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About sullyvanj93

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  1. You may also give them a "use item" furniture package to give them someplace to sit (floor, chair, wall to lean on). This will prevent them from moving around as well, but might not look as natural as the sandbox route. *EDIT* @madmongo gave a much more detailed answer to this that I didn't see until after the page refreshed post-posting.
  2. I don't have FO3 geck installed currently, but I wonder if they ever bothered to make 1st person animations for it, since it wasn't ever intended as a player-used weapon
  3. If you're running NVSE, one of the easiest and best script delay commands is: CallAfterSeconds x ({} => REF.Command ) The x is number of seconds, the => is actually = > without a space (forums don't like that), the REF would be your plants, and the Command would be playing your idle. I believe you should be able to use this to give a bit of "randomness" to your little pets.
  4. Interesting concept for sure! The brain tank is quite the horcrux of sorts, and it would be fun to have such an unforgiving punishment to "death". But it would likely be an absolute nightmare to try to accomplish, far beyond my abilities. It might not even be possible to go against such a core game mechanic. Maybe someone knows more than me on the topic, though!
  5. That is a HUGE story quest needing dialogue (of currently voiced characters no less), scripting, new characters, new ending slides, and overall writing what sounds like multiple stories from scratch. Are you bringing any of these pieces with your request? Anything you can offer to get this started?
  6. Apologies on the delay here! I've been in the middle of an international move, and it's been thoroughly taking my time away from gaming/modding. I'm finding myself back where I can start tinkering again though! Sadly, I'm still where I was previously. The projectile works as I was hoping it would, and I even added a knockdown effect if you blast someone at short range with it (made sense to me!), but the damage is remarkably low, and I myself haven't done enough weapon stuff to know how to alter that at the ammo level, instead of the weapon level. If I can't figure it out, I'll likely post it on the nexus to pass the torch for someone to finish up for us both!
  7. Hey guys! Been using MO2 for years, follow Viva New Vegas to the letter. I've never had issues before, but a couple of days ago (after a couple month's of not using it) I started getting a startup error: Anyone seen something like this before? It forced me into another "instance", showing me FO3 instead of New Vegas. I was able to get back to the New Vegas instance, which got named "Portable" somehow? Everything looks normal, but I'm a bit scared to mess with it right now.. Any more experienced hands able to help me diagnose and make sure I don't shoot myself in the foot here? I appreciate any and all help you guys can offer!
  8. Need to be careful about which "Voice Type" your NPC uses. Sometimes the vanilla's sorting makes it so another greeting or other topics are used, because he falls into the category via Voice Type. Try creating a new one and you'll see that issue go away (along with the passive dialogue that doesn't make sense either).
  9. Would a one-second delay on your sound be appropriate? Very easy to do with NVSE.
  10. I've never tried messing with the Sounds Activate. If that's not working, it may just be a GECK limitation, but I have no idea if that's the case. If you just can't figure that out, try playing your sound through the script instead.
  11. Don't use GECK Powerup. Once upon a time, that was the preferred updater, but it's been outdated and lapped now. Instead, use GECK Extender: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64888 You'll find it has all the powerups, plus quite a bit of other content/ini stuff to make the geck as easy to use as possible (which is still a 15 year old system...)
  12. Tons of people smoke. They'll lean up against a wall and smoke as they sandbox.
  13. Glad to hear it! Let me know if you run into any other questions, happy to help. Love me some solid companion choices!
  14. Look at the Sunny Smiles companion, Ulysses, or some of the others that make existing NPCs become companions. Actually, the Joanna companion might be a good one to look at for this too. It'd be pretty easy to create a new variable "IsHired" that if 1, excludes all usual dialogue, and unlocks the companion stuff. You could also use that same variable for your trust system, or create a whole new one that further unlocks additional dialogue. Just have all of those additional dialogue pieces have >= numbers and have those actions add to the variable. A ton of companions use point systems like this, and once you figure it out, it's the easiest thing in the world to build off of.
  15. good practice to add "ref" at the end of every reference ID to differentiate the base IDs from the ref IDs. Your script command is accurate in itself, but it might be trying to disable a baseID instead of your ref because of that? I'm not sure how it would let you save your ref ID if it was a duplicate, but maybe just try adding the "ref" at the end, saving your reference, then try calling it properly in the script and see if that fixes your error (or gives you another one). But like I said, your "refID.disable" in itself is correct.
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