over 8 hours setting this up and i am hoping that i do not have to start from scratch.

  14. Hi, i thought of a mod that would make skyrim less simple, i guess, it will be harder though, i need a script command that adds conditions to what ever object or item that it is attached to, based on keywords and id's, just like perk requirements in a skill tree i would need something like this, "has.[skill].[level].keywords: WeaponTypeGreatsword, WeaponMaterialSteel", something like that, that way i can simply edit the skill and level to set the condition, and the keywords would help define what item the conditions effect. i hope there is a possible command that is similar to my example, but i bet it would like something like this....




    >HasSkill: OneHanded

    ^>HasSkillLevel: 10

    >hasKeyword: WeaponTypeSword

    >HasKeyword: WeaponMaterialIron



    Something like that, all i would have to do is replace the skill id, level, and keywords, to set it to what ever i need.

    This could be a great resource for Mods, and help me create a weapon and armor requirement system, based on skill and they're level, but the keywords would help it go father then that, 1-handed skill level requirements would be based on weapon type, sword, axe, dagger, mace, same goes for other skills, 2 handed = greatsword, warhammer, battleaxe.


    i hope someone can help me with the creation of this script command, might even be a universal script command, but im not 100% on that.


    [Edit} im thinking that we don't need an item id if we have these keywords.

  15. I have been wondering about the different ways to level skills, and found that most are current but not some, like destruction skill does not level by the amount of damage you deal from a destruction spell, i have enchantments that increase the magnitude of destruction spells and the exp did not increase with more damage, and there are other skills that have there own way of gaining exp for that skill, i guess my question is: what does it take to level a skill(all of them), i would like an up-to-date explanation of how each skill levels, so that i can fully understand what i can do as a player and mod'er

  16. hi, i made a perk that can make a character invisible when sneaking(get from skill tree), now i got it to work!, but there is a bug that i am dealing with, when i activate something while i am invisible(sneaking), it cancels the effect just like it is suppose to, but i can no longer become invisible when i sneak...., i checked the shadowcloak of nocturnal power and it has the same bug.....i have searched for this issue, but all i could find was people talking about how they are permanently invisible or how shadow warrior is effecting the shadowcloak power, i don't have any of those issues, just the one that stop shadowcloak from ever working again, i tried combinations of crouching/uncrouching and activating stuff to try to undo the bug, but nothing works, anyone know of a fix/mod that can help?

  17. Hi, i hate waiting......!>.<!, i seen a mod request about faster waiting times and people said it can't be done....WRONG!!, if you looked at the date ingame, then traveled from riften to markarth, you will notice that 24 hours has gone by, depending on the PC Spec's, the loading times for traveling from riften to markarth, can be 5-8 seconds, mine takes 5 seconds to travel from riften to markarth(24hours) all because of a load screen, normally it takes about 24 seconds to wait 24 hours, if we can somehow make a load screen for waiting and sleeping there would be no need for hour to hour waiting/sleeping, idk, maybe set wait/sleep as a travel thing that sends us around the map and back to where we are, like i said idk, but im sure it can be done.

  18. Hi, i have been coming up with ideas for skyrim for a long time and one of those ideas would increase every skills max level from 100 to what ever, maybe 120 or 150.

    I tryed searching in CK and found nothing, im sure i looked everywhere in the CK, im hoping someone on these forums can help me with my mod, of course i will credit you for the help.

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