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Posts posted by WightMage

  1. In response to post #58546516.

    Frankfranky wrote:

    Crank, srs?


    Mb I am not seeing this the same way as you. What I am seeing is Nexus saying "thx mod authors for giving us a reason to exist. Thx for letting us earn from your work. We would like to give some of that back. And users, here is your chance to get involved too, if you choose to get involved"


    Like any new system there will doubtless be teething problems, and tears, but I think it is a step in the right direction.


    If you have a better idea, I am sure everyone would love to hear it. Mb we can code loot boxes into our mods?

    Eww, man, that brings back bad memories of the one chap that pretty much *did*.

    Well, ok, not a lootbox... but microtransactions nonetheless.
  2. In response to post #58562056. #58570636, #58571101 are all replies on the same post.

    DaedalusMachina007 wrote: Too bad I wouldn't be welcome in the UK under any circumstances. Maybe Exeter isn't like the rest of the area and actually treats me as a human despite my appearance.
    zodiaccat wrote: Are you a synth?
    DaedalusMachina007 wrote: Considering how hostile the UK is to people based on appearance, religion, and national origin (as well as severe suppression of free speech), I might as well be.

    You have me kinda curious now...
  3. In response to post #40523650. #41286225 is also a reply to the same post.

    bben46 wrote:

    If you are a supporter or premium and are still seeing ads. They are NOT from Nexus. You have been hijacked by an ad stealing application.

    Many of these can be cleaned using the FREE JRT program from Malwarebytes. It runs fast and is from a well respected and ligit anti-malware company.


    Be sure to get it from the official site here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/junkwareremovaltool/


    It does not replace your anti virus and does not run in background or stay in memory.

    CeticDragon wrote: Uh...malwarebytes is a dot ORG, not a dot COM (At least I've never seen it as such)

    Good old MB, best antivirus ever. ^^
  4. In response to post #32618190. #32629530 is also a reply to the same post.

    Usseryl wrote: Less than two days ago, I purchased a lifetime membership and the same day illegal use of my CC occurred in another state, forcing me to cancel my credit card. The fraudulent charge was made electronically at a Krogers in Texas. This was the only on line purchase I had made in several days. Maybe its totally unrelated but you will have to pardon me if I am skeptical.
    xander2077 wrote: an associate of mine had the same issue and swore it was because of a website he purchased from, but these days almost every online purchase is pretty damned secure, so that was not the case and it was probably not the case here either. what we found out (and is most likely the case in your instance) is that when you purchase at a gas station you dont normally frequent or a convenience store (as he did with the same card) it is not uncommon for unscrupulous employees of these gas stations or convenience stores to rig a card reader of some sort in tandem with the official store reader and siphon the information off of your purchase to spoof purchases elsewhere. once they did this, they were able to order dominoes pizza in several different states and some other items in the space of a few hours, so most likely they passed the card info out to their buddies once they found out how much the account on the card had in it. the danger of them being able to snatch the card info in this way is usually most cc swipe purchases at gas stations dont need the security of online purchases, like address match or your pin. and they already have everything they need to make a purchase right there, all they have to do is plug that info in anywhere they want. so if you are worried about cc info leaking, then dont use the same one for online purchases as you do for other things. what i do is instead of using a major credit or debit card for purchases, i use prepaid cards, that way there is only going to be what i put on it, and it doesn’t tie into any bank accounts. sure some vendors online might fuss over a prepaid card, but if they dont like it, there is usually another vendor that can get you the same product and will accept your prepaid no problem. i have only seen one vendor reject my card because it was prepaid and they no longer get my business. anyone else treats it like just another cc.

    This is exceedilong common, and only costs a few bucks at a computer parts store to rig.
  5. In response to post #32546335. #32735595 is also a reply to the same post.

    Tefle Huden wrote: Perhaps I did not see it when I read it, but does this affect Premium Members and our account information for what we've donated? I know at one point I donated quite a bit to Nexus. I'm just checking to ensure that has not been compromised in this breach, as I would need to notify my financial institutions.

