In response to post #49015162. #49016337, #49016562, #49019317, #49020807, #49022562, #49023832, #49024342, #49026332, #49027617, #49028217, #49028247, #49033977, #49041757, #49044022, #49057587, #49103087 are all replies on the same post. Hi OMG! their are some with a " Prudish Disposition." was they born like this, I don't think so. or has their mind been corrupted by other Prudish ideas from other closed minded adults.. the answer is yes. they have had their mind distorted, pulled or twisted out of shape. = brainwashed. but they don't know it. It is these people who become TROLLERS of Adult material.. but they have no idea WHY? So I'll forgive them, for they know not what they do, or why. ;D oh my god! what if they came across my adult mod. literally. Call the medic, they'd have an heart attack. I wonder if prudes (secretly) ever watch porn? I think the answer to that is also "Yes" -------------------- Hi Loveblanket. :armscrossed: I did look up the word hypocrite. perhaps I'm one too!. . but in the other direction. coz I never use a mod without "scantily clad women. in the pix." I know those of a "Prudish Disposition" would call me "A Pervert." :facepalm: :yes: But, I'd still say I'd forgive them. Coz they know not Why, they say it. From Me The Sage. "Another word of knowledge and wisdom."