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Everything posted by varen

  1. I'm sorry, I dont know half the things I talk about. But seriously, if you give me the right amount of money I can hook you up with those goblins again...
  2. Yay! I can just bob along with the low gravity! For once no limbs is good! Unless Jupiter is one of those planets where the gravity is like 9999999x that of Earth. Then I'm screwed. :(
  3. Haha, give us bi-monthly updates :D
  4. Love you long time?
  5. Indeed, and in this topic just call me varen :) Nakor is my proper RP guy :D Well. We are in space. And I have no %&$! or arms or legs. The Earth has been destroyed. Lets go to the moon! The moon is white because of the snow :D We shall make snowcastles and snowangels and snowballs!
  6. varen


    You sir, sicken me. But you make me laugh quite a lot :D
  7. Big indeed, as soon as I find some painkillers I will write you up a formal thing to say you own it and it is now your house (I will write with the pencil in my mouth) Now, PAINKILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I NEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ THEMMMMM
  8. *Enjoys himself until Xan sucks his remaining limb off* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! DAMMIT OWW!
  9. Cant. I have no arms and legs. Unless you want me to pick you up with my remaining limb. Hey, your a vacuum cleaner, I'm a guy... you know what I am saying? So hun, how powerful is your suck?
  10. I am lucky I am actually related to a hemi demi semi godess (My grandma was seduced by God in the form of a vase, thus making her this hemi demi semi goddess. Useful for getting seats in restaurants last minute.) So I alive! I only got my arms and legs blown off.
  11. *Kills Necromancer G anyway and destroys all life* Sweet!
  12. varen


    You want to... stick your head in my.... "Void bag" and eat.... o_O Please tell me you mean my bag with oranges and not.... otherwise o_O
  13. I will rebuild! Bigger! Better! AND WITH NEW ELDERBERRY FLAVA COOKAYZ!
  14. varen


    NAME: Nakor or Nakor the Blue Rider. RACE: Human but currently the avatar of Banath, god of thieves. CLASS: Mage but believes there is no magic and only Tricks. AGE: Over 300 years old but dosnt look a day over 20. EYES: Blue. HAIR: Dark brown. ATTITUDE: Curious. FIGHTING STYLE: Would rather take prisoners or teleport attackers into the void or on the ocean floor. WEAPONS: None. BACKGROUND: Born on the world Midkemia. He is Islani and thinks of spells as Tricks and pure magic as Stuff. Extremely powerful and has a handy little bag that has a rift at the bottom (If you know what to look for) that leads to a merchants orange crate, thus infinite oranges. Nakor stepped into the Hall of Worlds and off into the nearest world that would support human life. He wandered a bit until he came across a bar that he promptly settled into, cheating at cards by using Tricks and buying ale for the losers. Nakor asked around if anyone needed a companion to travel with because Nakor had a insatiable thirst for knowledge. PM me if you want me to join your RP.
  15. *Licks it off* Cherry flavour, am I right?
  16. To kill Necro G? I dunno, I just agree to whatever comes out of your mouth.
  17. Hehe oops, maybe it was second star to the RIGHT... WAIT! Neverland as in the place with Peter Pan and Captain Hook or Neverland as in that sick amusement park in which Micheal Jackson keeps his pleasure childre- I mean lets normal kids that he dosnt molest live in. :wacko:
  18. *Bails XanAlderon out of jail* OT> Each to his own :P
  19. Ok, lead us to Peter Pan! OT> Cool, I need to work on it though. I prefer cropping them so they arnt stretched, only problem is you lose some of the arms/whatnot. I reckon having them stretched looks a bit wierd :wacko:
  20. Check the Chuckle of the day topic to understand. OT> You dont need to use it, I just want to know if you like it.
  21. o_O No thanks. Man you are weak. That was one bottle of ale and your already looking for a goblin (Gobbling that is. Haha sorry my little joke (To understand it better look in the joke thread, I will post it there :D) OT> Did you get my PM?
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