    You may message me privately with an answer if you wish. Thank you Nexus Staff.
    phantompally76 wrote:

    On behalf of everyone else here with even a shred of common sense and decency, I would like to apologize that your question was addressed in such a condescending and inconsiderate manner, especially the "If you could read you would have seen" part.. I don't know why that's allowed, nor do I know why it seems to be encouraged. I don't like it, but other than to reinforce that I don't approve of it, there's nothing I can do about it. But again, I'm sorry you were treated that way. I mean, a simple "yes" or "no" would have sufficed.....

    Hey, the post in question got deleted. ^^

    Edit: Nevermind. Was posted elsewhere.
  6. In response to post #31699195. #31709590, #31710865, #31717215, #31727420, #31727725, #31727755, #31735675, #31736475, #31737125, #31745975, #31747430, #31762590, #31770575, #31770655, #31770875, #31775185, #31778925, #31779245, #31780640, #31785130, #31785185, #31786765, #31806700, #31808850, #31811630, #31817170, #31846715, #31849190, #31856815, #31866030, #31877395, #31877985, #31881445, #31885980, #31893710, #31897225, #31899965, #31901575, #31906245, #31910235, #31914830, #31930150, #31951615, #31978895, #31980730, #31990045, #31998065, #32076080, #32098525, #32104420 are all replies on the same post.

    rickman wrote: If you are reading this Robin, know this: the community is supportive BECAUSE you share this stuff outright, clearly, and with incredible haste. If you treated us like Sony did in December of 2012, knowing the problem and denying it for two weeks or more, we'd probably be a lot less kind. There is also this to consider: You told us EXACTLY what, who, when, and how, as soon as you could, and in plain, simple terminology. I (and most likely about 10,000,000 others) appreciate a straightforward answer when there is an issue. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are kind and humble about it. If someone was mad at the employees of Nexus after your immaculate behavior, They are clearly not the kind of individual that we should be associated with as a user base. I personally love this site for a myriad of reasons, to explain it would take a ten+ page essay to enumerate all of the reasons why. To be clear though, the biggest reason, THE STAFF TREATS THE USER BASE LIKE PEOPLE. Despite there being 10,000,000 of us, we don't feel like faceless numbers. And that is because you seem to CARE. Don't stop doing that, and this awesome community will probably never devolve.

    Thank you for being the best you can be.
    JZSquared wrote: ^This sums up my feelings exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.
    Lokie7 wrote: I second this, entirely. Well said.
    Netsplite wrote: ^ +1
    ZedLeppelin wrote: A wee bit verbose, (and I know verbose!), but rather well said and pretty damn accurate. The Nexus staff treats people like people, not numbers.
    Inboundwhisper wrote: +1
    Inboundwhisper wrote: +1
    Aricole wrote: +1
    lordmanticore wrote: +1
    btgbullseye wrote: +1
    xenonblade wrote: +1
    AlexZander40 wrote: Well said. May the modding goodness continue.
    DFX2K9 wrote: Agreed. no matter who you are, and how much money you've got, you're going to get a breach at some point. At least you salted the passwords, and use a hashing algorithm..

    More then I can say for my local Library's system. A breach in THAT database would be catastrophic (note, it sends you your old password via email, that should give you an idea of how terrible it is)
    Legion563 wrote: +1.
    ExtremeMod911 wrote: Absolutely :)
    Domifax wrote: +1
    Bernt wrote: Totally agree :)
    Dragodian777 wrote: "Ditto"...well said.
    Saltamontes1980 wrote: +1
    I concur, thank you Dark0ne.
    dagstar132 wrote: good point well made. transparency in operation and intention is paramount.

    Thanks for sharing.

    JD777 wrote: +(1 X infinity) :)
    JD777 wrote: Sorry double post but no delete button. :(
    MTZGG wrote: Ad Victoriam.
    Mycu wrote: 100% agreed.
    Mindprobe24 wrote: +1, nice words dude ;)
    Jn_Panower wrote: +1 !
    Stargazer2893 wrote: +1
    Erez747 wrote: +1 Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
    Slimysumocow wrote: Definitely +1 for the wonderful Dark0ne and the rest of the Nexus team! Thank you guys!
    EWM333 wrote: well said Richard, this is a great community. Thanks Robin for giving modders and gamers a way to play games on a higher level
    MooseUpNorth wrote: Very well said. +1
    Bram1970 wrote: +1
    grimgagorim wrote: +1 well said, well said
    Terafir wrote: I only signed up for this site about 3 weeks ago. So it made me a bit wary on what was going on. But, as everything was extremely clearly said and given, I have no concerns whatsoever about the security of the site.

