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Everything posted by turfyleek93

  1. Is it possible to pull in an object (created from a mod) into the Object Window? I'm working on something for the Boston Library and want to see if it's possible to pull in the Filled Tall Bookshelves mod found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11394/? Thanks!
  2. Betrayl, Thanks for the tips! This is my first interior settlement, so I'm not sure if I have things figured out just yet. I'll take a look and see how the navmeshing looks now. I'm pretty sure the centermark is on the floor, but I'll take a look again.
  3. Hey, all.. I'm looking for some playtesters and those familiar with creating settlements in CK. I have a settlement that I would like to get some feedback on. I've been bugging the hell out of Tarsis (who has been a freakin' saint while I'm learning the CK), but he/she is only one person and there's only so much I can ask of them. So, if you're interested, let me know and I'll shoot the file over to you. Ideally, I'd like you to review the file in CK and see if I've missed anything. I'd also like you to playtest the file and see if anything is odd. Personally, I'm running into an issue placing objects in-game. They seem to turn invisible once placed, though the object's outline appears when I look at it. Thanks for volunteering!
  4. Blah, I can assist with testing until my abilities with CK improve! Let me know what I can do, if anything.
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