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Everything posted by LotteryDiscountz

  1. This project looks like it's in motion: Read Books Aloud
  2. I think this link is active? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=138589298 That's not the one, unfortunately. The other one added different breeds of chickens with different plumage and stuff. It was so nice... :pinch: Darn, that sounds great! If you do find it again, let me know! And I'll keep my eye out too.
  3. I think this link is active? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=138589298
  4. Think it's that:*http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44098//? it's here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43281/?
  5. There is! Deadly Torches: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10552/?
  6. If it was her vanilla hair that looked better, here's a possible match: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36510/?
  7. I just found this one that may suit! Captains Cabin
  8. Something like this maybe? Sorry for the dark picture - was the fastest i could grab. The dress is part of leather and clothing for the Dream Girl body. Wow, that is just what I wanted, thanks so much! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/42380/? And, as a bonus you tipped me to how nice the Dream Girl body is. :) Looking into changing over from some custom Chinese CBBEish body I have now but would like to switch. (Thanks goodness for Mod Organizer, it makes such experiments so easy.)
  9. I'm interested in finding a particular type of very simple dress- a "slip dress"- for my "pretty" (and non lore) character. Most modern-look dress mods are either pretty skimpy or pretty fancy, or both. The closest I've found to what I'm looking for is Osare One Piece http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17082. The basic dress part of POTW (which I also love) is also pretty and simple, but suede-y. What I'm hoping to find is even simpler, more like the following. Does it exist yet? http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/Shopbop/p/pcs/products/susan/susan4017612867/susan4017612867_q1_1-0_336x596.jpg
  10. Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancements will let you melt down weapons and armor at a smelter. I haven't tried jewelry yet but wouldn't be surprised if that worked also. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16084//? Poking around on the Nexus I also found Vals Crafting Meltdown Alpha, which does say that it supports melting jewelry: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/874//? I have Ars Metallica and I don't think it does this. However, this simple one from Steam I found looks like it may play nicely with Ars Metallica so I'll probably give it a try. I like its RP rationale! (Others I've seen at Nexus, like Val's, look more complicated): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13204 Jewellery Smelting Recipes
  11. Hi Mondain, your question has been intriguing me so I went looking myself. Is this it? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36988/?
  12. [snip lateral-wire bra style] I thought I saw this one the other day when I was searching for a specific CBBE outfit. It may pop up at you if you use CBBE as a search term (I was searching for CBBE in title or description, under armor or clothing categories)
  13. This looks like a Japanese mirror for the particular mod you are looking for (it is not necessarily a Japanese translation): http://blog.livedoor.jp/skydb-mod/archives/21436287.html But speaking of Zangetsu on Nexus, man these models look pretty sweet! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24627/?
  14. Probably not what you're looking for, but I just stumbled across this must-have for my non-lore playthrough: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41277//?
  15. Grace Darkling's Ranger Armour. Ahh, thanks so much! With a bonus link to amazing hoods I didn't know about- swoon!
  16. Preliops, besides the upcoming version of NMM that Brokenspirit suggested earlier, there is this wonderful tool: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1334/? It has a profile feature plus so much more.
  17. that would be the merging feature from wyre bash. it merges esp files. but weapons and armor didn't work for me, so you might want to look into that a little more. Blugh... I tried using wyre bash but It just seemed too complicated and I gave up. Looks like I gotta stay under 255. Now...the 255 applies to the plugins index number, right? Walter, there is this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37981/?
  18. Hi Magnvs, you will probably be interested in the armor sets for CNHF Calyps and Nuskas Heroic Form BODY REPLACER. You can use them with some other body types like vanilla or probably UNP, too. So beautiful in a less-sexy way!
  19. Hi folks, I'm looking for the name of a particular (female?) chainmail-type armor that has a leaf decoration near the shoulder. I expect it's popular because I've seen it in screenshots over time. Here's an example I just noticed: the follower is modeling it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15823/? Thanks for any pointer!
  20. Hi Robin, even before I went Lifetime, when one of these essays came up earlier I'd suggested a "randomly chuck a pound at you" (no sub, just support) button. Now as a lifer, I doubly encourage you to put up an extra little tip jar. EDIT: You typed a rebuttal while I typed. Ignore. ;) Love the idea of gifting Premiums instead!
  21. Great updates, thanks Robin! I have a question about the way the Attributes default in the search. Currently, one checked is "Not Lore Friendly." So if it's checked, I get everything, both lore-plus and lore-minus, right? And if unchecked, I get everything *other* than specifically lore-minus? I never use content blocking since I like to see the whole sweep of author's ambitions (I rather enjoyed seeing that er, member of the hotfiles, as an abstraction). So I hadn't thought much about tagging. You've given me a good nudge on that- with >600 endrorsements but <20 taggings, I've got some work to do!
  22. Robin, this is an excellent plan for the site and for modding in general. It's exciting. I hope part of the plan will be about increasing your content moderation staff. I imagine that you're already spread a bit thin there (for example given that id 34322 is still available). Depending on how and to what corners of the net word spreads, you could have content issues sooner or later, possibly big bandwidth-impinging ones. (I'm thinking back on several years' worth of archive.org's user-placed content as an example.)
  23. For the player, I hope! I'd wear one of those. It would be like that style of mourning jewelry, but instead of the hair of the deceased...
  24. :smile: I'm thinking of working on a circlet, not sure if I can make it stick given the Havok stuff. ...But the bellybutton ring idea sounds like it would be an interesting accessory too.
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