    It's not often that things are spoken so clearly and honestly from any company.

    Arksum007 wrote: While I have not been a member before this year I have found that this site is great the constant updates are amazing and like everyone else is saying that being treated like a real person is a great benefit for me and makes me want to continue using this site for finding all my mods. thanks for the update and keep up the good work!
    padawanjedi wrote: +1
    shinru2004 wrote: +1 ^
    kev999 wrote: I second rickman. Well done, Team Nexus.
    zidders wrote: Well said.
    LogikBomb wrote: Hear, hear
    ijc1927 wrote: Excellently put. +1
    conjior wrote: +1 as well! Treat people like people.
    Thanks again to the Nexus community and the Nexus team!
    I love this place! :)
    rimshot47 wrote: nice recap of a potentially ugly situation.. Not sure what provokes hackers to do this...
    Blake81 wrote: The Lulz.

    The ones doing this kind of stuff are usually Script Kiddies looking for a scrap of fame, or just for the wicked accomplishment of looking at these news and cackling while they wish they had a dastardly whiplash they could twirl.
    qqq122 wrote: +1
    thank you robin for all the information
    Mileniumman wrote: The same for me, my feelings exactly.

    seba1337 wrote: Damn right! +10
    Toft wrote: +1 and very well said

    Simon (Toft)
    BlueGunk wrote: Well said.
    LaMuerte wrote: +1
    stalphyr wrote: +10,000,000

    I agree SUMS it to the Max how I feel. If i where a Suspicious person I would think Rickman had Invaded my mind and took the words form my WEWEEEE Little Brain. But since he did post it 1st I will .......HEY Wait a Minute If he HAD Access to my WEWEEEE Brain he could have stopped me from Posting those EXACT Words .... Requires thinking ......Willl get back to you Later I think........

    Anywasy Great Job ALl

    Keep this post bumped to the top, mates! Says everything that needs to be said, and more!


  7. In response to post #30244950. #30259185, #30295245, #30305985, #30323060 are all replies on the same post.

    Seremoth wrote: I am just a user but I have this to say. Please expand the donation system!!!!!!!

    -Create a prominent donation button next to endorse button. No more pop-ups though.
    -Create titles, with coloring depended on the donation. Let people know who supported which mod.
    -Make the nexus profiles a little more interactive as if they were a mini-game themselves.

    Any side-effects from "pointing out" donators and having a shiny big donation button will be overshadowed by the benefits. Good modders may never have the chance to maintain/create a mod because they also have to work for food. Give them an extra motivation!
    ElmoStoned wrote: to the top :)
    MyLittleEmpath wrote: I second this notion. Strongly.
    mkess wrote: I agree.

    Besides, a donate button near the download button makes NO sense, because you have to test the mod first.

    I will make much more sense if you are endorsing the mod. Because at that point you are sure, the mod is a worthwhile one.

    And make it easy, giving some predefined values for donating, starting with 1$. It's like a tip in a restaurant. It's very easy, and people a likely to pay 1$ or 2$ without thinking about it.

    Maybe there should be one button, that gives the autor 1$ and endorses at the same time, making it very easy to pay at least a little tip, while endorsing the mod? I bet, that would even appeal to the people, who normaly don't pay anything.

    This is the point, there I am most likely to make a donation. But I will never ever make a donation while downloading a new mod. Maybe it should be worked into the Nexus Mod Manager, too?
    Seremoth wrote: Exactly. A brief pop up just before you download is usually quickly skipped by someone who wants to download and test the mod. However after the user tests it and goes back to the nexus, excited, wanting to endorse that mod, then he should also see an option to donate.

    And what you say about reminding people that even a small tip like an 1$ donation would be significant, by having this small prefixed amount to the donation button, is very true and will make almost everyone consider donating.

    Keep this baby bumped!
  8. In response to post #28756709.

    MotoSxorpio wrote:

    Well, it really fascinates me how some people hate their own rights so much to the extent that they'd go to unimaginable lengths to argue against their own rights that the laws clearly grant them. It really saddens me to see that the majority of people, specially here in a supposedly creative community, are essentially brainwashed to see the corporations as their indisputable overlords ruling over their lives and are unwilling to even consider any opposing views or even facts. Not unlike other fanatics. No wonder these companies can get away with almost anything.

