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Everything posted by Grimoa

  1. Can you replace the base object? That would mean no lit candles in populated areas either. But it would also mean you don't have to go through all dungeons by hand and spoil the exploration. If you then manage to attach a "can be lit" script to the base object (and it actually works seperately for all instances of that object) you got a hot file.
  2. It looks as if the object giving problems is under the floor. When you don't get the error open the console (~ on american keyboards, the key left to 1 and under esc) type tfc hit enter and close the console (~ again) Now you can fly the camera around freely. Fly under the floor and look which object there is. Maybe that will give a clue. Open console and type tfc again to return to your character.
  3. Should make summoning spiders fun. :D
  4. Non-mod solution: Cast Magelight on your horse before mounting. Mod solution: "Mounted casting" Cast Candlelight (and other spells) while mounted. (needs skse). Different mounted animations to work with torches: Non that I know of.
  5. The term to search for is "modesty". Give it a try.
  6. C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt
  7. :D And of what use would spear wielding be, riding a dragon high up in the sky? +1 green arrow for UrgeNexus (even though the arrows are gone). Everyone getting upset about DB probably believes in what polititians say before election day and that a good trailer inevitably means a good movie too.
  8. Well, ithis is the mod author's forum only members who released a mod that got 1000 downloads can see this part. If you want to extend your search maybe post in the Mod Talk where every Nexus user can read.
  9. I wish more people would think about their requests like that. :) And I really like acidzebras suggestion. :biggrin:
  10. Theoretically, yes, I think so. (Instead of asking wether the game can handle it, you should ask if the CK can handle it. I mean all that landmass in the render window...) A lot. Tons. Ages. Too much for anywone to want to do it. No idea. How's this question diffrent from the next? Don't think so as only the cells sorrounding the player get loaded anyways. o.0 If you still hope that someone picks it up it's still a request isn't it? (Sorry splitting hairs here...) Granted, most requests nowadays come with that "want it now why hasn't anyone done it yet" attitude. So there's a difference. :thumbsup: I think what screendrop is saying is that to preserve the aspect ratio of skyrim you have to add three squares to each square. X1 X2 x3 X4 X1 X1 X2 X2 X1 X1 X2 X2 X3 X3 X4 X4 X3 X3 X4 X4 So if you can reuse the land thats already there, you would have to recreate the entire skyrim landmass three times over. if you can't reuse it (because you cant cut them apart and move to make space for the new cells) you would have to start from scratch and recreate skyrim four times over. Not sure if copy and paste of cells work (like you hope to) never tried anything like that. (In fact haven't edited any cells for Skyrim. Only did that for Oblivion and Morrowind a long time ago.) I suggest you start the CK find some tutorial and see how much work editing exterior cells really is. :thumbsup:
  11. Is that picture at an intermediate weight? But weight slider all the wey right or left looks ok? In order to create the intermediate sizes the game needs to connect each vertex from _0 to one in _1. The vertices are numbered. Certain operations like joining or splitting objects, adding or removing vertices will reorder the numbers. So best finish one mesh first, then make a copy of that and adjust it by pulling the verts into the new place. Scaling and rotating is ok aswell. But no splitting, merging, extruding and all that. It is a bit strange though that it's only those few verts giving trouble. I always achieved to fully explode my mesh. :D
  12. Oh. Well, here's the mask I edited. How do you put it ingame? Do you replace a vanilla item or is it standalone? When you created a standalone item make sure that the biped slots you ticked in the ArmorAddon are the same as the slot you set in the BSDismemberSkinInstance. Otherwise the item will be invisible. If you replace a vanilla item look which number it uses and use the same. For the same reason obviously. 45 worked for me cause I am already using a mod which adds items to that slot so I could plug your mask in as a replacer.
  13. I will not give an ETA and I believe I said so from the beginning. I work on this in between other mod projects. It's not exactly high priority, sorry. New texture. It's a lot lighter, more transparent and less blue. I'm a bit torn if it's too transparent especially in vanilla lighting. But i like how it looks with my ENB so I might just be selfish and keep that texture. That's a dark spot I took those pictures in. In direct light the crystal is almost completly transparent with vanilla lighting. And nickd97. you should have your old account closed. I would hate to work on a request for someone who never comes back...
