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Everything posted by LotteryDiscountz

  1. Maybe Bethesda added it deliberately as a protection against the Honeyside mannequin issue. ("Don't blink")
  2. Thanks Lisnpuppy! If you're not seeing my reports from yesterday, and we users saw the strange-looking Dante message, it could be that the stuff was happening with that mod id so fast that one or more things broke for it. Especially once it got onto the main page, the comments were coming in extremely rapidly. In fact, I can't tell you whether or not that most-concerning comment was edited or removed yesterday, because whole threads of comments got pushed pages away in the space of an hour. EDIT, Miki, re "what's so special", the promo is still available for a look!
  3. Well, if dealing with receiving a death threat over a videogame cabbage in a pot is one of the issues, I expect I'd be in sympathy with such a decision.
  4. There was that one death threat. I believe I reported that at the time. EDIT: IIRC, I also sent in a series of several lesser-concern reports after that first one. Check report logs for "Not passing in silence?" if that's doable, and they may pop up.
  5. Zombie, the good news is, they are (taking concrete steps toward some underappreciation, anyway)! I can't wait until Dark0ne's proposed changes to endorsement system go live. It's bound to prod way more people into endorsing the mods they actually like. What we actually saw here yesterday in the hot files was the effect of "endorsement deficiency" (low endorsements in a given timeframe, even if a lot of people are downloading) on other deserving mods. It was just that CIAP was getting the kind of endorsement rate that bunches more mods should have as well.
  6. Dante, I happened to be watching at the time, I think that was just a weirdo collision of the comment edit you mentioned plus the author's coinciding hide-then-remove op.
  7. We do have an absence of facts. Besides the possibility that removal was a moderator decision, there is also the possibility that it was the author's decision, with a moderator acting on the author's request. Under those circumstances, further speculation may not be fruitful.
  8. Wow, really? This little thing has truly provided a fascinating cultural window for me, and there's one more example!
  9. Regardless of the circumstances of this particular mod, for general clarity here's the relevant guideline page: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Reporting_uploaded_files Pertinent section: Overview There might be a need to let the moderators of the site know about a particular upload page such as any of the following reasons (but not limited to just these):Illegal contentDishonorable content (uploaded against authors wishes)No file attached (for more than 48 hours)Broken download linkBogus file (joke, virus, non-related junk)False information
  10. Oh shoot, just realized 1.9.32 was supposed to fix *NPC* eyes. But I wonder if something about *PC* eyes got weird in the process?
  11. The *very* recent "patch of the patch" fixed the eyes again. It was briefly in beta, but may have gone live sometime today?
  12. Abstention system = brilliant, thanks Robin! I hope this will be reflected in an NMM update later, whereby you can see that you've abstained an endorsement for the moment, just as you can see the gold endorsements presently. Because so often I would have mod content that my chars haven't encountered yet in the game. A "fake" endorsement post-download but pre-encounter has never felt right.
  13. Hi Robin, related money question: If one goes the Supporter route and chucks 1 GBP your way, is there a later option to chuck you more 1 GBP aliquots on the occasional whim, without going premium for a month? If not, I'd recommend enabling a selector like that. (A "Show Some More Support, 1.00 GBP" type option? As I'll be using up my one-timer rather shortly...)
  14. They do not, if you do not visit the Greybeards.
  15. Depending what stage char you have, there are already different levels of ignorability for the DB MQ. If you have not seen the Greybeards for the first time, it won't trigger. If you have seen those fellas, there will be one MQ-triggering event, and you can then ignore further steps just like you can forever ignore the next steps of the main-game MQ (like, never seeing the 'Beards). At either level, you can still take the boat to Solstheim while in ignore mode.
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