    I can't be bothered to try to enlighten you lot any further, if you want to believe you have no rights over your own work despite the fact it is something laws clearly grant you, then so be it. Have fun worshiping Bethesda. I'm outta here.

    You don't read much, do you?


    This thread is about getting money into the pockets of mod authors here. The problem seems to be surrounding the EULA we all sign.


    Or did I miss something?

    He doesn't understand that:

    1) You don't actually own any of the rights to mods created using Bethesda's software. When you run Creation Kit you have to agree to a TOS which says as much..


    2) If Dark0ne makes even one wrong move, Bethesda can and will sue him and the Nexus into non existence.

    I'd say there's some idiocy there stemming from entitlement and a gross misunderstanding of what kinds of "rights" we actually have, but, eh.
  9. In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335, #27704350, #27705270, #27709465, #27714420, #27717690, #27732750 are all replies on the same post.

    Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
    Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

    Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

    Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
    crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
    MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

    Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
    Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
    Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
    SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
    Madcat221 wrote:
    Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

    You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
    Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
    AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
    thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
    EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

    But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
    <= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

    But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
    madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
    Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
    llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
    Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

    Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

    Stereotypes rules minds these days.
    t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
    Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

    I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
    The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

    One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

    I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

    That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
    Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
    It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
    nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

    *Hugs Llama* :)
    lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
    cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
    cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
    llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

    @cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

    :) llama
    DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
    CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
    bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

    8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
    Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

    Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
    taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

    All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
    CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

    So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

    Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
    akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

    It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
    JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

    nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
    Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

    Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
    Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
    I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
    Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
    Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
    thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
    Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
    ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
    Saerileth wrote:
    I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

    Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
    Signette wrote:
    Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

    Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

    Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

    That's the gaming industry today.
    Saerileth wrote:
    Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

    You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
    BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
    CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
    tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
    CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
    megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
    KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
    Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
    tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
    Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
    Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

    My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

    Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
    cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
    Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
    Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

    A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

    If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
    Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
    BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
    OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

    Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
    v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

    Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
    Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

    Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
    shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
    Just take a look at

    As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

    There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

    Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)
    Winjin wrote: Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)
    NickSheperd wrote: I don't know what planet you're living on. But the gaming industry here on Earth has done absolutely no such thing.
    Lamproly wrote: "I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods?"

    Nude doesn't bother me. Skimpiness does. Many females pay attention to style and sense of fashion. So if you have a nice armor and just cut out the crotch area and tights, it may attract a male, but is otherwise completely senseless and not aesthetically pleasing anymore. It just looks like they forgot to put on their trousers.
    This makes me really sad because skimpiness for its own sake ruins some good designs.

    I'd also like a tag that you just can hide it in the search. Saves much time.

    tiwa44 wrote: Lamproly, it already exists:

    In the account options popup, click on "block content", then you have a whole bunch of things you can choose to block, such as skimpy stuff. For example, i use it to block translations and saved games. It works really well, shame so many people don't even know it exists.
    SammySahm wrote: "But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small."

    I, too, was stunned.
    azterixmc wrote: Haha, same here! My younger sister loves playing Skyrim and I have just introduced her to modding. I think I've been a positive influence in turning her over to the geek side. ;)

    @Elianora, you're one of my favorite modders btw, keep up the awesome work!
    miketheratguy wrote: I was surprised by the gender percentages as well. I think more women would feel comfortable browsing this site if they didn't run across absurdly giant breasts and transparent dental floss "armor" roughly every eleven seconds.

    Oh cripes, I didn't realize half of those people you listed were women! xD

    Least of all Jaxonz and zzjay.
  10. In response to post #24925259. #24926814, #24940699, #24942334, #24942359, #24945094, #24945739, #24945999 are all replies on the same post.

    lesliewifeofbath wrote: Sir, your position on donations sicken me as I saw you kick off fantastic mod (Skyrim Romance) just few months ago for just asking for donations. I see nothing wrong with that, especially since it was a very complex mod that required voice actors.

    I think you need to get a grip, stop complaining and come up with a reasonable policy regarding donations.

    And no, I'm not author of any mod, lest you try and ban me too.

    Trollkins wrote: What? The authors tried to start a $50,000 Kickstarter for their mod. Even they admitted it was misguided and against Betheda's T&Cs.

