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  1. simply I double clicked so while I'm here. do you use: LOOT - Load Order Optimisation Tool https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918 cos something is conflicting with something.
  2. HI I have found that The best tool to use for Skyrim is: TES5Edit. whenever I CTD. It will simply tell you that a mod is in the wrong load order and tell you where it should be. or that something is missing. my game crashed many times cos I installed all my mods manually. and TES5Edit was a blessing to me. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859 I hope this will help you :thumbsup:
  3. Hi :armscrossed: This sounds great. I was captivated with The Forgotten City Mod. so much so, I played and played through it six times. always finding another way to enjoy it. I will be on your tail, with my cash. come release date and time. :thumbsup:
  4. In response to post #57357561. #57358121, #57364681, #57365211, #57370926, #57372901 are all replies on the same post. Hi you Both. :armscrossed: I do agree with you two. and some mods do clash with others. I usually read the comments in the mods to see if others have a problem with it, before I download it. some mods just feckup the game, Completely.. no matter where they are in the load order, and no matter how you install them. A good tool to use if that happen's is: TES5Edit to see what went wrong, and which mod is the culprit. If I do get a CTD, I then use TES5Edit. I've played and modded Skyrim from when it was frist published. and found many mods that do not compute.:facepalm: :verymad: No mod manager can handle them! and I don't expect them too. and If what you say sopmac45, Then Vortex will be a lot better than NMM or MO. with the options to install mods where we please, or let Vortex do the work. . . It sounds Good, and I'll give it a try. :thumbsup: :yes: ------------- with that sorted out, and I'm happy with the outcum. I'll get back to Editing the description of my uploded Adult mod. thanks guys.
  5. In response to post #57357561. #57358121, #57364681 are all replies on the same post. Hi sopmac45 :armscrossed: I have Fallout 4 also. and also in that I use it with hundreds of mods. all installed with NMM and it works OK. It is only Skyrim that I use to get CTD. " when I installed the mods manually." I then used TES5Edit, to help. But after I upgraded my PC, with just about everything, I had to start Skyrim all over again. I then used NMM to do the work of adding all the mods in the right order. and skyrim works just fine. without having to judge which mod goes where. And that is what I hope Vortex will do. so we should have a choice to let Vortex do it automatically, or to let us mess around gussing and judging which mod goes where? :unsure: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi haguerepairguy guess how many mods that I use. as many as I can! for just about EVERYTHING. Skyrim: Total plugins 238. Active plugins 188. Active Mods 164 so I do hope Vortex will helpout with all these plugins. :thumbsup:
  6. HI After reading all the comments below, about the loadorder issue. I'll just say this: I have Dyslexia and number blindness. I even have trouble counting my fingers and toes! We / I, need a mod Manager that automatically adds all the mods in the right sequence, so that they all work together. with no fuss. NMM does that. and the best that I've ever used. Skyrim is my game, and it works brill when using NMM. I sometimes use Loot. but found I didn't have too. Vortex sounds good to use. I do hope so.
  7. In response to post #49015162. #49016337, #49016562, #49019317, #49020807, #49022562, #49023832, #49024342, #49026332, #49027617, #49028217, #49028247, #49033977, #49041757, #49044022, #49055282, #49057587, #49103087, #49156727 are all replies on the same post. Hi Andarus2 HaHa! . YEP!. That's the nature of the beast. " like an essential property of the thing." :teehee: I give Thanks to all the brill animators and Modders.
  8. In response to post #49015162. #49016337, #49016562, #49019317, #49020807, #49022562, #49023832, #49024342, #49026332, #49027617, #49028217, #49028247, #49033977, #49041757, #49044022, #49057587, #49103087 are all replies on the same post. Hi OMG! their are some with a " Prudish Disposition." was they born like this, I don't think so. or has their mind been corrupted by other Prudish ideas from other closed minded adults.. the answer is yes. they have had their mind distorted, pulled or twisted out of shape. = brainwashed. but they don't know it. It is these people who become TROLLERS of Adult material.. but they have no idea WHY? So I'll forgive them, for they know not what they do, or why. ;D oh my god! what if they came across my adult mod. literally. Call the medic, they'd have an heart attack. I wonder if prudes (secretly) ever watch porn? I think the answer to that is also "Yes" -------------------- Hi Loveblanket. :armscrossed: I did look up the word hypocrite. perhaps I'm one too!. . but in the other direction. coz I never use a mod without "scantily clad women. in the pix." I know those of a "Prudish Disposition" would call me "A Pervert." :facepalm: :yes: But, I'd still say I'd forgive them. Coz they know not Why, they say it. From Me The Sage. "Another word of knowledge and wisdom."
  9. Hi Astonishing and Amazing. :thumbsup: And Bookmarked from youtube. I'll subscribe when I sign in.
  10. Hi again :armscrossed: OK I've got it! " The New NMM. " Why change the name of something that's brill and well known. and well recognized throughout the mod using community worldwide. changing the name will confuse and bewilder. :unsure: Like my dyslexic spelling when I apply for a new job. :facepalm:
  11. Hi there. :armscrossed: Why not just call it. " NMM update." that sould do it. just click YES, if you want it. or just click Cancel if you don't. :thumbsup: ;D
  12. In response to post #47079540. #47096285, #47103160, #47103935, #47123850 are all replies on the same post. Hi blueraga Well OK then, Thanks. :smile: I was thinking that I'm going to start the quest allover again. and do it a different way. so I uncheck it, and I'll now turn it back on to start it again. :thumbsup: --------------------- At the moment I'm playing ( Qaxe's Questorium by Qaxe Qaixaci.)
  13. In response to post #47079540. #47096285, #47103160 are all replies on the same post. Hi R0NlN :armscrossed: I'm glad you likes it.:woot: . . Notice I didn't give her name, or what law. :laugh: that you will have to findout for yourself.
  14. In response to post #47079540. Hi again Well I have just played The Forgotten City throughout the night. from when I downloaded it till now. and quite enjoyed it. though I did get everyone killed by letting the woman out the room. :ohmy: but I made a save just before I did. So, I'm going back to that save, to try and stop the law from happening. if it's at all posable. ;D :thumbsup:
  15. Hi I would rather play a game than watch a movie. In-game you are there with action. controlling it, and being the actor. something that the couch potatoes who just watch films can't seem to grasp. I'll have a look into The Forgotten City. :thumbsup: Ok then, I'm just downloading it now. I've been playing Skyrim for years, one of my favorite games of all time. It's the modders who make the game the best.
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