Racial armors for khajiits are often of medium wheight, and consist of chainmail and leather. Wearing silver helmets is a sign of class and SWAG and stuff. Links:http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/group/lore/forum/topics/khajiit-part-3-culture Kahjiiti armors from Anequina (the northern, less civilised kingdom) are probably similar to Mongol stuff and beduin clothing. The south, covored in lush jungles, is more "civilised" then its northern counterpart. So they have less furs, probobly a more indian/arabic style. As i alredy said, leather and chainmail is common. So, actully, the HAMMERFELL KNIGHT ARMOR by Hothtrooper44 is actully almost as much khajiiti as it is yokudan. http://www.tesof.com/xthreads_attach.php/32_1351133478_354ead09/c6cebffa4484e4e52e53c66211116977/khajiit.png Khajiits (not so sure wether the northern ones think so, however) actully believes that to show any part of your chest under armor or clothing is barbaric, and the most normal type of clothing (clothing, not armor) is called "budi". Not sure how the budi looks tough. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/30901-3-1270392466.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4u8Bn.jpg