    I think with all the horrible events going on in the world you need to take a step back, get some perspective and work out what really 'sickens' you.
    phantompally76 wrote: It's a legitimate comparison. Several of the mod authors who are whining about not being able to make money off mods RIGHT NOW were active participants in the public witch hunt that brought down Mara. That's one of the reasons I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. They are hypocrites, through and through. ESPECIALLY when one considers that 80% of those paid mods were still in early development, and those authors were asking for money to develop them further....which is exactly what Mara was doing. Furthermore, at least 12 of them piggybacked assets from other mods, and 5 of them ripped assets from other games entirely, and in their eyes that was GROSSLY immoral and enraging when Mara did it.....but it was perfectly acceptable when they did it.

    No, if anyone deserves to be completely smug and haughty towards the entire modding community right now, it's Mara. I like to think she is maniacally cackling with glee as the modding community continues to devour its own tail. But in reality, she's probably not even that kind of person, and is just as saddened by this turn of events as the rest of us.

    I'm not saying what she did was right or justifiable. I'm simply pointing out that a very large percentage of this community who persecuted and condemned her are now shamelessly and unrepentantly guilty of the same turpitude. And THAT is the underlying problem with this community.

    TL;DR: Not a single advocate for the monetization of amateur modding has a moral/ethical/critical leg to stand on when it comes to Mara and the Skyrim Romance Mod, and any attempt to dismiss the parallels with that situation is ignorant hypocrisy at its very core.

    WightMage wrote: They got kicked off the Nexus? Now I have a sad, as well. :'(

    Though to be fair, the Romance Mod, despite being awesome and well made, used too many assets in addition to the fact its a Skyrim mod at the end of the day. Running a Kickstarter like that is just asking for trouble.

    Honestly, the Nexus would have probably had to remove the mod just to save themselves the possible liabilities involved.
    Vesuvius1745 wrote: The dude should have asked Bethesda for permission. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they would have worked something out.
    WightMage wrote: Found this imgur explaining what happened to the Skyrim Romance Mod:


    EDIT: Finished reading Imgur... appears that in addition to a bad attitude, most of the mod (including the main character, Bishop) was actually lifted word for word from the Neverwinter Nights 2 character of the same name, down to the descriptions. Apparently there was a romance mod out for the game too, from which several dialogue options were also lifted.

    In other words, not only did she break the law of three different companies (Nexus, Bethesda, Kickstarter) but she is guilty of plagiarism and attempting to profit off of stolen work.

    I'm disgusted. As much as it pains me (for its still a decent mod), I cannot support this bullshit. Out the mod goes.
    Vesuvius1745 wrote: Doh!
    phantompally76 wrote: She's certainly no saint.

    But neither is the author of that extremely biased imagur post.

    At the end of the day, she was no better or no worse than the community who condemned her.

    At least two of the paid sword mods were lifted directly from DOTA2.

    Furthermore, many (but not all, of course) mod authors are notorious for having bad attitudes by individuals outside this community (and by no small number of individuals within).

    And every single proponent of paid modding is guilty of wanting to profit off of stolen work. It's just a question of permissions given and legalities defined (both of which were, and continue to be extremely grey areas in relation to paid mods).

    Mara was no more or less scrupulous than anyone else around here, from top to bottom. She was simply ahead of her time.

    There's a slight flaw with your comparison, however. At least DOTA is owned by Valve- they likely gave permission for those mod authors to make those weapons.

    However, the Neverwinter series is not- and given that she lifted the character directly from the game with little attempt at modifying it, she would have had no legal recourse to protect herself should the publisher of Neverwinter (Atari, developed by Obsidian) take notice. Furthermore, unless Valve can deny culpability, they too could be included as an accomplice if she tried to host it through Steam Workshop.

    As it is, she decided to take the boneheaded route of launching a Kickstarter campaign, which is as public as you can get. She was setting herself up for failure.

    Look at it this way. Do you really think anyone would be able to get away with selling a Link npc character complete with a Hyrulian Shield and the Master Sword? And for how long? And what could their possible defense be? "Creative license, and this character is totally INSPIRED BY a certain green wearing elf like boy. No, that's totally not a Triforce, and besides you can't copyright a bunch of triangles-"

  11. In response to post #24925259. #24926814, #24940699, #24942334, #24942359 are all replies on the same post.

    lesliewifeofbath wrote: Sir, your position on donations sicken me as I saw you kick off fantastic mod (Skyrim Romance) just few months ago for just asking for donations. I see nothing wrong with that, especially since it was a very complex mod that required voice actors.

