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  1. I dont know if this is related but my folder structure is this: data/scripts for .pex files. data/source for .psc files. My data/scripts folder also has a source folder on it but I needed to create (move? Copy? Cant remember) the source folder directly into the data folder to get scripts to work. Apologies if this is not your issue.
  2. Thank you very much for this! I searched a while ago about creating basic collision in nifscope, but I missed this info. Took me a while to work out I needed to convert BS to NI to find the havoc setting (I used I nice little application called nifopt) but now I have, and converted back, my custom mesh now has collision. Thanks again.
  3. I am currently using a couple of meshes that, for one reason or another, do not have collision. I can create collision boxes, for the most part, that can act as the meshes collision, however I can not find the right layer to stop the camera from moving through the mesh. Or clipping as it were. I have stolen collision from another mesh and I am currently using that as an invisible collision solution. This does stop the camera, but it is not a very elegant solution. I have tried numerous layer options on a collision primitive but none seem to stop the camera like a collision used from another mesh does. Am I missing something? Is there a layer I can choose on the primitive tab that would do what I need? Or do I have to add invisible static meshes to everywhere I do not want the camera to clip through? Thanks in advance.
  4. I have done something similar to this before. There are auto load assets for cave doors, however I set up a trigger box with a simple script that OnTriggerEnter moved or fasttravelled the actor to the desired location, mimicking a door. You could use a triggerbox at the entrance to your cave that used OnActivate instead I guess. In my example I created a cave opening and filled it with, Damn I cant remember exactly, some sort of black square thing. Not just one though. I had 5 or 6 of them, starting at the back of the cavity, evenly spaced to the front of the entrance. The user only ever saw black and then was transported to the other side, via the script. I used this technique because I wanted horses to move through it. Not sure I have fully understood what you wanted, but thought Id answer anyway, as a Triggerbox with a simple script might be an option.
  5. Not sure first issue. 2nd issue: Run auto clean.exe for SSEEdit and itll find your edit on the vanilla perk. ( or just load up SSEEdit normally and manually look for the perk) Right click the offending edit in the left window and hit remove. Close and save.
  6. I was happily modding away when i noticed the Riften Force Greet Guard had disappeared from the gate. Naturally I thought it was something I had done by mistake to my own esp. Checked SSEEdit. Nothing. Reverted back to an old backup of my esp. Still no guard. Loaded Skyrim through Mo2 skse (as always) WITHOUT my plugin. Still no Guard outside of Riften. Ok. Def not my plug in. I have been COC ing for months with no problems to Riften. The guard is always there. But all of a sudden. No Guard. Long story short, I have just clean uninstalled Skyrim SE 1.5 and upgraded to 1.6 (AE), so completely wiped Skyrim from my steamapps, documents and appdata (I have made a back up of all the folders - stored on my D: drive) and STILL no guard when COC to RiftenCityNorthGateExterior (or anywhere for that matter) when loading up through the SkyrimLauncher. So about as Vanilla as you can get! I just don't get it. Any help very much appreciated. *EDIT* Ok. Mystery solved. I feel a fool. Basically, as i was in this position, by reinstalling the game completely, I wondered if the guard was somehow linked to some game start up functions. Seems I was correct. Having just spent the last 15 mins, painfully, playing the opening scene/s and getting out of Helgen, I COC'd to Riften and low and behold the git is standing there! What and how made him stop standing there from my setup whilst working on my mod on 1.5 is still confusing to me, as, like I say, I'd been COC ing to Riften from game startup for months with no issues. If anyone has any insight as to what is going on here I'd be very grateful. But at least I am now not going completely mad.
  7. I dont think those keywords (WI) are linked to animations. But IsBlacksmithForge, for instance, is a keyword used in animations. As is IsEnchanting etc. Looking at the uses for this keyword brings up it is used in the idle blacksmith forge root. Which is Character/idle anim/ActivateRootChar/chair/blacksmithForgeRoot. Clicking on the root shows the condition of the keyword. IsBlackSmithForge. Not sure if that was what you were after, but thought I would put it down anyway.
  8. Isenchanting is linked to the animation I believe. Ishara has made a good point re: keywords. I myself have used the isenchanting keyword on a custom smelter, and also a custom oven, to get the player to use the animation used in vanilla for the enchanting table. So care should def be taken with this approach.
  9. Cant you use keywords? If objectactivated.haskeyword(isenchanting); for example Pretty sure all the crafting furnitures have keywords like isenchanting that determines what animation to play on entering. Where to check for this is a trickier problem though I guess, as you dont want to be putting it on the furniture themselves I presume. Maybe Game.FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef can help? Sorry if this helps none. Just throwing ideas.
  10. So I have an MCM option to change a global value I have used in dialogue. The global itself changes but the text of the value only changes after I have loaded the topic. I.E I talk to my npc and the text value is default, I back out of the dialogue, reopen dialogue and the text replacement is working as intended. It is the same as the actual value of the global newly changed via the MCM script. *Edit* This is because I am calling update instance global on a function attached to a script on the dialogue quest that fires from a dialogue end script fragment. I have used the update instance global function in my MCM script, after setting the global, but it does not seem to be doing what I would have hoped. Any suggestions on what I could do to get the text to update when the choice has been made on the MCM script? Why does the update instance global function work as intended when exiting dialogue, but not when exiting the MCM menu? Happy to supply more info if needed. Thanks. * SOLVED * My hunch that the update instance function needed to be called on the quest script was correct. Calling the function from the MCM script has updated the replacement text.
  11. What interior cell is being duplicated? If you want a fresh cell it is best to create a new one. Right click and hit edit on any cell in the cell view window, then when the edit box comes up, on the left is a list of all cells. Right click in that box and select new. Fill in the details as required.
  12. No. Youre not. My mistake. The primitives tab is for, yep, primitives. Youve made a straight up activator out of a model. I cant be sure but my guess is there is an issue with the model. Got any other models of light sources you can test with? I gave up, in general, making activators out of models. I much prefer, when possible, using a static object for display and wrapping a primitive activator around it. For the reasons you are experiencing. Perhaps this is possible for your sconce with a script that enables the lit version and disables the unlit? And visa versa? I tend to use two triggerboxes that enable and disable each other. One named light, the other put out. Search darkfoxs tutorial on fireplaces for more info on this approach. Sorry cant be more helpful. The way Ive described absolutely works, but may be a bit more work than you would have liked.
  13. Have you checked the player activation box on the reference? And yes, the z axis for the reference needs to be not absolute. As habit I always add 1% to all of the rotations.
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