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About Povuholo

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    Morrowind/Deus Ex

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  1. In response to post #46516345. #46516590, #46517050, #46517285, #46522555, #46527230 are all replies on the same post. The mod is mostly an overhaul of the game balance along with bugfixes. Overall it makes the game a bit harder and gets rid of some inconsistencies. It's subtle but really good. What makes it stand out from other game balance mods is that the JSawyer mod was made by Josh Sawyer, the game's official lead developer. I don't know what it is you don't like about New Vegas, but the mod does not really make any drastic changes that would flip that opinion. It still feels like the same game, just better.
  2. Yeah it looks like the Skyrim CK is similar enough script wise that Fallout 4 modders can use that to learn scripting, as well as some other things.
  3. The Creation Kit can be a tricky thing to learn, so it's nice to be able to follow tutorials. But they can be hard to find, right now the Creation Kit wiki is mostly empty. What tutorials have you used? I've been using the following video tutorials: Seddon4494's tutorials - A lot of instructions for quest, dialogue and companion modding. NukaMage's tutorials - A large variety of subjects. Basic Interior Layout - A very long unedited livestream (I recommend playing at 1.25 speed) that shows how to do basic interior design. There's also Bethesda's Creation Kit video tutorial series. While it uses the Skyrim Creation Kit I think a lot of the basics apply to Fallout 4 as well.
  4. In response to post #38049505. #38072205 is also a reply to the same post. I imagine most Morrowind mods have been archived to Morrowind Modding History by now, but it definitely wouldn't hurt to check.
  5. I am planning a quest mod that takes place in a new vault, with its own social experiment of course. I'm mostly working on the story and dialogue, but I can't wait to get my hands on the Creation Kit.
  6. Yeah there's a fair amount of generic 'I'll help you but what is in it for me' 'of course I'll help' 'no' 'yes' lines that a modder could use. There are limits, but they go a long way. Conveniently I'm planning a quest mod right now that involves talking to an AI that communicates only in text.
  7. But Kickstarter backers have no rights whatsoever, other than what their pledge rewards says they get. They're not investors, they're donators. They have no power over the developers in any way. The only thing they can do is provide feedback, but the devs can do whatever they want. They are fully in control.
  8. You're nuts if you haven't pledged to this yet. There's an option to pay with Paypal now too, if you don't own a credit card.
  9. Beware the cows! Not all milk is enriched!
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