    I think you need to get a grip, stop complaining and come up with a reasonable policy regarding donations.

    And no, I'm not author of any mod, lest you try and ban me too.

    Trollkins wrote: What? The authors tried to start a $50,000 Kickstarter for their mod. Even they admitted it was misguided and against Betheda's T&Cs.

    I think with all the horrible events going on in the world you need to take a step back, get some perspective and work out what really 'sickens' you.
    phantompally76 wrote: It's a legitimate comparison. Several of the mod authors who are whining about not being able to make money off mods RIGHT NOW were active participants in the public witch hunt that brought down Mara. That's one of the reasons I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. They are hypocrites, through and through. ESPECIALLY when one considers that 80% of those paid mods were still in early development, and those authors were asking for money to develop them further....which is exactly what Mara was doing. Furthermore, at least 12 of them piggybacked assets from other mods, and 5 of them ripped assets from other games entirely, and in their eyes that was GROSSLY immoral and enraging when Mara did it.....but it was perfectly acceptable when they did it.

    No, if anyone deserves to be completely smug and haughty towards the entire modding community right now, it's Mara. I like to think she is maniacally cackling with glee as the modding community continues to devour its own tail. But in reality, she's probably not even that kind of person, and is just as saddened by this turn of events as the rest of us.

    I'm not saying what she did was right or justifiable. I'm simply pointing out that a very large percentage of this community who persecuted and condemned her are now shamelessly and unrepentantly guilty of the same turpitude. And THAT is the underlying problem with this community.

    TL;DR: Not a single advocate for the monetization of amateur modding has a moral/ethical/critical leg to stand on when it comes to Mara and the Skyrim Romance Mod, and any attempt to dismiss the parallels with that situation is ignorant hypocrisy at its very core.

    WightMage wrote: They got kicked off the Nexus? Now I have a sad, as well. :'(

    Though to be fair, the Romance Mod, despite being awesome and well made, used too many assets in addition to the fact its a Skyrim mod at the end of the day. Running a Kickstarter like that is just asking for trouble.

    Honestly, the Nexus would have probably had to remove the mod just to save themselves the possible liabilities involved.
    Vesuvius1745 wrote: The dude should have asked Bethesda for permission. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they would have worked something out.

    Found this imgur explaining what happened to the Skyrim Romance Mod:


    EDIT: Finished reading Imgur... appears that in addition to a bad attitude, most of the mod (including the main character, Bishop) was actually lifted word for word from the Neverwinter Nights 2 character of the same name, down to the descriptions. Apparently there was a romance mod out for the game too, from which several dialogue options were also lifted.

    In other words, not only did she break the law of three different companies (Nexus, Bethesda, Kickstarter) but she is guilty of plagiarism and attempting to profit off of stolen work.

    I'm disgusted. As much as it pains me (for its still a decent mod), I cannot support this bullshit. Out the mod goes.
  12. In response to post #24936654.

    sunshinenbrick wrote:


    In response to post #24930654. #24931014, #24933594 are all replies on the same post.

    pleasenoname wrote: I listened to the entire 2 hour Total Biscuit interview. Saw it posted on
    steam. Shared is with several people 3 or so days ago. I have read nearly
    every major discussion that occured during the controversy. I am one of
    the few people who can claim neutrality, because I was busy at the time.

    I contacted the guy who made SkyUI a few weeks before what I will refer
    to henceforth as the, "Modpocalypse 2015". I was hoping he could give me
    some tips on inserting SVG graphics I made into the game map/menu. I
    was going ahead on researching how to do it myself, his help would have
    sped up the process considerably though.

    So I went up to the mountain top to work on the problem myself in
    isolation. At the same time I was putting together another computer. I
    diligently learned about the menu system from fragmentary sources. Some
    Bethesda programmer from 2011 in posts said that he could talk about a
    limited set of things regarding it(meaning the menu system is DRM-ified).
    The menus are in flash format and some are in Scaleform flash format,
    which in my opinion is DRM encryption.

