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Everything posted by moonraker481

  1. Well I got all the DLC's to so it's going to take time so this is what I'm thanking after I down load the game and all the dlc I'm going to make a copy and store it on my computer so that way I got a clean game for when I screw up my game with mods I have a new game with nothing in it . Well that work ?
  2. So far so good I deleted all the file's and folder's for all the mods and uninstall the game the down side it well take 2 days to install it ?
  3. Guys I was trying to work up the balls to start deleteing some stuff and what do I fine all the files that was removed a long time ago they didn't delete a single file they just turn them off and they are in the Data folder in there own files and I still fine Appdata/Fallout4 or C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex. So I was thanking so all you need is mod that can scan the hole game and delete all folds and file that dont belong to the basic game does that sound right ?
  4. That sucks ? Im not as smart as you all if I get in there deleteing stuff I would %$#@ something up . We need a mod that would run a clean sweap .
  5. Thanks this happen to me when I play skyrm se I was adding mods deleteing them and a lot of time I would start a new game and the mod no longer work ? I cant be the olny one that this happening to .
  6. Do you think they would tale you were to go in sittings to stop it .
  7. Help with getting clean game the fisrt time you down loud it . My mods are not working right and vortex is not deleteing all the files and this was after I remove them in my mod mannger and deleteing game will not remove the file's .
  8. I just got this game and I installed fo4se but it wasn't found . I unzip the file and moved 5 files over to fallout 4 folder and then I moved the scirpts folder over to the Data folder what did I do wrong .
  9. I have been looking at all the mods and I cant figure out how to use them there are no unp or cbbe to pick from all there is type 3,4,6 and something called fnv and do I need a patch like in skyrim .
  10. First I would like to think the people who help me . Can some tell me if windows 10 is still having probloms with goty and after seeing what other people are going thow so ver 1 doesn't work with windows 7 or higher and ver 2 game of the year is having probloms with windows 10 goty so what now ?
  11. I was thinking about getting fall out 3 but steam has 2 vr fallout and fallout game of the year so well the mods work on both and one other thing is the mods working in this game . I'm falling asleep playing skyrim . Thanks a head of time
  12. I don't know what game your playing but the mods you have there are for skyrim what is this a joke ?
  13. What are the basic mods I need to play this game ? My player run's to fast or to slow and my left and right are the same way .
  14. I was thinking of getting this game but where is the good stuff like having sex with farm girl or a lady in the street all I see is a movie ?
  15. Can anyone tell me what mod that lets you put tree's and other stuff in the towns and city's .
  16. I got all that but I what to make follower's magic from 40 and higher maker them stronger.
  17. What mod is it that change's your follower stats so there magic stronger and other parts as well.
  18. I'm not a dome #$% I have been at character preset . The follower's are batter looking and there isn't no unp character's to talk about as for using cbbe the girl look like every thing is going south on them ?
  19. I have try that and I cant do @#$% every time I try it ends up like old women or something out of a bad dream .
  20. For some time I have been asking if some one could make a unp character but for the last 2 mouths nothing so now Im asking where can I go other than vortex or steam to get me a pretty girl .
  21. Cool I know you where just trying to help .
  22. I thought that this was mod reguest some people like unp and some like cbbe all I was doing was asking ?
  23. I would like to see dow's pad by a card like the one's you get at walmat . The last time I pad my dow's and pay pal it cost me $ 35.00 and that was for $ 24.00 dow's .
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