  14. Not changing the Header happend to me aswell. Breaks c&p pretty good that's how I guess what's wrong with your file. Been there... ;) Not showing up ingame (been there as well) Did you set the BSDismemberSkinInstance Partitions to whatever slot your item is using? BP_TORSO won't do. ;) Oh right, wait, let's have a look. (very convenient for troubleshooting that you uploaded your file!) Meh. Wrong. You got that. But you are missing the SFS1_skinned. It's in BSLightingShaderProperty -> Shader flags 1 And your entire BSLightingShaderProperty seems to be in the wrong spot. it needs to go in NiTriShape (->; Block Details) ->; BSProperties. In the first one, the second one is for the NiAlphaProperty if you use one. (I believe Ghosu already said that. You couldn't put it there before because of the wrong NiHeader.) Proper Skyrim support for Blender sure would be a dream come true! Edit: Yep, tick skinned flag and put a 2 in BSProperties so it points to the BSLightingShaderProperty. That does the trick. And do you really want to use the head slot? (Cause that would replace the head or not?) I used 45 here, mainly because i plugged your mesh in as a replacer for one of my mods. Damn, why did you blink?
  15. Let's see. Don't do that. There's way to much potential to screw that up. Plus, if you want to upload your mod you will likely not get much interest because everyone will find something they don't like. It's nothing wrong with trying your hand at everything, but keep it in seperate mods. Several smaller mods are easier to work on and better to fix if you break something. Plus, you can set yourself smaller goals which are easier to reach. Do it step by step. You have to ask everyone who's assets you want to use. Track down the original authors. Because someone has permission to use something does not mean he/she can give you permission to use it. You need to ask the original author. If you want to use something that was created by one person adn later (with permission) changed by another you best ask both. That's a NO, you can't use that assets. Well... yeah.
  16. Every armor mod does that, if I understood correctly what you are asking. See, the armor is not really equipped on top of the body. Rather the whole body is exchanged by the armor plus pieces of the matching body (if skin is shown) that come with the armor. So if you are using UNP and equip a CBBE armor you will get a CBBE body shape because the entire body is replaced. You will not get your UNP body with a CBBE armor clipping through it. Details why it may not work as flawlessly: Hands, feet and head are not exchanged. So you might get broken ankles if say the arm size is vastly different. I'm fairly sure CBBE and UNP both line up with vanilla and therefore with each other but with all the other mods and bodyslide etc I wouldn't bet on it. The texture may look funny, because those CBBE body bits that come with the armor will use your UNP texture. Depending on which body parts are visible it may look ok... or not so much. In any case: Install that armor and have a look for yourself. It won't eat your save game or burn your PC. (Still, make a backup better safe than sorry.)
  17. Woah, Ghosu, how do you select multiple items in Nifskope? I tried ctrl, alt, shift it never works. :psyduck: And can you copy and paste multiple at once?
  18. Turns out my least favourite feature form the game jam video (and the first to get a dlc, sure, what else) is good fun after all! :biggrin:
  19. After exporting from Blender, did you correct the NiHeader? User Version: 11 -> 12 User Version 2: 34 -> 83 Blender does not work with Skyrim meshes. You have to make it believe it's dealing with Fallout meshes. So importing a skyrim mesh needs the above edit in the other direction. Of course the exported nif is in Fallout format aswell and needs to be edited. Darn, if I didn't knew what I'm trying to say I wouldn't get it myself. I'll point you to my favourite mesh making tutorial: My link Edit: Ha, I was right. :D (Took a look at your nif.) If you can't see NiHeader in the block details window click on "reset block details" it's above the render window.
  20. Wayrest, hm? Thought about these already? Looking forward to your mod!
  21. Huh? Anyways, they are all the same. A purple haired girl from Hammerfell who's far more interessted in sneaking away with glittery things then red mountains, firey gates or oversized reptiles. :P
  22. Uhm, you do realize that porting is not allowed? Everything would have to be remade from scratch. I highliy doubt you'll find someone to do that, but good luck anyways. Of course you can always learn how to do it yourself. :thumbsup:
  23. Uhm, make a copy of maiq and edit the appearance? My experience with editing NPCs is rather limited, so I can't give more advice, sorry.
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