    I found a decompiler needed to access the content of the flash files.
    Unfortunately I had to change my Java setting to run through my browser
    to the decompiler in an unsecure way. More on that later

    The next problem was that I needed to recompile my art into the files.
    So long story short I had to download the Unreal engine to use it to
    interact with the scaleform DRM flashform. O, what is this though? I am
    told I must have the flash developement tool from adobe to use the
    command window that deals with scaleform in Unreal engine. It's "only"
    $700, thats all. Then some rep says, "Student edition $100. At that point I
    don't care how much student edition is because i am insulted at the web
    of DRM and consumerism that is blocking my way from being creative.
    That's the "Great Paywall" right there.

    So I find a command line tool that requires me to make a batch file. Text
    is written in the batch file that directs stuff to file location and there
    are flags written in the batch file to configure how it compiles. I am not a
    programmer so setting the flags is a matter of trial and error for me.

    I sucessfully alter the menu with the command line tool, however the
    flags are incorrect so the game crashes on menu open. Still more trial and
    error to go. Unbeknownst to me during my isolation the Modpacalypse
    had started. Since hearing about paid mods I fell into a deep sadness and
    couldn't play Skyrim at all. Also Chinese hackers invaded my computer
    through the Java connection used for the decomiler and even boot time
    scan wouldn't remove the virus infestaion and I had to remove the hard
    drive completely. This is the main reason I missed the Modpocalyse.

    Eventually I came down from my mountain of isolation with my half
    finished stone tablets as it were of modifications. And from a distance I
    saw the modding community making a golden calf or perhaps a gear logo,
    it was on the horizen, hard to see. Everyone was going crazy and doing
    all manner of wild things and I asked my brother aa..., I mean Dark0ne
    (Robin Scott), "I left you to watch over them, why have not you stopped
    this?". And he said to me, "They gave me gold and forced me to do it".
    At the ignobility of it I threw down the stone tablet of unfinished mods on
    the ground and it broke into pieces.

    I then try to see the paymods that are up during the end of the
    Modpocalypse. I notice they all have cover art like some slick advertising
    campaign, that makes me wonder how that could be organized on such
    short notice. I see the conversation on Reddit and watch as Gabe dodges
    questions about DRM and exclusivity(meaning he plans to enact it if
    possible). Also I should mention that the money to the Nexus from the
    workshop while in your mind, as well as your lawyers mind as being clear
    legally, is not safe in a social context.

    The intent of the money is because some people believe that if they give
    you money that they have you or you owe them. Its a win-win for the
    giver of the money in that if things go sour the community percieves that
    you sold out. So its a lose-lose for you to take that money
    I believe the distributor involved in this sees you as competition, because
    it is trying to make it self the one shop stop for everything (just look at
    the Community tab).

    That is why they left for the weekend and walked
    away. When it was said, "Didn't someone speak to you" that translates
    into didn't you get your money, go away. You are British so you may not
    see that. There are minor differences in communication style.

    This is further demonstrated in the comments of a certain mod author that
    took his pay mod down. Someone else's assets were in it and he was in a
    non-disclosure agreement with the distributor. The advice he got from the
    distributor was to go ahead post the mod up its fair game. So in effect
    they encouraged stealing. Then after he did the right thing by requesting it
    be taken down, they told him that they wouldn't remove it unless made to
    by the law. It was theirs.

    Both business insider and Forbes articles were written about how it was
    such a bad idea.
    Also I noticed LFD2 doesn't have pay mods. something to think about.
    I believe it was purposeful to create division in the community.

    And so after the stone tablet modifications lay on the ground as shards,
    the golden calf was melted down. Everyone was made to drink the melted
    down gold. Brum... something, protested and called me a "terrorist", while
    he was sitting next to a guy named Toatl, despite the fact I was on the
    mountaintop during the entire Modpocalypse. Then my brother Dark0ne
    and that Brum guy said, you don't contribute enough and you were on the
    mountaintop this whole time, you feel "entitled".

    Dark0ne, you have said that it takes $500,000 to run the servers
    apparently. Perhaps the community should off load this expensive cost
    from you. There are many good programmers in the community that could
    make a peer to peer client that could be used by the tens of thousand or
    millions of Skyrim or other game players to host the mods in part on
    their computers in decentralized parts. This would offload monetary
    concerns from you.
    Vesuvius1745 wrote: You, sir, are brilliant (and a good writer).
    pleasenoname wrote: If the next Bethesda game has pay mods, I won't buy it.
    One of Dark0ne's news posts says that we won't uninstall steam.

