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  1. Greetings all, My issue is with the size of the windows for editing inside the Creation Kit for Fallout 4. I had similar issues with Skyrim, but Alt-Drag solved this for me. It isn't this time because the box is so short (and has no scrolling either) that it cuts off before the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. I have changed resolutions (my resolution is 2560 x 1440p) and have tried putting the kit into compatibility mode (which I have to do because otherwise everything is too small for me to see them). I tried it without the compatibility settings for the DPI. I've tried changing the scaling of all text and apps. No matter what I do, no matter the size of the main Creation Kit's size (sometimes it is tiny) the weapon editor window is always the same size and always cuts itself off at the same point. Is there anyway to fix this? I have never figured out what caused this with the Skyrim Creation Kit, but I could still use it but now, this is just insane. Thank you, TONS
  2. It's funny how sometimes you don't realize how much something matters until you can't do it, lol. I would use hide helmet in games where I couldn't hot key equipment and just easily remove and equip a helmet with a button. Now that I can't do either (especially given the fugliness of the hats) it bothers me to no end. And I know the hats are appropriate for the setting and all that but no... just no. They're not for me. Whoever makes this mod will be a legend, haha
  3. Hello Chenoah, Do you use LOOT to sort your mod order? I know it isn't fool proof but it might have caught that mistake. Regarding the version of Verdant you use, it seems the older one had a patch to deal with this problem, but that patch wasn't 100% and it may have been abandoned since. This may be part of the reason they created a newer version, to address this particular issue. Maybe the patch is somewhere in the Old Files section?
  4. Hey there Maxx, How are you trying to initiate playing the game? I mean at first. Are you hitting "play" from Steam in order to start up the game or are you doing it from the Skyrim.exe? Basically, I'm just curious if it is generating an INI file from what you can tell.
  5. Hey there Artpyer, I'm sorry if I don't quite understand the problem you're having, but I'll try my best to help. It looks like the first mod adds 3 Nightingale armors and those armors have no enchantment on them. This means that there are 4 sets of meshes that all have 4 different texture paths. Only one of those sets is the vanilla one though and that armor set would have the enchantment. Because of the last thing, that second mod you used, which is a texture replacer, would only replace the texture for one set... the vanilla armor which should be your old armor. The third mod appears to be a mesh replacer, not a texture one. This means it should change the shape of the vanilla armor but use whatever texture you have loaded for the vanilla Nightingale. As the first mod attempts to explain, if you want 4 different Nightingale armors, you'll have to manually drop the textures in the correct folders. I'm not sure what you mean by getting the enchantment from one of the mods. Were you trying to replace the enchantment as well or add the Nightingale enchantments to the other armors? Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this and have your guild all spiffed out in no time. -TONS
  6. Hello dbzmaster32, Are you sure you're activating the mods after you installed them? Also, do you have the latest SKSE installed and if so, are you making sure to start the game with SKSE?
  7. I'm not sure I'll be able to help, but I wanted to ask you some questions. Is it only the armor you wear or does the armor look weird on the NPCs too? Can you post more pics of your character wearing other armors? Ideally, a vanilla armor and another of a modded armor. Also, could you say what mod the armors come from? Is this something that just started or have you always had this issue? I'm wondering if it's a texture path problem of some kind. Again, not sure if I can help, but maybe if you can do the above, it might help someone else help you.
  8. Hello toadguy, Not sure if this fits what you're looking for perfectly, but I do believe this mod, in addition to making the game more challenging, adds new enemies that you might be able to consider like the Ebony Warrior. Some of which come looking to challenge you so to speak. Sands of Time Sleeping Encounters Sorry if turns out not to be what you're after but I'm hoping it works out for you. -TONS
  9. Welcome to the forums. Someone else may have a better answer for you, but in my opinion you would be better served changing the stats on the summons yourself by going into the Creation Kit and finding the actors that get summoned by the spells. You would be able to give them more health and or hitting power as well as adjust how long the summon lasts. It's honestly simple so try not to be intimidated or give up.
  10. Adjusting those values does actually work. I just tested it out and this was on Steam (US) - Version 1.2.5
  11. I think it would be great if we could zoom in more on the map.
  12. INTRODUCTION: So, at some point when you're told where you can rest, someone (I know who they are, just not saying the name) tells you to make sure you take your dirty shoes off before getting in the bed. Also, every time you go to sleep, you have to sit first and it shows you the options you have and one of them is to open your inventory here. I removed my shoes, but it seemed to seemed to have no effect at all. REQUEST(S): - Make it to where removing your weapons and armor before sleeping adds to your comfort. - I know it likely shouldn't make a difference, but maybe that is something else that could be changed as well. Maybe you can get a buff from resting so comfortably. - Perhaps one may even be able to purchase a shirt or pants that are for sleeping that improve comfort when resting.
  13. And if this isn't possible, I think if it just took longer to get dirty, that would be a fair compromise. IMHO
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