    I will. When I played Civ 4 there was 2 PR reps in the forum and 80% of the community there was against distributing Civ 5 only in steam. I got LFD2 to test if steam was DRM during that time. It indeed was. I never bought Civ 5. Someone gave it to me later though. I never play it

    That is the only reason I had steam and I decided to give Skyrim one chance with it, however I dislike the ads that constantly pop-up whenever I start it.

    This is all a part of the casino-fication of gaming that started with MMO's and has continued with unlock keys in game for random items (essentially gambling) and micro-transactions.

    I posted on the steam forums for Shadowrun, which I have from gog.com, a DRM free game distributor.
    Someone said they wouldn't buy Shadowrun without achievements. I told them that achievements were apart of the casino-fication of gaming in that corporations give out countless awards to the employees to boost the confidence of the employees so that they do more. It's like a cheap way of getting more out of them without paying more.

    The entire thread was deleted, just because I brought up the casino-fication of gaming.
    I'm not a gambler.

    This brings me to my next idea; Why don't we have a monetary prize for mod of the month or year? The entire community could contribute to the prize and the winner that month or year gets it.

    Another idea is custom mods made under the patronage system for specific people.

    O, wait that's against Bethesda's terms of service and the Nexus's policies as well.

    No wonder some people were mad, Bethesda and company were violating their own EULA.



    Check out Rebel47's post on the idea of proposing such a system (in collaboration with Bethesda) in order to promote the best mods:




    Show a voice of endorsement if you think the idea would be at least better than the spanner people were recently thrown.

    His ideas certainly ARE great, but... it would be a logistics nightmare for the mod review page. x.x
  13. In response to post #24925259. #24926814, #24940699 are all replies on the same post.

    lesliewifeofbath wrote: Sir, your position on donations sicken me as I saw you kick off fantastic mod (Skyrim Romance) just few months ago for just asking for donations. I see nothing wrong with that, especially since it was a very complex mod that required voice actors.

    I think you need to get a grip, stop complaining and come up with a reasonable policy regarding donations.

    And no, I'm not author of any mod, lest you try and ban me too.

    Trollkins wrote: What? The authors tried to start a $50,000 Kickstarter for their mod. Even they admitted it was misguided and against Betheda's T&Cs.

    I think with all the horrible events going on in the world you need to take a step back, get some perspective and work out what really 'sickens' you.
    phantompally76 wrote: It's a legitimate comparison. Several of the mod authors who are whining about not being able to make money off mods RIGHT NOW were active participants in the public witch hunt that brought down Mara. That's one of the reasons I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. They are hypocrites, through and through. ESPECIALLY when one considers that 80% of those paid mods were still in early development, and those authors were asking for money to develop them further....which is exactly what Mara was doing. Furthermore, at least 12 of them piggybacked assets from other mods, and 5 of them ripped assets from other games entirely, and in their eyes that was GROSSLY immoral and enraging when Mara did it.....but it was perfectly acceptable when they did it.

    No, if anyone deserves to be completely smug and haughty towards the entire modding community right now, it's Mara. I like to think she is maniacally cackling with glee as the modding community continues to devour its own tail. But in reality, she's probably not even that kind of person, and is just as saddened by this turn of events as the rest of us.

    I'm not saying what she did was right or justifiable. I'm simply pointing out that a very large percentage of this community who persecuted and condemned her are now shamelessly and unrepentantly guilty of the same turpitude. And THAT is the underlying problem with this community.

    TL;DR: Not a single advocate for the monetization of amateur modding has a moral/ethical/critical leg to stand on when it comes to Mara and the Skyrim Romance Mod, and any attempt to dismiss the parallels with that situation is ignorant hypocrisy at its very core.

    They got kicked off the Nexus? Now I have a sad, as well. :'(

    Though to be fair, the Romance Mod, despite being awesome and well made, used too many assets in addition to the fact its a Skyrim mod at the end of the day. Running a Kickstarter like that is just asking for trouble.

    Honestly, the Nexus would have probably had to remove the mod just to save themselves the possible liabilities involved.
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